University of North Texas Libraries      

About the Inventory:

The U.S. Congressional Serial Set Inventory aims to be a complete inventory of serial set holdings in U.S. libraries, from volume 1 through volume 13219-3.  Libraries are encouraged to add their serial set inventories to the site.  Researchers will be able to search and browse the inventories by serial set volume, by library, or by session of Congress.

The annotated Serial Set Schedule of Volumes inventory database shows for each Serial Set volume the following data elements: Serial Set volume number, Congress and Session, sessional volume number, titles or description of titles, the report or document numbers or number ranges contained in the volume, and the names of co-operating institutions' holding the volume. For Serial Set volumes containing six or fewer titles, the full CIS version of the titles as printed in the CIS US Serial Set Index are shown in the title field. If a volume contains more than six titles, as most volumes do, a description such as "Senate Executive Documents: 84-100" (see Serial Set volume 2166) appears in lieu of printing what could in some cases amount to a great many titles. Sometimes, as in the case of composite annual reports, the title entries show a breakdown of the single volume's title into its constituent parts (see State of the Union Address in Serial Set volume 1411), listings that facilitated the level of indexing detail in the original CIS US Congressional Serial Set Index.

For unused or blank Serial Set volume numbers, annotations usually list the title for which the volume had originally been reserved and the final publication disposition of that title whenever ascertainable. The annotations are based for the most part on "U.S. Congressional Serial Set Assigned Serial Numbers Not Used" compiled by Virginia Saunders and August A. Imholtz, Jr., Administrative Notes Technical Supplement, vol. 5, no. 11, November 30, 1998, pp. 1-12.

About the Serial Set:

U.S. Congressional Serial Set What It Is and Its History
by Virginia Saunders, Congressional Documents Specialist, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC

U.S. Congressional Serial Set Assigned Serial Numbers Not Used
Compiled by Virginia Saunders, Congressional Documents Specialist, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC and August Imholtz, Executive Editor, Congressional Information Service, Inc. Bethesda, MD

Copyright information:

This annotated U.S. Congressional Serial Set Schedule of Volumes Database© by Congressional Information Service, Inc. (CIS) has been made available gratis by CIS to the Serial Set Web Site.  The use of the database is expressly restricted to the development of the Serial Set Web Site and to the facilitation of the compilation by libraries and other research institutions of inventories of their hardcopy holdings of the U.S. Congressional Serial Set which are to be mounted on the Serial Set Web Site. Any commercial publication, sale, or use of the data, in whole or in part, other than that expressly sanctioned by the administrator of the Serial Set Web Site in constructing a virtual national union list of Serial Set holdings is strictly prohibited.


The Serial Set Inventory site was originally created and maintained by Donna P. Koepp. Using money from the CIS-GODORT Documents to the People award Koepp received in 1999 in recognition of her Index and Carto-Bibliography of Maps in the Serial Set, 1789-1969, Koepp commissioned the development of the database which forms the basis of the U.S. Serial Set Inventory. First launched at the University of Kansas in 2001, the Inventory moved to Harvard in 2002, before coming to its current home at the University of North Texas.

The published "Schedule of Volumes" section of each of the twelve parts of the CIS US Congressional Serial Set Index has been edited and converted to electronic format for this Serial Set Web Site by August A. Imholtz, Jr., Executive Editor, Congressional Information Service, Inc. Site design and underlying database construction by William O. Wears.