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open access

Final environmental impact statement for managing competing and unwanted vegetation: Appendix I/B

Description: Appendices detailing specific aspects of a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation in National Forests in Oregon and Washington. This appendix contains selected letters received in response to the draft of this Environmental Impact Statement.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Final environmental impact statement for managing competing and unwanted vegetation: Appendix I/A

Description: Appendices detailing specific aspects of a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation in National Forests in Oregon and Washington. Public involvement activities in constructing the Environmental Impact Statement and cooperating agencies are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Final environmental impact statement for managing competing and unwanted vegetation: Appendices D & H

Description: Appendices detailing specific aspects of a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation in National Forests in Oregon and Washington. Human health risk of using 16 different herbicides for vegetation management on Forest Service lands and mutagenic and carcinogenic toxicity health risks are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Final environmental impact statement for managing competing and unwanted vegetation: Appendices A, B, C, E, F, G, J, K

Description: Appendices detailing specific aspects of a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation in National Forests in Oregon and Washington. Timber growth, economic efficiency, herbicide use, silviculture, rangelands, vegetation management, and particulate emissions from prescribed burning are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Final environmental impact statement for managing competing and unwanted vegetation: Characterization and Management of Risk

Description: Report providing a comprehensive overview of the potential adverse human health effects associated with the vegetation management program proposed by the Pacific Northwest Region of the USDA Forest Service. (Introduction) Risk assessments related to manual and mechanical methods of removing unwanted vegetation, prescribed burning, biological methods, and herbicides are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Final environmental impact statement for managing competing and unwanted vegetation

Description: Report discussing a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation to guide management on all National Forests in Oregon and Washington. Scope of the statement, issues surrounding vegetation management, public involvement and participation, alternatives, description of the preferred alternative, environmental effects of alternatives, and protection of the environment are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Land and Resource Management Plan: Umpqua National Forest

Description: Report documenting the management of the Umpqua National Forest intended to allow the use and protection of forest resources and to address local, regional, and national issues and concerns. Purpose, plan structure, resource demand and supply, along with management plans for specific areas, are discussed.
Date: 1990
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Record of Decision [for the] Land and Resource Management Plan: Umpqua National Forest

Description: Report documenting the Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) for the Umpqua National Forest for the following 10 to 15 years detailing the scope and basis for decisions made, elements and rationale of the decision, alternatives considered, monitoring, and implementation.
Date: September 1990
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement: Umpqua National Forest, Summary

Description: Report summarizing the final environmental impact statement for the Umpqua National Forest addressing public response to the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS), changes made to the final statement, affected environment, management areas and requirements, location map, and environmental consequences. Specific issues addressed include old growth, roadless areas, wild and scenic rivers, fish habitat, diversity of wildlife species, recreation opportunities and settings, income and employme… more
Date: 1990
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement: Umpqua National Forest

Description: Final report presenting fifteen alternative ways of managing the Umpqua National Forest, updating the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for the same region. Public response to the DEIS, changes made to the final statement, public issues, affected environment, and environmental consequences are also discussed.
Date: 1990
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement: Umpqua National Forest, Appendices -- Volume 2

Description: Appendices presenting additional data related to the final environmental impact statement for the Umpqua National Forest, including forest management resource programs, details of the wild and scenic rivers eligibility study, selection of harvest cutting methods, management practices, and analysis of public response.
Date: 1990
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Umpqua National Forest, Alternative Maps

Description: Maps illustrating thirteen alternative land and resource management plans for the Umpqua National Forest with color coding to identify eleven management areas within the forest. Additional maps detail land allocations, wildlife habitats of animals, ecoclass groups, riparian areas, recreation areas, unroaded recreation opportunities, a visual index to sensitive areas, and lands unsuitable for timber management and production
Date: 1987
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
open access

Reviewer's Guide and Response Form [to the] Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Umpqua National Forest

Description: Guide summarizing the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for the Umpqua National Forest's proposed Land and Resource Management Plan. It also outlines a way in which people interested in this forest can provide ideas about its management. (p 2) A blank response form is included.
Date: 1987
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
Location: None
open access

Electrochemical Stabilization Experiment Station 2056+50 to 2065+00, Friant-Kern Canal, Central Valley Project, California

Description: Report presenting the final results of an experiment to stabilize the bank of Friant-Kern Canal, Central Valley Project, California, through electrochemical soil stabilization treatment. Installation, treatment process, and final inspection following the treatment process are described.
Date: June 19, 1958
Creator: Gibbs, H. J.
Location: None
open access

Laboratory Studies on Subgrade and Embankment Soils for the Main Canal and Laterals, Hammond Project, New Mexico

Description: Report presenting the results of laboratory tests performed on samples representative of the subgrade and embankment materials proposed for the Main Canal, Gravity Extension lateral, East High Line Lateral, and West High Line Lateral Test were performed to identify the materials and determine their compaction and permeability properties. Test results are summarized in graphical and narrative form.
Date: February 18, 1958
Creator: Ellis, Willard
Location: None
open access

Evaluation of Earth Lining Materials Courtland Canal, Bostwick Division, Missouri River Basin Project, Nebraska

Description: Report presenting results of laboratory studies performed on soil samples representing the existing compacted earth lining in the Courtland Canal. Testing procedures and summaries are described along with density analyses in graphical form and a map of field density test locations.
Date: July 16, 1959
Creator: Lowitz, C. A.
open access

Handbook of Environmental Engineering

Description: Handbook presenting the many facets of environmental engineering as applied to flight vehicle systems and their support development (Abstract). Chapters discuss history of environmental engineering, philosophy of environmental engineering, astrophysical facts and environments, environmental factors and effects, environment requirements, environmental protection, and environmental testing.
Date: 1961
Creator: Theiss, E. C.; Mileaf, Harry; Egan, F.; Cohen, D.; Maron, W.; Hankey, R. K. et al.
open access

Methods for Computing Manpower Requirements for Weapon Systems Under Development

Description: Report discussing a method developed for an accurate and comprehensive forecasting of manpower requirements for new weapon systems. Plans are presented for an approximation of the effect of environment upon manning requirements, for the determination of manhours required for work of a type not amenable to direct task analysis, and for the estimation of maintenance activity frequency rates. (Abstract)
Date: August 1961
Creator: Losee, John E.; Payfer, Gus E.; Frahm, Walter F. & Eisenberg, Bernie
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