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open access

A Treaty of Peace between the United States and Spain. Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting a Treaty of Peace between the United States and Spain, Signed at the City of Paris, on December 10, 1898.

Description: Book containing the text of the Treaty of Paris (1898) and accompanying papers, including statements from government officials, protocols from the conferences in Paris, France, and reports on colonies, protectorates, and states acquired by the United States via the treaty.
Date: 1899
Creator: United States. Senate.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The European Parliament

Description: Report that discusses the construction and history of the European Parliament (EP), its role in functions of the EU as well as internationally, various international supports and criticisms of the EP, and the EP's ties with the U.S. Congress.
Date: January 21, 2011
Creator: Archick, Kristin & Mix, Derek E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Distribution of a Novel Gram Negative, Capsule-Forming Bacterium

Description: A novel Gram negative, capsule-forming bacterium was previously isolated in Dr. G. Roland Vela's laboratory. The distribution of this bacterium in soils from various locations was investigated. Soil samples from 188 locations around the world were examined. Isolates of the bacterium were obtained from 50 of these soils, with 48 of the isolates found in soils from the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. This suggests that this region is the natural habitat of the bacterium. The other… more
Date: December 1997
Creator: Hughes, Roxana Bejarano
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Amerikanuak eta Asmoak: New World Basques and Immigration Theories

Description: The focus of this thesis is the relationship between immigration historiography and the history of Basque migration to the United States. The depictions of immigration presented by historians Oscar Handlin, Marcus Lee Hansen, and John Higham have been influential in immigration historiography and are presented in the first chapter. The second chapter contains a description of Old World Basque culture and the third chapter presents a brief history of Basque migration to the United States. The fo… more
Date: August 1984
Creator: Echeverría, Jerónima, 1946-
Partner: UNT Libraries


Description: Pair of heeled pumps of light brown suede. Designed with gently pointed round toe, the vamp opening is asymmetrical, with pointed end to outside lower edge. The upper is bordered by band of same suede pipped in light beige, following opening. The spike heel is covered with same suede. Stamped in each shoe: Chàno (TM) / Spain
Date: 1970~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

El Cine De Terror Español Como Espejo De La Cultura Española

Description: This study traces the history and culture of Spain as seen through the lens of the nation´s production of horror cinema. Starting from the boom of Spanish horror film in the early 1960s, the thesis compares and contrasts the political and social aspects of Spanish society throughout three distinct eras of the 20th century: 1962 – 1975 (the boom of Spanish horror film through the Franco dictatorship), 1975 – 1999 (the transition to democracy through the end of the 20th century) and 2000 – presen… more
Date: May 2014
Creator: Donahue, Tyler
Partner: UNT Libraries
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