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open access

Carbon Sequestration in Reclaimed Mined Soils of Ohio Quarterly Report

Description: This research project is aimed at assessing the soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration potential of reclaimed minesoils (RMS). The experimental sites, owned and maintained by the American Electrical Power, are located in Guernsey, Morgan, Noble, and Muskingum Counties of Ohio. These sites, characterized by age chronosequences, were reclaimed with and without topsoil application and are under continuous grass or forest cover. During this quarter, water infiltration tests were performed on the s… more
Date: October 2004
Creator: Shukla, M. K. & Lal, R.
open access

Carbon Sequestration in Reclaimed Mined Soils of Ohio Quarterly Report

Description: Assessment of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration potential of reclaimed minesoils (RMS) is important for preserving environmental quality and increasing agronomic yields. The mechanism of physical SOC sequestration is achieved by encapsulation of SOM in spaces within macro and microaggregates. The experimental sites, owned and maintained by American Electrical Power, were characterized by distinct age chronosequences of reclaimed minesoils and were located in Guernsey, Morgan, Noble, and M… more
Date: April 2005
Creator: Shukla, M.K. & Lal, R.
open access

Carbon Sequestration in Reclaimed Mined Soils of Ohio Quarterly Report

Description: This research project is aimed at assessing the soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration potential of reclaimed mine soils (RMS). Experimental sites characterized by distinct age chronosequences of reclaimed minesoil were identified. These sites are owned by Americal Electrical Power and are located in Guernsey, Morgan, Noble, and Muskingum Counties of Ohio. The sites chosen were: (1) reclaimed without topsoil application (three under forest and three under continuous grass cover), (2) reclaimed… more
Date: January 2004
Creator: Shukla, M. K. & Lal, R.
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