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open access

Direct FuelCell/Turbine Power Plant Annual Technical Progress Report: 2001

Description: Project activities were focused on the design and construction the sub-scale hybrid Direct Fuel Cell/turbine (DFC/T{reg_sign}) power plant and modification of a Capstone Simple Cycle Model 330 microturbine. The power plant design work included preparation of system flow sheet and performing computer simulations based on conservation of mass and energy. The results of the simulation analyses were utilized to prepare data sheets and specifications for balance-of-plant equipment. Process flow diag… more
Date: May 22, 2003
Creator: Ghezel-Ayagh, Hossein
open access

Direct FuelCell/Turbine Power Plant Annual Technical Progress Report: 2002

Description: In this reporting period, a milestone was achieved by commencement of testing and operation of the sub-scale hybrid direct fuel cell/turbine (DFC/T{reg_sign}) power plant. The operation was initiated subsequent to the completion of the construction of the balance-of-plant (BOP) and implementation of process and control tests of the BOP for the subscale DFC/T hybrid system. The construction efforts consisted of finishing the power plant insulation and completion of the plant instrumentation incl… more
Date: May 23, 2003
Creator: Ghezel-Ayagh, Hossein
open access

Direct FuelCell/Turbine Power Plant Annual Technical Progress Report: 2003

Description: This report includes the progress in development of Direct FuelCell/Turbine{reg_sign} (DFC/T{reg_sign}) power plants for generation of clean power at very high efficiencies. The DFC/T power system is based on an indirectly heated gas turbine to supplement fuel cell generated power. The DFC/T power generation concept extends the high efficiency of the fuel cell by utilizing the fuel cell's byproduct heat in a Brayton cycle. Features of the DFC/T system include: electrical efficiencies of up to 7… more
Date: November 2004
Creator: Ghezel-Ayagh, Hossein
open access

Direct FuelCell/Turbine Power Plant Semi-Annual Technical Progress Report: November 2003 - April 2004

Description: This report includes the progress in development of Direct FuelCell/Turbine{reg_sign} (DFC/T{reg_sign}) power plants for generation of clean power at very high efficiencies. The DFC/T power system is based on an indirectly heated gas turbine to supplement fuel cell generated power. The DFC/T power generation concept extends the high efficiency of the fuel cell by utilizing the fuel cell's byproduct heat in a Brayton cycle. Features of the DFC/T system include: electrical efficiencies of up to 7… more
Date: May 2004
Creator: Ghezel-Ayagh, Hossein
open access

Direct FuelCell/Turbine Power Plant Technical Progress Report: November 2002 - April 2003

Description: The subMW hybrid DFC/T power plant facility was upgraded with a Capstone C60 microturbine and a state-of-the-art full size fuel cell stack. The integration of the larger microturbine extended the capability of the hybrid power plant to operate at high power ratings with a single gas turbine without the need for supplementary air. The objectives of this phase of subMW hybrid power plant tests are to support the development of process and control and to provide the insight for the design of the p… more
Date: May 27, 2003
Creator: Ghezel-Ayagh, Hossein
open access

Direct FuelCell/Turbine Power Plant Technical Progress Report: November 2004 - April 2005

Description: This report summarizes the progress made in development of Direct FuelCell/Turbine{reg_sign} (DFC/T{reg_sign}) power plants for generation of clean power at very high efficiencies. The DFC/T power system is based on an indirectly heated gas turbine to supplement fuel cell generated power. The DFC/T power generation concept extends the high efficiency of the fuel cell by utilizing the fuel cell's byproduct heat in a Brayton cycle. Features of the DFC/T system include: electrical efficiencies of … more
Date: May 2005
Creator: Shezel-Ayagh, Hossein
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