Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership Quarterly Technical Progress Report: April-June 2005
The Plains CO{sub 2} Reduction (PCOR) Partnership characterization work is nearing completion, and most remaining efforts are related to finalizing work products. Task 2 (Technology Deployment) has developed a Topical Report entitled ''Deployment Issues Related to Geologic CO{sub 2} Sequestration in the PCOR Partnership Region''. Task 3 (Public Outreach) has developed an informational Public Television program entitled ''Nature in the Balance'', about CO{sub 2} sequestration. The program was co…
July 1, 2005
Steadman, Edward N.; Harju, John A.; O'Leary, Erin M.; Sorensen, James A.; Daly, Daniel J.; Jensen, Melanie D. et al.
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