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open access

CO2 Selective Ceramic Membrane for Water-Gas-Shift Reaction With Concomitant Recovery of CO2, Quarterly Report: April-June 2004

Description: For the purpose of process simulation and economic analysis of the proposed CO{sub 2} selective membrane process, we began to generate the equilibrium and rate data at the operating condition interested to our applications. In this quarter, we have concentrated on the experiments at 200 C and CO{sub 2} pressure of 0 to 1 bar. In this report we present the equilibrium isotherm and transport rate data and the mathematical treatment using the commonly accepted Langmuir and linear driving force equ… more
Date: August 2004
Creator: Liu, Paul K.T.
open access

CO2 Selective Ceramic Membrane for Water-Gas-Shift Reaction With Concomitant Recovery of CO2, Quarterly Report: January-March 2003

Description: Hydrotalcite material properties, specifically its CO{sub 2} reversibility, are critical to the performance of the proposed hydrotalcite-based membrane. In this report, we summarize the fundamental study we have performed using TGA, TGA/MS, and DRIFTS to quantify the degree of CO{sub 2} reversibility for the temperature range from 200 to 300 C. Results from these three separate studies consistently exhibit the CO{sub 2} reversibility. In addition, water effect appears negligible. Finally a high… more
Date: May 20, 2003
Creator: Liu, Paul K.T.
open access

CO2 Selective Ceramic Membrane for Water-Gas-Shift Reaction With Concomitant Recovery of CO2, Quarterly Report: January-March 2005

Description: In this quarter, we have focused on the completion of the loose ends of the experimental study. A series of CO{sub 2}-affinity membranes (carbonaceous base) prepared previously were characterized and evaluated for their suitability for the proposed application The CO{sub 2} permeance and selectivity are 0.5 to >3 m{sup 3}/m{sub 2}/hr/bar and 4 to 10 for CO{sub 2} over nitrogen respectively. Based upon its performance dependence on temperature and pore size, we conclude that this type of CO{s… more
Date: June 1, 2005
Creator: Liu, Paul K.T.
open access

CO2 Selective Ceramic Membrane for Water-Gas-Shift Reaction With Concomitant Recovery of CO2, Quarterly Report: July-September 2004

Description: For the purpose of process simulation and economic analysis of the proposed CO{sub 2} selective membrane process, we began to generate the equilibrium and rate data at the operating condition interested to our applications. In the last quarter we presented the results obtained at 200 C. In this quarter, we have concentrated on the experiments at 250 C and CO{sub 2} pressure of 0 to 1 bar. In this report we present the equilibrium isotherm and the mathematical treatment using the commonly accept… more
Date: November 2004
Creator: Liu, Paul K. T.
open access

CO2 Selective Ceramic Membrane for Water-Gas-Shift Reaction With Concomitant Recovery of CO2, Quarterly Report: October - December 2001

Description: To become a viable CO{sub 2} transport membrane, a reversible interaction between CO{sub 2} and the membrane material at the operating condition is a must. In the past quarter, we have conducted a comprehensive reversibility study using TGA and MS at {approx}200 C for both adsorption and desorption. This quarterly report summarizes the results. Evidently, CO{sub 2} can be reversible adsorbed and desorbed on the hydrotalcite surface via a pressure swing operation (i.e., between 1 bar and vacuum)… more
Date: March 2002
Creator: Liu, Paul K. T.
open access

CO2 Selective Ceramic Membrane for Water-Gas-Shift Reaction With Concomitant Recovery of CO2, Quarterly Report: October - December 2004

Description: Our CO{sub 2}-affinity material synthesis activities thus far have offered two base materials suitable for hydrogen production via low temperature water gas shift reaction (LTS-WGS) with concomitant removal of CO{sub 2} for sequestration. They include (i) a nanoporous CO{sub 2}-affinity membrane and (ii) a hydrotalcite based CO-affinity adsorbent. These two materials offer a commercially viable opportunity for implementing an innovative process concept termed the hybrid adsorbent-membrane react… more
Date: January 31, 2005
Creator: Liu, Paul K. T.
open access

CO2 Selective Ceramic Membrane for Water-Gas-Shift Reaction With Concomitant Recovery of CO2, Quarterly Report: September - December 2002

Description: In this quarter, we have made progress in the three approaches selected for preparing CO{sub 2}-affinity membrane. A defect free nanoporous membrane was prepared via slip casting. This membrane will then be used for post treatment to seal the micropores to become a non-porous membrane with CO{sub 2} affinity. This post treatment study will be our focus in the next several quarters. Polymeric gel as a precursor was successfully prepared, which will be used for subsequent thin film deposition. Pr… more
Date: March 14, 2003
Creator: Liu, Paul K. T.
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