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Hawaiian Monk Seal Epidemiology Plan: Health Assessment and Disease Status Studies
The following document provides a framework for incorporation of health and information to enhance recovery of the Hawaiian monk seal.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1986
This report is based on an observational study on the Hawaiian monk seal at Laysan Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, from May 4 to August 4 1986. Data includes population rates, reproductive rates, deaths, injuries, necropsies, and entanglements.
Synopsis of Biological Data on the Green Turtle in the Hawaiian Islands
This report is a synopsis of biological data on the green turtle in the Hawaiian island, including their ecology and life phases, population, exploitation, and the protection and management as of September 1979.
Research Plan for Marine Turtle Fibropapilloma
The following report is the results of a workshop held to determine the cause of fibropapilloma (lobulated tumors), thereby ultimately leading to solutions and effective strategies for containment. The urgent need to solve this problem arises from the unanimous belief among the workshop participants that this disease will continue to affect populations of turtles locally and worldwide, adding further to their survival difficulties. The workshop was held in December of 1990 and the research behind the workshop results from about 10 years of observing the species.
Guidelines for Handling Marine Turtles Hooked or Entangled in the Hawaii Longline Fishery: Results of an Expert Workshop Held in Honolulu, Hawaii March 15-17, 1995
This report provides a description of the findings that resulted from a workshop to develop guidelines for handling hooked and entangled turtles, hosted by the NMFS Honolulu Laboratory March 15-17, 1995.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1987 and 1989
This report is based on the findings from an observational study on the Hawaiian monk seal on Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during April 8 to July 20 1987 and March 30 to July 16 1989. The data collected focuses on haul-out, behavior, and reproductive patterns; population structure; and factors affecting survival.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1991
This report presents the findings of an observational study on the Hawaiian monk seal on Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during March 31 to July 22 1991. The data collected focuses on haul-out, behavior, and reproductive patterns; population structure; and factors affecting survival.
Distribution of Ichthyoplankton around Southeast Hancock Seamount, Central North Pacific, in Summer 1984 and Winter 1985: Data Report
From introduction: This report presents data on ichthyoplankton distribution over and near Southeast Hancock Seamount in the central North Pacific during summer 1984 and winter 1985. Described here is the sampling program and sample handling and provide only data summaries of the distributional patterns; analyses of this data base will be presented in detail elsewhere.
Changing Oceans and Changing Fisheries: Environmental Data for Fisheries Research and Management
The following report is the proceedings of a workshop convened at NOAA's Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group in Pacific Grove, California, on July 16-18 1996, to examine the uses of environmental data for fisheries.
Status of Marine Turtles in the Pacific Ocean Relevant to Incendental Take in the Hawaii-Based Pelagic Longline Fishery
The following report provides the results and findings made in a workshop convened by the Honolulu Laboratory during December 4-7, 1995, to review the population status of marine turtles caught incidentally in the Hawaii-based longline fishery for tuna and swordfish and assess the impacts of such interactions on the turtle populations.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal, Monachus schauinslandi, at Kure Atoll, 1982-83
This report describes an observational research on the population of the Hawaiian monk seal at Kure Atoll taken from the March to October of 1982 to the April to June of 1983. The study focuses on deaths, injuries, reproduction rates, and data gathered during seal captivity.
The Kewalo Research Facility, 1958-92: Over 30 Years of Progress
The following documentation gives detailed information on the history and usage of the Kewalo Research Facility (1958-92) on the Hawaiian island of Oahu.
The Kewalo Research Facility: on the Forefront for More than 40 Years
The following report provides extensive information on the Kewalo Research Facility of Oahu Island. The Kewalo Research Facility sits on Kewalo Basin and is the center for ongoing research programs designed to examine the most important environmental parameters on the behavior and physiology of tunas. Along with tuna the Kewalo Research facility is also a primary location to stage research activities associated with the studies and preservation of the Hawaiian monk seals, it also provides an important laboratory where research on and resuscitation of several threatened and endangered species of sea turtles found in the Pacific Ocean can be carried out.
U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments: 2010
From preface: This is a working document and individual stock assessment reports will be updated as new information on marine mammal stocks and fisheries become available...These Stock Assessment Reports summarize information from a wide range of original data sources and an extensive bibliography of all sources is given in each report.
U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments: 2011
This is an assessment report on the population of marine mammals along the U.S. Pacific coastline. These reports are ever-growing and subject to change annually.
U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessment: 2012
This is an assessment report based on the population of marine mammals along the Pacific coastline in the year 2012. It is a working document that will continue to be updated as data changes.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal and Green Turtle at Pearl and Hermes Reef, 1988
The following report is the results of an observational research on the Hawaiian monk seal and green turtles along the Pearl and Hermes Reef in the Northwestern Hawaiian islands from May 17th to July 3rd 1988.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal at French Frigate Shoals, 1988-89
This report is based on an observational study on the Hawaiian monk seal, located at French Frigate Shoals in the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge. Study took place from April 4th to August 31st 1988 and from March 25th to September 4th 1989. Data was made to conduct atoll-wide beach censuses of monk seals to assess productivity, survival, movements between atolls and islands, and population structure and distribution; furthermore, the study was made to monitor reproduction rates, movement between islands, tagging weaned pups, record injuries and deaths, perform necropsies, and catalogue and destroy debris capable of entangling wildlife.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal at French Frigate Shoals, 1990-91
The following report analyzes the data recorded from the observational studies on the Hawaiian monk seal at French Frigate Shoals in the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuse during 1990 and 1991. The data recorded focuses on reproduction rates, necropsies, deaths, entanglement, and survival methods.
Catch and Effort from Hawaii's Longline Fishery Summarized by Quarters and Five Degree Squares
This report provides quarterly and yearly summaries of Hawaii's pelagic longline catch (numbers of fish) and effort (hooks) reported by five-degree (latitude by longitude) squares based on the National Marine Fisheries Service longline logbook program. Species summarized include albacore, bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, striped marlin, blue marlin, black marlin, swordfish, mahimahi, and wahoo.
Comprehensive (1986-2001) Characterization of Size at Sexual Maturity for Hawaiian Spiny Lobster (Panulirus marginatus) and Slipper Lobster (Scyllarides squammosus) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
Report on "estimate body size at sexual maturity for Hawaiian spiny lobster and slipper lobster using all available fishery independent research catch data from 1986 to 2001." (pg. 1)
A Recharacterization of the Age-Length and Growth Relationships of Hawaiian Snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus
This report analyzes data collected on a study of age-length and somatic growth interrelationships for the Hawaiian pink snapper, or "opakapaka," Pristipomoides filamentosus.
Comprehensive Evaluation of Shallow Reef Fish Populations at French Frigate Shoals and Midway Atoll, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (1992/93,1995-2000)
From abstract: This document represents the sixth and last of a series of Honolulu Laboratory reports providing estimates of shallow reef fish population densities based on diver-surveys conducted at roughly annual intervals at two sites (French Frigate Shoals (FFS) and Midway Atoll (Midway) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI)). The purpose of the time series has been to develop the capability to characterize the standing stock densities of shallow reef fishes, as one potentially important component of the monk seal forage base with precision sufficient to detect twofold changes over a decadal time scale when sampled at a yearly frequency.
Statistical Guidelines for a Pilot Observer Program to Estimate Turtle Takes in the Hawaii Longline Fishery
Abstract: Statistical guidelines are described for the development of a pilot scientific observer sampling program to collect turtle interactions data from the Hawaii longline fishery. The best available data are presented and potential sources of variability in longline turtle take rates are discussed. A stratified sampling design for a pilot survey is developed based on time and target species. An array of sample size choices for the pilot program is presented covering a range of tolerance levels and confidence levels for estimation of total turtle take.
The Biology and Population Status of Marine Turtles in the North Pacific Ocean
From objectives and scope of work: The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive review of the biology and population status of sea turtles potentially subject to entanglement in North Pacific high-seas driftnet fisheries. The report will assist National Marine Fisheries Service efforts to assess the impacts of the driftnet fisheries on threatened and endangered sea turtle populations.
Hawaiian Monk Seal Observations at French Frigate Shoals, 1984
The following report is based on an observational study on the Hawaiian monk seal conducted at French Frigate Shoals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The study takes place with various intervals between the 26th of December of 1983 and the 20th of October of 1984. The data collected are based around population structure, reproduction, and factors affecting survival.
Hawaiian Monk Seal Observations at French Frigate Shoals, 1985
This report presents the results of observational studies on the Hawaiian monk seal at French Frigate Shoals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands from April 4 to September 11 1985, and during 2-19 of December. The data recorded is on the population structure, reproduction, and factors affecting survival.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal and Green Turtle at Pearl and Hermes Reef, 1990 and 1991
This report presents data collected from the observational studies on Hawaiian monk seals and green turtles at Pearl and Hermes Reef in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The data presented was taken on 9-8 of June 1990 and 1 August to 13 September 1991. The data collected was limited to objectives conducting atoll-wide seal censuses, resighting tagged seals, tagging weaned pups, and surveying and destroying debris capable of entangling wildlife. Additionally, efforts in 1991 included retagging seals, tagging unknown-age seals, weighing and measuring immature seals, and bleach-marking seals for ID purposes. Also, interatoll movement, survival, injuries, and entanglement of seals were monitored, seal scats and spews were collected, turtles were tagged, and previously tagged turtles were resighted.
U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments: 1999
The following document provides stock assessments that are required to record all stocks of marine mammals within the U.S. waters. This report will be updated as new information becomes available and as changes to marine mammal stocks and fisheries occur.
Recommended Recovery Actions for the Hawaiian Monk Seal Population at Midway Island
The following document was made as part of a workshop for members of the Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Team to develop recommendations for recovery actions of the Hawaiian monk seal. The document provides extensive background knowledge on observational studies done in the past years over their endangerment and the causes of it.
Seasonal, Vertical, and Horizontal Distribution of Four Species of Copepods Around Oahu Hawaii: Data Report
From introduction: This data report is intended to provide a detailed data summary of station information and copepod abundances that will be used for future publication of the analyzed data set. A data report on larval fish distributions from the same seasonal cruises will also be issued, and the distribution of tuna larvae has been discussed.
An Annotated Bibliography of the Ecology of the Co-Occurring Tunas (Katsuwonus pelomis, Thunnus albacares) and Dolphins (Stenella attenuata, Stenella longirostris and Delphinus delphus) in the Easter Tropical Pacific
From introduction: This bibliography was compiled to provide a source of information on the ecology of the co-occurring tunas and dolphins in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP). While some of the articles give information concerning distribution and ecology of tunas and dolphins in other geographic areas, the primary focus is on the tunas and dolphins that occur together in the ETP.
Population Monitoring of the Hawaiian Monk Seal, Monachus schauinslandi, and Captive Maintenance Project at Kure Atoll, 1988
Abstract: Data on the Hawaiian monk seal, Monachus schauinslandi, were collected at Kure Atoll from 23 February to 20 October 1988. Beach counts made on 54 atoll-wide censuses averaged 30.0 seals, including pups of the year. Eight pups (five females and three males) were born; seven survived to weaning. Thirteen injuries to 12 seals were documented, and 5 seals became entangled in marine debris. An estimated 1,195 kg of debris were removed from beaches. Thirty-two of 40 seals tagged at Kure Atoll since 1981 were resighted. Five weaned female pups were maintained in a protective enclosure until 20-21 September, and a yearling Kure Atoll seal, which had been rehabilitated in Honolulu, was maintained in the enclosure from 22 March to 12 May.
A Compilation of Historical Monk Seal, Monachus schauinslandi, Counts
The following document is meant to facilitate an analysis and review of historical counts of the Hawaiian monk seal. Provided here are tables ordered on an island-by-island or atoll-by-atoll basis, beginning in the early 1800s and on through the 1980s.
Economic Effects of the United Nations Moratorium on High Seas Driftnet Fishing
This report presents documentation of the status and trends in the driftnet fleet (Asian fishing vessels carrying large driftnet fishing gear), a summary of the industry and governmental plans for the near future, and an assessment of possible fleet adaptations to the moratorium from a political/economic perspective.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 1998
The following report provides the findings of a 1998 field study over the Hawaiian monk seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. These studies evaluate the status and trends of monk seal populations, natural history traits (survival, reproduction, growth, behavior, and feeding habits), and the success of various activities designed to facilitate population growth.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 1999
The following document reports the findings of the 1999 field studies over the Hawaiian monk seal of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The information provided gives us an evaluation on the status and trends of monk seal subpopulations, natural history traits such as survival, reproduction, growth, behavior, and feeding habits, and the success of various activities designed to facilitate population growth.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 2000
The following report produces findings on the field studies over the Hawaiian monk seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during 2000. The information provided evaluates the status and trends of monk seal subpopulations, natural history traits such as survival, reproduction, growth, behavior, and feeding habits, and the success of various activities designed to facilitate population growth.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 1994
The following report is a summary of observational studies on the Hawaiian monk seal in the Northern Hawaiian Islands during 1994. The information provided is meant to evaluate the status and trends of monk seal populations, natural history traits such as survival, reproduction, growth, behavior, and feeding habits, and the success of various activities designed to facilitate population growth.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 1995
The following report is based on findings from the observational studies on the Hawaiian monk seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during 1995. The objectives of this research were to conduct beach counts (censuses), tag weaned pups and immature seals for permanent identification, identify other seals by previously applied tags and by natural or applied markings, monitor reproduction, survival, injuries, entanglements, interatoll movements, disappearances, and deaths, perform necropsies, collect tissue samples for DNA analysis, and inventory, sample, and destroy debris capable of entangling wildlife.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 1996
This document describes field studies of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands in 1996. The studies provide information on the status and trends of monk seal populations, natural history traits (survival, reproduction, growth, behavior, and feeding habits), and the success of various activities designed to facilitate population growth.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 1997
The following document provides the findings on the field studies over the endangered Hawaiian monk seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during 1997. The information covered evaluates the status and trends of monk seal populations, natural history traits (survival, reproduction, growth, behavior, and feeding habits), and the success of various activities designed to facilitate population growths.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1988
This report is based on the observational studies of the Hawaiian monk seal studied on Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands from 28 February to 20 June and from 24 October to 13 November 1988. The data collected covers haul-out patterns, population structure, reproductive patterns, and patterns affecting survival (primarily adult male aggression toward adult female and immature seals).
An Operational Model to Evaluate Assessment and Management Procedures for the North Pacific Swordfish Fishery
This manuscript describes features of an operational model designed to help evaluate the performance of stock assessment and fishery management procedures. This manuscript also describes the features of the model, its underlying hypotheses, limitations, and user interface, as well as the results of probing studies conducted.
An Evaluation of Oocyte Size in Multiple Regressions Predicting Gonad Weight from Body Weight: a Test Using Hawaiian Ehu, Etelis carbunculus
The following report is meant to evaluate whether the information on oocyte size improves ability to predict ovary weight from body weight, and we evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different sample sizes for characterizing egg size.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Lisianski Island, 1988 and 1990
The following document is a report on an observational study around the Hawaiian monk seal on Lisianski Island in Northwestern Hawaiian Islands between 16-18 of May to 29th of August and the 10th of June to the 11th of August 1990. The data collected is based around reproduction and factors affecting survival as well ashaul-out patterns and population structure.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1990
This report analyzes the observational studies of the Hawaiian monk seal on Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during April 10 to August 9 and October 14 to November 4 1990. The data collected focuses on haul-out, behavior, and reproductive patterns; population structure; and factors affecting survival.
United States Agency for International Development and National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Tropical Fish Stock Assessment, 5-26 July 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii
From introduction and summary: This is a report that summarizes a 3-week workshop convened to assist fishery scientists from selected Pacific island countries in analyzing their research and commercial catch and effort data on deepwater snappers.The ultimate objective of the analyses were to estimate the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and the fishing effort that achieves the MSY for deepwater snappers in each country.
Issues and Options in Designing and Implementing Limited Access Programs in Marine Fisheries
The following report was prepared after a series of workshops held by the ad hoc NMFS Limited Access Working Group (LAWG) in the period 1994-97. This report discusses the basics of limited access programs to be developed and implemented in NMFS fisheries, design and scoping considerations, limited access alternatives, nature of the fishing right, coordination and equity, implementation--including eligibility, monitoring, and evaluations, and evaluation.
Research Plan to Assess Marine Turtle Hooking Mortality: Results of an Expert Workshop Held in Honolulu, Hawaii November 16-13, 1993
Objective: This research plan identifies a coordinated series of research activities to estimate mortality and physiological impacts on marine turtles hooked and/or entangled by Hawaii's domestic longline fishery.
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