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open access

Separations Chemistry, Quarterly Progress Report, April-June 1954

Description: "Scale-up experiments on high temperature fuel recovery processes have included the dummy run phase on the handling of 1-kologram samples of molten, non-irradiated uranium in the hot cell. The next step involves the use of spent X-10 fuel slugs. Small scale experiments with X-10 uranium on the extaction of Pu with Mg show that as much as 80 per cent of the Pu can be removed in pone pass. Treatment of uranium with fused fluorides can remove at least 90 per cent of the Pu in one pass. Oxide sc… more
Date: October 1, 1954
Creator: Bareis, David W.; Cubicciotti, Daniel D. & Motta, E. E.
open access

Separations Chemistry, Quarterly Progress Report, January-March 1954

Description: "Scale-up work on high temperature fuel recovery processes has progressed to the point where the (high temperature) vacuum furnace for several operations to the hot cells has been completed and tested under operating conditions. Small scale experiments on high temperature methods for processing molten irradiated uranium fuel have been made with spent X-10 fuel slug pieces. The results of direct Pu evaporation, treatment with fused fluorides and oxide scavenging were every similar to those fou… more
Date: August 1, 1954
Creator: Motta, E. E.; Bareis, D. W. & Cubicciotti, D.
open access

Separations Chemistry, Quarterly Progress Report, July-September 1953

Description: "Continued progress has been made with the high temperature decontamination processes for irradiated uranium fuel. The fused salt treatment of molten uranium has been extended to UCl3. Plutonium and rare earths were extracted into the UCl3 phase. Direct plutonium distillation from molten irradiated uranium has been scaled up to the hundred gram scale. Solid scavenging experiments using uranium oxide, uranium carbide, and uranium nitride in contact with molten uranium have indicated fission p… more
Date: April 1, 1954
Creator: Motta, E. E.; Bareis, D. W. & Cubicciotti, D.
open access

Separations Chemistry, Quarterly Progress Report, October-December 1953

Description: "Work has continued on high temperature methods for processing irradiated uranium fuel. Additional results have been obtained with fused halide treatment, solid scavengers and direct Pu distillation. With fussed fluorides about 95 per cent of the Pu was removed from a uranium sample, while treatment of uranium with HC1 gas removed almost all the Pu and many fission products. treatment of molten uranium with uranium oxide removed a substantial fraction of the fission products without removing P… more
Date: March 26, 1954
Creator: Motta, E. E.; Bareis, D. W. & Cubicciotti, D. D.
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