Experimental Investigations in Particle Physics at Intermediate Energies Preformance Report: December 1990-November 1991
The major elements of this project continues to be on fundamental symmetries and parameters of the Standard Model. The projects in the current period have been BNL E791 (a search for the decay K{sub L}{sup 0} {yields} {mu}e, which would violate the rule of separate lepton number conservation), test of an upgrade proposal (E871), and LSND, a neutrino experiment at LAMPF. For E791, data taking was completed in June 1990, and preliminary results are now available for the decays K{sub L}{sup 0} {yi…
September 30, 1991
Auerbach, L. B.; Highland, V. L.; Martoff, C. J.; McFarlane, K. W.; Guss, C. & Kettell, S.
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