This system will be undergoing maintenance January 21st between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CST.

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open access

Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending July 31, 1955

Description: Construction of the HRT reactor shield tank was completed, and the inside surfaces were painted. The roof structure for the tank is being assembled in preparation for an acceptance pressure test. Service piping and instrument lines are being installed in the central room area by ORNL craft forces. This work is approximately 50% complete. Fabrication of all temperature system components, except the blanket outer storage tanks, has been completed.
Date: October 10, 1955
Creator: McDuffie, H. F. & Kelly, D. C.
open access

Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: For Period Ending October 31, 1954

Description: Part I. Experimental Reactors: The design has been completed for all the major high-pressure and low-pressure components except the reactor pressure vessel. Contained in this report are the most recent revisions of the low-pressure-system flow sheet, a description of important details of the reactor cell, and the final design of the main heat exchangers, the inner dump tanks and separator. the recombiner and recombiner-condenser, and the outer dump tank and reflux condenser. Part II. Thorium Br… more
Date: November 1954
Creator: McDuffie, H. F. & Kelly, D. C.
open access

Homogenous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report For Period Ending April 30, 1955

Description: Part I. Experimental Reactors: The effect of prompt-neutron lifetime upon reactor safety was investigated for the HRT. It was found that for a given pressure rise the allowable rate of reactivity addition was relatively insensitive to the average prompt-neutron lifetime, although the rate de creased somewhat with decreasing lifetime for the higher pressure rises. With only source neutrons present and the reactor initially subcritical, the allowable rate was practically independent of the initia… more
Date: July 14, 1955
Creator: McDuffie, H. F. & Kelly, D. C.
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