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open access

Automated Grid Disruption Response System

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses topology control to detect and manage electric grid disruptions as part of the "Robust Adaptive Topology Control (RATC)" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: Texas Engineering Experiment Station
open access

Autonomous, Decentralized Grid Architecture

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses a decentralized electric grid architecture as part of the "Prosumer-Based Distributed Autonomous Cyber-Physical Architecture for Ultra-Reliable Green Electricity Networks" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: Georgia Tech Research Corporation
open access

Cloud Computing for the Grid

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses cloud computing-based software for managing electric grids as part of the "GridControl: A Software Platform to Support the Smart Grid" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: Cornell University
open access

Connecting Renewables Directly to the Grid

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses the development of electricity transmission hardware for renewable energy sources as part of the "Resilient Multi-Terminal HVDC Networks with High-Voltage High-Frequency Electronics" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: General Electric Global Research
open access

Cost-Effective Cable Insulation

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses new, low-cost high-voltage direct current (HVDC) cables as part of the "Nanoclay Reinforced Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber for Low-Cost HVDC Cabling" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: General Electric Global Research
open access

Decision-Support Software for Grid Operators

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses controls for managing power flows as part of the "Transmission Topology Control for Infrastructure Resilience to the Integration of Renewable Generation" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: Charles River Associates International, Inc.
open access

Distributed Power Flow Control

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses a device that helps to control power flows in existing transmission lines as part of the "Distributed Power Flow Control using Smart Wires for Energy Routing" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: Smart Wire Grid, Inc.
open access

Dynamic Power Flow Controller

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses a new method of electrical power transmission that would improve electrical grid efficiency as part of the "Compact Dynamic Phase Angle Regulators for Transmission Power Routing" project.
Date: June 12, 2012
Creator: Varentec
open access

Grid Hardware and Software

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the 15 projects that are a part of the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including project goals, innovation needs, and potential impacts.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: United States. Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy.
open access

Integration of Renewables Via Demand Management

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses an automated control software to manage the electric grid as part of the "Highly Dispatchable and Distributed Demand Response for the Integration of Distributed Generation" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: AutoGrid Systems, Inc.
open access

Low Insertion HVDC Circuit Breaker

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses the development of a direct current circuit breaker as part of the "Magnetically Pulsed Hybrid Breaker for HVDC Power Distribution Protection" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: General Atomics
open access

Magnetic Amplifier for Power Flow Control

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses the development of an electromagnet amplifier to control power in electric grids as part of the "Magnetic Amplifier for Power Flow Control" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
open access

Power Flow Controller for Renewables

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses a power flow controller for routing renewable energy as part of the "Transformer-less Unified Power Flow Controller for Wind and Solar Power Transmission" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: Michigan State University
open access

Probability-Based Software for Grid Optimization

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses the development of software to improve the use of renewable energy sources as part of the "Improved Power System Operations Using Advanced Stochastic Optimization" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: Sandia National Laboratories
open access

Renewable Energy Positioning System

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses a system to allocate renewable energy sources within the power grid as part of the "Energy Positioning: Control and Economics" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: University of Washington
open access

Scalable Distributed Automation System

Description: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project sheet summarizing general information about the Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) program including critical needs, innovation and advantages, impacts, and contact information. This sheet discusses a a distributed automation system for managing electricity from renewable resources as part of the "Scalable Real-time Decentralized Volt/VAR Control" project.
Date: June 4, 2012
Creator: California Institute of Technology
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