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open access

AIDS Funding for Federal Government Programs: FY1981-FY1999

Description: This report provides a synopsis of the budget activity related to AIDS from the discovery of the disease in 1981 through FY1999. Funding for AIDS research, prevention and treatment programs within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) discretionary budget has increased from $200,000 in FY1981 to an estimated $3.85 billion in FY1999.
Date: March 31, 1998
Creator: Johnson, Judith A.
open access

Aquatic Species Project Report, FY 1989--1990

Description: This report summarizes the progress and research accomplishments of the Aquatic Species Project. The four articles included are summaries of individual research projects and are entered into the EDB as such. The goal of the Aquatic Species Project is to develop the technology base for large-scale production of oil-rich microalgae. The project is also developing methods to convert the microalgal lipids into liquid fuels needed for industry and transportation. Researchers in the Aquatics Species … more
Date: January 1992
Creator: Brown, L. M. & Sprague, S.
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriation Bills: FY1970-FY2006

Description: This report is a research aid, which lists the DOD authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2). This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Table 3 shows real growth o… more
Date: April 21, 2006
Creator: Coipuram, Thomas, Jr.
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1961-FY2019

Description: This report is a research aid that lists the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) authorization and appropriations bills for FY1961-FY2019 including: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Significant definitions are also included.
Date: November 27, 2018
Creator: DeBruyne, Nese F. & Torreon, Barbara Salazar
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1970-FY2006

Description: This report is a research aid, which lists the DOD authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2). This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Table 3 shows real growth o… more
Date: June 13, 2006
Creator: Coipuram, Thomas, Jr.
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1970-FY2006

Description: This report is a research aid, which lists the DOD authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2). This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Table 3 shows real growth o… more
Date: June 13, 2006
Creator: Coipuram, Thomas, Jr.
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1970-FY2017

Description: This report is a research aid that lists the Department of Defense (DOD) authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2) for FY1970-FY2017. This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public … more
Date: January 18, 2017
Creator: DeBruyne, Nese F.
open access

Defense Authorization and Apropriations Bills: A Chronology, FY1970-FY2006

Description: This report is a research aid, which lists the DOD authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2). This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Table 3 shows real growth o… more
Date: June 23, 2005
Creator: Carter, Linwood B. & Coipuram, Thomas, Jr.
open access

Emergency Funding for Agriculture: A Brief History of Supplemental Appropriations, FY1989-FY2006

Description: From FY1989 through FY2006, 33 appropriations, authorization, or farm disaster acts added approximately $55.4 billion in supplemental funding for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs. The two most recent supplemental appropriations were provided in response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the Gulf of Mexico and in preparation for a possible U.S. outbreak of avian influenza. Some FY1989, the vast majority of the total supplemental funding has been paid directly to farmers, primarily … more
Date: July 3, 2006
Creator: Chite, Ralph M.
open access

FY 1990 environmental research programs for the Nevada Operations Office. Work plan and quarterly reports, first through fourth quarter reports

Description: This work includes a wide range of research and support activities associated with the Weapons Testing Program conducted at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Ongoing and new environmental research programs to be conducted by DRI over the period of this contract include archaeological studies and site mitigation plans; offsite community radiation monitoring support; environmental compliance activities related to state and federal regulations; hydrologic assessment of containment of underground nuclear… more
Date: November 1990
open access

The Mid-Session Review of the President's Budget: Timing Issues

Description: This report provides information on the timing of submission of the mid-session review for FY1980-FY2009, a 30-year period that covers all or part of the administrations of five Presidents, applying to the last two years of the Carter Administration, and the full terms of the Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush Administrations.
Date: August 19, 2008
Creator: Keith, Robert
open access

Our Changing Planet: U.S. Global Change Research Program Annual Report, 1990 Executive Summary

Description: Executive summary of the U.S. Global Change Research Program annual report, documenting activities and progress, goals for the upcoming year, proposed budget considerations, and other information about the organization for fiscal year 1990.
Date: July 1989
Creator: Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology. Committee on Earth Sciences.
open access

Practical Superconductor Development for Electrical Power Applications, Annual Report: 1990

Description: Annual report for the superconductor program at Argonne National Laboratory discussing the group's activities and research. This report describes technical progress of research and development efforts aimed at producing superconducting components based on the Y-Ba--Cu, Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu, Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu, and TI-Ba-Ca-Cu oxide systems including: synthesis and heat treatment of high-Ta superconductors, formation of monolithic and composite wires and tapes, superconductor/metal connectors, characterizat… more
Date: October 1990
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Materials and Components Technology Division.
open access

Program status 3. quarter -- FY 1990: Confinement systems programs

Description: Highlights of the DIII-D Research Operations task are: completed five weeks tokamak operations; initiated summer vent; achievement of 10.7% beta; carried out first dimensionless transport scaling experiment; completed IBW program; demonstrated divertor heat reduction with gas puffing; field task proposals presented to OFE; presentation of DIII-D program to FPAC; made presentation to Admiral Watkins; and SAN safety review. Summaries are given on research programs, operations, program development… more
Date: July 24, 1990
open access

Program status 3. quarter -- FY 1990: Fusion technology development

Description: During this period, the ARIES-I blanket design team completed the preparation of the ARIES-I reactor design final report. The helium-cooled, lithium breeder, SiC composite structure blanket option for the ARIES-II was evaluated and it was found that the corrosion resistance of the SiC in lithium is very poor. At the direction of DOE/OFE, the ARIES team was directed to defer work on the ARIES-II and to begin work immediately on the ARIES-III advanced fuel (D-{sup 3}He) tokamak design. Also, Vari… more
Date: July 24, 1990
open access

Water Infrastructure Financing: History of EPA Appropriations

Description: This report summarizes, in chronological order, congressional activity to fund items in the State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) account since 1987. In appropriations legislation, funding for EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) wastewater assistance is contained in the measure providing funds for the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies.
Date: January 19, 2006
Creator: Copeland, Claudia
open access

Yakima River Species Interactions Studies Annual Report: 1990

Description: Studies of species interactions were implemented to address concerns about the possible effects of supplementation (with anadromous species) on resident fish populations in the upper Yakima River basin. The current study objectives include collection of baseline information on the fish populations in the upper Yakima River and associated tributaries. As part of this baseline phase, spawning surveys of the upper Yakima River and thirteen selected tributaries between Roza and Keechelus dams were … more
Date: February 1991
Creator: Hindman, James N.
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