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University of North Texas
Established in 1890, the University of North Texas has grown to be one of the nation's largest public research universities. Offering more than 200 degree programs, the university honors diversity, caring, creativity, and innovation in order to empower students to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Joined: December 2021.University Relations, Communications & Marketing for UNT
The award-winning Division of University Relations, Communications and Marketing (URCM) is the chief communications and marketing organization for the University of North Texas. The division enhances and protects UNT's institutional reputation; grows and strengthens the university's brand; encourages community engagement; and reinforces the university's relevance in the lives of key target audiences,
Joined: December 2010.UNT Center for Economic Development and Research
The UNT Center for Economic Development and Research performs economic analysis and public policy research, providing forecasting and strategic planning services to businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations.
Joined: February 2011.UNT Center for Environmental Philosophy
Located at UNT since 1990, the Center for Environmental Philosophy promotes research and graduate education in the field of environmental ethics, houses the Environmental Justice Project, publishes the journal Environmental Ethics, and reprints important works through the book series Environmental Ethics Books.
Joined: November 2011.UNT Center for Psychosocial Health Research
The Center for Psychosocial Health Research is a multidisciplinary group that draws upon anthropology, behavioral medicine, education, psychology, public health, and sociology to pioneer research on psychosocial phenomena involved in healthy living. In addition to pursuing basic research on wellness within a chronic illness context, the Center provides psychoeducational services to communities in the DFW area and comprehensive learning experiences for students.
Joined: October 2016.UNT College of Arts and Sciences
The UNT College of Arts and Sciences educates students in traditional liberal arts, performing arts, sciences, professional, and technical academic programs. In addition to its departments, the college includes academic centers, institutes, programs, and offices providing diverse courses of study.
Joined: February 2011.UNT College of Business
One of the largest business schools in the nation, UNT College of Business strives to prepare global business leaders and scholars in an intellectually stimulating and engaging community through preeminent teaching, research, and service. The college offers degree programs at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels, along with certificate programs in a variety of disciplines.
Joined: November 2011.UNT College of Education
The UNT College of Education prepares professionals and scholars who contribute to the advancement of education, health, and human development. Programs in the college prepare teachers, leaders, physical activity and health specialists, educational researchers, recreational leaders, child development and family studies specialists, doctoral faculty, counselors, and special and gifted education teachers and leaders.
Joined: February 2011.UNT College of Engineering
The UNT College of Engineering strives to educate and train engineers and technologists who have the vision to recognize and solve the problems of society. The college comprises six degree-granting departments of instruction and research.
Joined: February 2011.UNT College of Health and Public Service
The College of Health and Public Service takes academics beyond the classroom and into the community through hands-on experience across a variety of social issues. The College includes seven academic departments along with centers and professional development and clinical training programs.
Joined: December 2021.UNT College of Information
Situated at the intersection of people, technology, and information, the College of Information's faculty, staff and students invest in innovative research, collaborative partnerships, and student-centered education to serve a global information society. The college offers programs of study in information science, learning technologies, and linguistics.
Joined: December 2009.UNT College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
The College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences prepares students to be the next generation of innovators, scholars, entrepreneurs, and civic leaders. The College comprises more than 20 departments hosting more than 70 degree programs.
Joined: December 2021.UNT College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism
The UNT College of Merchandising, Hospitality, and Tourism educates students for the globalization of the hospitality, retail, and tourism industries. The college provides bachelor's and master's programs in a variety of majors.
Joined: May 2013.UNT College of Music
The nation's largest comprehensive music school, the UNT College of Music provides a dynamic learning environment for both future professionals and the broader university community. The college offers fully accredited degrees from bachelor to doctoral levels, and its faculty includes internationally acclaimed artists and scholars. More than 1200 concerts and recitals are presented annually.
Joined: November 2011.UNT College of Public Affairs and Community Service
The UNT College of Public Affairs and Community Service works to improve the quality of life in local and global communities through education and community outreach programs, preparing students for vital roles in business, social services, and government positions that address important social issues including aging, disability, and health disparity.
Joined: February 2011.UNT College of Science
The College of Science provides students with the high-demand skills and knowledge to succeed as researchers and professionals. The College includes four departments: Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics, and is also home to a number of interdisciplinary programs, centers, institutes, intercollegiate programs, labs, and services.
Joined: December 2021.UNT College of Visual Arts and Design
The UNT College of Visual Arts and Design fosters creative futures for its diverse student population and the region through rigorous arts-based education, arts- and client-based studio practice, scholarship, and research. One of the most comprehensive visual arts schools in the nation, the college includes many nationally and regionally ranked programs.
Joined: December 2009.UNT Dallas
The University of North Texas at Dallas (UNT Dallas) is the only public, accredited, 4-year university in the city of Dallas. The university offers academic programs in business and public leadership, liberal arts and life sciences, and education and human services. Undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs are available.
Joined: May 2013.UNT Dallas College of Law
The UNT Dallas College of Law is a public law school that combines best practices with an emphasis on learning by doing. Its location in downtown Dallas offers students exceptional access to professional and cultural opportunities, including proximity to courts, to the bar, and to outstanding lawyers.
Joined: January 2014.UNT Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism
The Mayborn has been a major provider of professionals and academics for all forms of media, profit and nonprofit communication organizations since 1945. Alumni of the school have received many awards, including a number of Pulitzer Prizes.
Joined: May 2013.UNT Health Science Center
UNT Health Science Center is one of the nation's premier graduate academic medical centers, with five schools that specialize in patient-centered education, research, and health care: Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, School of Public Health, School of Health Professions, and UNT System College of Pharmacy.
Joined: November 2011.UNT Honors College
The UNT Honors College is dedicated to enriching the undergraduate academic experience for talented, motivated, and well-prepared students. The college offers its members many benefits, including challenging classes, training in research methods and skills, eligibility to live in Rawlins Hall or Honors Hall, and a supportive social and academic environment.
Joined: May 2013.UNT Institute of Applied Science
The mission of the Institute of Applied Science (IAS) is to foster, facilitate and conduct science-based interdisciplinary environmental research that seeks to understand how human actions impact the environment, and to use that knowledge to suggest scientific, engineering, policy and/or educational solutions to environmental problems.
Joined: May 2013.UNT Libraries
The UNT Libraries serve the university and community by providing access to physical and online collections, fostering information literacy, supporting academic research, and much, much more.
Joined: March 2009.UNT Libraries Digital Projects Unit
The Digital Projects Unit supports the UNT Libraries with guidance and digital services including imaging, archival storage of electronic files, metadata development, web archiving, and other activities as needed.
Joined: March 2015.UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
Serving as both a federal and a state depository library, the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department maintains millions of items in a variety of formats. The department is a member of the FDLP Content Partnerships Program and an Affiliated Archive of the National Archives.
Joined: December 2009.UNT Libraries Special Collections
The Special Collections Department collects and preserves rare and unique materials including rare books, oral histories, university archives, historical manuscripts, maps, microfilm, photographs, art and artifacts. The department is located in UNT's Willis Library in the fourth floor Reading Room.
Joined: December 2009.UNT Media Library
The Media Library contains the UNT Libraries' nonprint, audiovisual collections. The mission of the UNT Media Library is to support the instructional and research needs of UNT faculty, staff, and students by collecting, maintaining, and providing access to media materials that represent all academic disciplines and all genres of film.
Joined: December 2009.UNT Music Library
The UNT Music Library supports the scholarly and performance research needs of the College of Music by collecting and preserving monographs, reference works, periodicals, printed music, and sound recording formats, as well as subscribing to electronic databases for research and streaming music. Special collections are a particular strength of the Music Library's holdings.
Joined: December 2009.UNT Office of Sustainability
The mission of UNT Sustainability is to collaborate with the UNT family and its partners to generate cohesion, provide information and support, and encourage behavior change to address environmental, economic, and social challenges. UNT Sustainability contributes lesson plans for students in grades K through 8th.
Joined: March 2015.UNT Oral History Program
Affiliated with the UNT Department of History, the Oral History Program records, transcribes, and archives oral history interviews in order to preserve local, state, and U.S. history. The program also trains UNT students in the theory and methods of oral history, conducts workshops for community members, and maintains partnerships with related institutions and organizations.
Joined: November 2011.UNT Press
The University of North Texas Press was founded in 1987 and published its first book in 1989. Though it is the newest university press in North Texas, it has quickly become a leading press with the most titles in print (more than 300) and published (15 to 18 each year). The UNT Press is a fully accredited member of the Association of American University Presses. Its books are distributed and marketed nationally and internationally through the Texas A&M University Press Consortium.
Joined: December 2009.