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open access

Development of Place-Value Numeration Concepts in Chinese Children: Ages 3 through 9

Description: This investigation examined Chinese children's development of place-value numeration concepts from ages 3 through 9, compared the development of place-value understanding of these Chinese children with that of American and Genevan children whose performances had been described in the literature, and examined the influence of adult assistance during Chinese children's performances on some of the place-value tasks.
Date: August 1995
Creator: Chang, Sy-Ning
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationships of Cross-Cultural Differences to the Values of Information Systems Professionals within the Context of Systems Development

Description: Several studies have suggested that the effect of cultural differences among Information Systems (IS) professionals from different nations on the development and implementation of IS could be important. However, IS research has generally not considered culture when investigating the process of systems development. This study examined the relationship between the cultural backgrounds of IS designers and their process-related values with a field survey in Singapore, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and… more
Date: December 1995
Creator: Holmes, Monica C. (Monica Cynthia)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues

Description: This report is a succinct overview of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship including an analysis of issues. For decades, Taiwan has been of significant security, economic, and political interest to the United States. While the United States does not diplomatically recognize Taiwan, it is a significant autonomous actor in the world.
Date: November 6, 2013
Creator: Kan, Shirley A. & Morrison, Wayne M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues

Description: This report is a succinct overview of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship including an analysis of issues. For decades, Taiwan has been of significant security, economic, and political interest to the United States. While the United States does not diplomatically recognize Taiwan, it is a significant autonomous actor in the world.
Date: November 18, 2013
Creator: Kan, Shirley A. & Morrison, Wayne M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues

Description: This report is a succinct overview of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship including an analysis of issues. For decades, Taiwan has been of significant security, economic, and political interest to the United States. While the United States does not diplomatically recognize Taiwan, it is a significant autonomous actor in the world.
Date: September 11, 2013
Creator: Kan, Shirley A. & Morrison, Wayne M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Kwan Kong Temple in Taipei

Description: The video decribes a Chinese temple, Kwan Kong temple. This documentary follows the ceremony of this temple. We will watch the interaction between the worshipers and their God. The accompanying paper reports on the production background, preproduction process, and includes discussion of the problems encountered from production through postproduction stages.
Date: May 1996
Creator: Huang, Tsuo-Yen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Military Spending, External Dependence, and Economic Growth in Seven Asian Nations: a Cross-National Time-Series Analysis

Description: The theme of this study is that seven major East Asian less developed countries (LDCs) have experienced "dependent development," and that some internal and external intervening factors mattered in that process. Utilizing a framework of "dependent development," the data analysis deals with the political economy of development in these countries. This analysis supports the fundamental arguments of the dependent development perspective, which emphasize positive effects of foreign capital dependenc… more
Date: May 1992
Creator: Ko, Sung-youn
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues

Description: This report is a succinct overview of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship including an analysis of issues. For decades, Taiwan has been of significant security, economic, and political interest to the United States. While the United States does not diplomatically recognize Taiwan, it is a significant autonomous actor in the world.
Date: December 11, 2014
Creator: Kan, Shirley A. & Morrison, Wayne M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Critical Analysis of Newspaper Development in Taiwan Since the Lifting of Martial Law

Description: This study reviews the changes in Taiwan's newspaper industry during its current period of transition. Contemporary newspaper development in Taiwan after the lifting of martial law in July 1987 is evaluated in relation to transformations in the newspaper marketplace, journalistic practices, labor relations, and freedom of expression. This study concludes that changes in Taiwan's newspaper business are closely related to changes in the country's political atmosphere. The lifting of the Ban of Ne… more
Date: August 1993
Creator: Chen, Yu-Jen, 1957-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Guam: U.S. Defense Deployments

Description: The United States military has been building up forces on the U.S. territory of Guam to increase deterrence and power projection for possible responses to crises and disasters, counter-terrorism, and contingencies in support of South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, or elsewhere in Asia. But the defense buildup on Guam is moderate. China has concerns about the defense buildup. Guam's role has increased with plans to withdraw some U.S. forces from Japan and South Korea. This report describ… more
Date: May 22, 2009
Creator: Kan, Shirley A. & Niksch, Larry A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Preliminary Study of Selected Factors Related to the Decision of Chinese Students to Remain in the United States or Return to Taiwan

Description: The purpose of this study is to explore selected factors that may be related to Chinese students' decisions to remain in the United States or return to Taiwan after they finish their studies. Based upon the Chi Square test, the results are: students likely to remain in the United States are influenced by the understanding of the life style of those Chinese who had stayed, perceived less prejudice from American people, and received political freedom in the United States. Factors influencing the … more
Date: May 1978
Creator: Cheng, Mei Lien
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Development of Television Broadcasting in Taiwan, The Republic of China (1949-1982)

Description: This study reviews the evolution of television broadcasting in Taiwan from 1949 to 1982, with emphasis on the period from 1970 to 1982. The problem was to examine the development of the television industry in Taiwan as influenced by law and regulation, politics, and social customs. This study concludes that the development of the television industry in Taiwan was indeed greatly influenced by the above three factors. Future growth of the industry, however, may be greatly hindered unless the gove… more
Date: August 1983
Creator: Li, Fulchu
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Distribution of a Novel Gram Negative, Capsule-Forming Bacterium

Description: A novel Gram negative, capsule-forming bacterium was previously isolated in Dr. G. Roland Vela's laboratory. The distribution of this bacterium in soils from various locations was investigated. Soil samples from 188 locations around the world were examined. Isolates of the bacterium were obtained from 50 of these soils, with 48 of the isolates found in soils from the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. This suggests that this region is the natural habitat of the bacterium. The other… more
Date: December 1997
Creator: Hughes, Roxana Bejarano
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan: The Convergence and Interaction of Chinese Film

Description: This study focuses on the evolution of the movie industries in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with an emphasis on the interaction and cooperation in movie production among these three areas. The study consists of three sections: a general description of the development of Chinese cinema before 1949; an overview of the movie industries in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China after the civil war; and an intensive study of the recent changes, interactions, and connections … more
Date: May 1993
Creator: Yu, Gwo-chauo
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Linkage Effect and Determinants of Direct Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer on a Developing Country's Industrialization: A Case Study of Taiwan

Description: Industrialization has held great attention in developing countries. Taiwan has demonstrated rapid industrial development. The problem of this study is to find out, what incentives the government in Taiwan has provided to foreign investors, what contributions foreign investment has made to capital formation and government revenue, and what been its impact on foreign trade and the balance of payments. The results of our study conclude that DFI and technology transfer can have a significant positi… more
Date: May 1986
Creator: Chen, Dor-Pin
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Learning Outcomes of a Mobile Travel Application in Tourism Geographic Course

Description: Mobile technologies have been adopted into education more and more. New hardware, such as smart phones and tablets, has increased the popularity of mobile technology. There are also many applications created for the fields of education and tourism. This research chose a travel application from Taiwan to apply into a tourism geographic course at the Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism College (THTC). A quasi-experiment design was applied to this study. Two classes/groups participated in the study. On… more
Date: May 2014
Creator: Chou, Chen-Hsiung
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Seasonality of Birth in Schizophrenia in Taiwan

Description: The phenomenon of seasonality of birth in schizophrenia is important in the study of the etiology of this mental disorder because it helps to give directions for further research. Patients' hospital files from 1981 to 1991 of two of the largest hospitals with psychiatric wards in Taiwan were reviewed, and dates of birth collected on 3346 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. After adjusting for the variations of the total monthly births in the population, an Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving A… more
Date: August 1993
Creator: Tam, Wai-Cheong Carl
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Human Capital Investment in Taiwan

Description: This thesis attempts to analyze the relationship between economic growth and human capital investments in Taiwan. The study's general hypothesis is that increases in human capital investments will stimulate the growth of gross national product. The data were drawn from official Taiwanese publications from different sources. The first chapter emphasizes the importance of human capital investments. Chapter II reviews the related literature. Chapter III specifies the model and research methods. Ch… more
Date: August 1987
Creator: Chen, Ching-Yi
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Democratic Reforms in Taiwan: Issues for Congress

Description: Taiwan, which its government formally calls the Republic of China (ROC), is a success story for U.S. interests in the promotion of universal freedoms and democracy. Taiwan's people and their leaders transformed politics from rule imposed from the outside with authoritarian abuses to the relatively peaceful achievement of self-government, human rights, and democracy. This report succinctly discusses Taiwan's transformation and current concerns, paying particular attention to the role of Congress… more
Date: May 26, 2010
Creator: Kan, Shirley A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990

Description: This CRS Report discusses U.S. security assistance for Taiwan, formally called the Republic of China (ROC), particularly policy issues for Congress. It also lists sales of major defense articles and services to Taiwan, as approved by the President and notified to Congress since 1990. This report uses a variety of unclassified consultations and citations in the United States and Taiwan.
Date: September 28, 2010
Creator: Kan, Shirley A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues

Description: This report is a succinct overview of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship including an analysis of issues. For decades, Taiwan has been of significant security, economic, and political interest to the United States. While the United States does not diplomatically recognize Taiwan, it is a significant autonomous actor in the world.
Date: April 22, 2014
Creator: Kan, Shirley A. & Morrison, Wayne M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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