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open access

Fiber Optical Micro-Detectors for Oxygen Sensing in Power Plants Progress Report

Description: A reflection mode fiber optic oxygen sensor is being developed that can operate at high temperatures for power plant applications. The sensor is based on the {sup 3}O{sub 2} quenching of the red emission from hexanuclear molybdenum chloride clusters. Two critical materials issues are the cluster's ability to withstand high temperatures when immobilized in a porous the sol-gel support, and whether after heating to high temperatures, the sol-gel matrix maintains a high and constant permeability t… more
Date: July 1, 2005
Creator: Baker, Gregory L.; Ghosh, Ruby N.; III, D.J. Osborn & Zhang, Po
open access

Fiber Optical Micro-Detectors for Oxygen Sensing in Power Plants Progress Report

Description: A reflection mode fiber optic oxygen sensor that can operate at high temperatures for power plant applications is being developed. The sensor is based on the {sup 3}O{sub 2} quenching of the red emission from hexanuclear molybdenum chloride clusters. One of the critical materials issues is to demonstrate that the luminescent cluster immobilized in the sol-gel porous support can withstand high temperature. At the same time the sol-gel matrix must have a high permeability to oxygen. Using a potas… more
Date: April 2005
Creator: Baker, Gregory L.; Ghosh, Ruby N.; III, D.J. Osborn & Zhang, Po
open access

Fiber Optical Micro-Detectors for Oxygen Sensing in Power Plants Progress Report

Description: A reflection mode fiber optic oxygen sensor that can operate at high temperatures for power plant applications is being developed. The sensor is based on the {sup 3}O{sub 2} quenching of the red emission from hexanuclear molybdenum chloride clusters. One of the critical materials issues is to demonstrate that the luminescent cluster immobilized in the sol-gel porous support can withstand high temperature. At the same time the sol-gel matrix must have a high permeability to oxygen. Using a potas… more
Date: January 2005
Creator: Baker, Gregory L.; Ghosh, Ruby N.; III, D.J. Osborn & Zhang, Po
open access

Fiber Optical Micro-Detectors for Oxygen Sensing in Power Plants Progress Report

Description: A reflection mode fiber optic oxygen sensor that can operate at high temperatures for power plant applications is being developed. The sensor is based on the {sup 3}O{sub 2} quenching of the red emission from hexanuclear molybdenum chloride clusters. Alkali salts of Mo{sub 6}Cl{sub 12} were synthesized and heated to 280 C for one hour in air. Optical measurements of the thermally treated material confirm the potential of the salts as lumophores in high temperature fiber optic sensors. In additi… more
Date: July 2004
Creator: Baker, Gregory L.; Ghosh, Ruby N. & III, D.J. Osborn
open access

Fiber Optical Micro-Detectors for Oxygen Sensing in Power Plants Progress Report

Description: More Mo{sub 6}Cl{sub 12} has been synthesized. We have found that previous ambiguous x-ray powder diffraction results are due to disruption of long-range order in the crystals during the heating stage of the synthesis. The quartz cell heaters have been redesigned and are able to heat the substrate. Initial films have been fabricated and are currently under investigation to determine optimal deposition conditions.
Date: May 2003
Creator: Baker, Gregory L.; Ghosh, Ruby N. & III, D.J. Osborn
open access

Fiber Optical Micro-Detectors for Oxygen Sensing in Power Plants Progress Report

Description: In this report, initial results pertaining to the synthesis molybdenum clusters and characterization using absorption, optical microscopy, and x-ray powder diffraction are discussed. The synthesis was performed according to literature [1], but results from x-ray powder diffraction indicate that the synthesis did not give the desired compound. The absorption and optical microscopy indicate that the compound synthesized has properties similar to the desired Mo{sub 6}Cl{sub 12} clusters [2,3], so … more
Date: January 2003
Creator: Baker, Gregory L.; Ghosh, Ruby N. & III, D.J. Osborn
open access

Fiber Optical Micro-Detectors for Oxygen Sensing in Power Plants Progress Report

Description: A reflection mode fiber optic oxygen sensor that can operate at high temperatures for power plant applications is being developed. The sensor is based on the {sup 3}O{sub 2} quenching of the red emission from hexanuclear molybdenum chloride clusters. The luminescence of Mo{sub 6}Cl{sub 12} immobilized in a sol-gel matrix was measured as a function of heater temperature up to 200 C, in an inert environment. While the luminescence decreased with temperature, the integrated intensity at 200 C shou… more
Date: April 2004
Creator: Baker, Gregory L.; Ghosh, Ruby N. & III, D.J. Osborn
open access

Fiber Optical Micro-Detectors for Oxygen Sensing in Power Plants Progress Report

Description: A reflection mode fiber optic oxygen sensor that can operate at high temperatures for power plant applications is being developed. The sensor is based on the {sup 3}O{sub 2} quenching of the red emission from hexanuclear molybdenum chloride clusters. High temperature measurements of the emission of clusters in sol gel films show that the luminescence intensity from the films follow a 1/T relationship from room temperature to 150 C, and then declines at a slower rate at higher temperatures. The … more
Date: October 2004
Creator: Baker, Gregory L.; Ghosh, Ruby N. & III, D.J. Osborn
open access

Fiber Optical Micro-Detectors for Oxygen Sensing in Power Plants Progress Report

Description: Mo{sub 6}Cl{sub 12}, a cluster compound whose luminescence depends on the ambient concentration of oxygen, is the basis for a real-time oxygen sensor for combustion applications. Previously, the properties of Mo{sub 6}Cl{sub 12} have largely been studied at room temperature; these studies have now been extended to 200 C. Optical microscopy shows that Mo{sub 6}Cl{sub 12} undergoes a steady change in color as it is heated from room temperature to 200 C, changing from canary yellow to crimson and … more
Date: July 2003
Creator: Baker, Gregory L.; Ghosh, Ruby N. & III, D.J. Osborn
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