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open access

A 1620 FORTRAN Programme for the Calculation of Bragg Angles for use in Powder X-Ray Diffraction Investigations

Description: An IBM 1620 program is described that calculates the Bragg angles for cubic, hexagonal, and tetragonal crystal systems for use with powder x-ray diffraction techniques. Allowance is made for absent reflections in the case of face- and body-centered cubic and close-packed hexagonal materials.
Date: April 1963
Creator: Walker, D. G.
open access

A 1620 FORTRAN Programme for the Refinement of Lattice Parameters by a Modified Least Squares Method

Description: An I.B.M. 1620 programme is described which calculates refined lattice parameters from X-ray diffraction data according to Hess' Method. The programme may be used for cubic, hexagonal, and tetragonal systems and three systematic error functions are included. The output includes the refined parameters their stand errors, and the misfit of the data at each experimental point.
Date: April 1963
Creator: Walker, D. G.
open access

The A.A.E.C. Atmospheric Pressure Heat Transfer Rigs

Description: This technical report describes two atmospheric pressure rigs with associated equipment designed for investigating heat transfer and friction characteristics of different type of "roughened" surfaces to develop suitable surfaces for an H.T.G.C.R. fuel element. Operating details are given together with techniques used to measure heat transfer and friction on a surface assembly incorporating selected "roughened" surfaces. Methods for calculating Stanton numbers, friction factors, and Reynolds num… more
Date: 1961
Creator: Lawther, K. R. & Draycott, A.
open access

Adaptation of the Siemens Diffractometer for Precision Lattice Parameter Determinations of Single Crystals

Description: Modifications to the A.A.E.C.'s Siemens Diffractometer are described which enable precision lattice parameter determinations on single crystals. Analysis of the errors and consideration of results suggest that accuracies of about 1--2 parts in 10/sup 5/ are obtained on small beryllium oxide crystals. Details of alignment and measurement procedure are included.
Date: August 1963
Creator: Mayer, R. M. & Walker, D. G.
open access

An Analysis of Instrumental Errors Affecting the Performance of a Schultz-Type Texture Goniometer

Description: The performance of a Schultz-type texture goniometer is shown to be adversely affected by a number of experimental errors all of which result in defocusing of the diffracted beam. Those errors result from the tilting of the specimen, from lack of precision in positioning it and from its absorption coefficient. An experimental procedure is outlined which minimized these errors and results in optimum performance of the instrument.
Date: 1962
Creator: Kelly, J. W.
open access

An Apparatus for Differential Thermal Analysis and its Use in the Investigation of Some Beryllium Compounds

Description: An apparatus for differential thermal analysis of active or toxic materials is described. The technique is superior to thermogravimetric analysis. Analysis of the dehydration of beryllium sulphate shows that the process takes place in three stages. Some applications are given for a modified apparatus for quantitative work.
Date: 1962
Creator: O'Connor, D. J.
open access

An Apparatus for Dissolving Irradiated Fuel Specimens and Accurately Sampling the Solution

Description: Details are given of an apparatus used to dissolve irradiated ceramic, metallic, and carbide fuel specimens, to dilute the dissolver solutions accurate to a known volume, and to take aliquots with a specially adapted automatic burette. Procedures for its use are given.
Date: September 1962
Creator: Coady, John Robert; Farrell, M. S. (Michael S.) & Starling, R. J.
open access

Automatic Scaler A.A.E.C. Type 2A -- Service Manual

Description: This manual is intended to give operating and maintenance information for the range of counting equipment in use by the A.A.E.C. at Lucas Heights, designation of Scaler Type 2A. This equipment has been designed in the General Physics Section of the A.A.E.C. General Nucleonics Division. The equipment was built by an Australian manufacturer (Siemens Nucleonics).
Date: July 1963
Creator: Fraser, H. J. & Waldron, C.
open access

Automatic Solution of Optimum Design Problems on a Digital Computer

Description: A description is given of a method suitable for the automatic solution of certain optimum design problems on a digital computer for cases where the number of constraints imposed on the design is not greater than the number of design variables. The problem is transformed to one requiring the minimization or maximization of an unconstrained function, for which a gradient method is used.
Date: March 1962
Creator: Lawrence, B. R.
open access

Axial Temperature Distributions in Concentric Cooling Channels Surrounding a Heat Generating Source

Description: A set of simultaneous differential equations is established to describe the temperature distribution for coolant flow in three concentric channels separated by walls of finite thermal conductivity and surrounding a cylindrical heat source. The solution of this set of differential equations is dependent on the heat source function Q(z) which must be known or specified. An assumed function Q(z) constant is taken as being a representative case and the resultant solutions are applied to several geo… more
Date: 1962
Creator: Carr, F. H.
open access

A Basis for the Computation of the Energy Dependence of the Neutron Flux and Slowing Down Density in a Bare Reactor

Description: A method is described for the computation of the energy dependence of the neutron flux and slowing down density in a bare reactor to form the basis of a 7090 Fortran computer program for survey studies of power reactors. Allowance is made for resonance absorption and resonance fission, neutron thermalisation, fast neutron reactions including (n, 2n) and (n, n), and anisotropic elastic scattering.
Date: September 1963
Creator: Lawrence, B. R.
open access

The Calculation of Crystal and Counter Settings for the Collection of Crystallographic Data with a Counter-Diffractometer in the Equatorial Plane

Description: Formulas are developed for the angle between any two vectors lying in a plane through the origin of reciprocal space. The application of these formulas for computing the counter and crystal angles for the collection of data with a counter-- diffractometer in the equatorial plane is developed, and a suitable computer program, written in FORTRAN without format suitable for an IBM 1620 computer, is described.
Date: January 1963
Creator: ryor, A. W. (Arthur William), 1928- & Sabine, T. M.
open access

Calculation of Reactivity Changes in HIFAR Due to Fuel and Poison Changes

Description: Empirical methods are given for calculating reactivity changes in HIFAR with changes in fuel loading, poison concentration, and temperature variations. The procedures are derived from the analysis of typical operating programs, reinforced by analogue computer analysis of variation of the important fission product poisons Xenon 135 and Samarium 149.
Date: January 1962
Creator: McKenzie , C. D. & Connolly , J. W.
open access

A Comparative Study of Two Grades of BeO

Description: Pechiney and Brush UOX BeO differ markedly in fabrication behaviour, only Brush UOX being readily sinterable. A comparative study of the two powders has shown few outstanding differences in powder properties. Both are of high purity but contain free and combined moisture to the extent of about 1.5 per cent. Pechiney BeO has a larger mean crystallite size (0.2 — 0.3μ) than Brush UOX (0.1 — 0.15μ) and a larger range of crystallite size, and both contain a small proportion of crystallites of size … more
Date: November 1961
Creator: Reeve, Keith Desmond, 1928- & Ramm, E. J.
open access

Cost Estimation for Nuclear Reprocessing Plants : a Comparison of Methods

Description: A comparison of methods of capital cost estimation used for nuclear fuel reprocessing plants shows that, because of the special nature and complexity of such plants, cost estimation methods for conventional chemical plants involving the use of cost factors are not applicable and will give low estimates. Cost factors which are available from other countries where reprocessing plants are installed should be used with caution since those factors apply only for the particular design philosophy used… more
Date: March 1962
Creator: Alfredson, Peter George & Cairns, R. C.
open access

A Cryostat for Temperature Control in the Range from Ambient to - 150 degrees C

Description: This note describes a simple cryostatic device, which, by utilizing the latent heat of vaporization of liquid nitrogen, enables accurate control of temperature between ambient and - 150 degrees C. The advantages of this cryostat over other models known are simplicity of design and operation, ability to operate accurately from ambient to - 150 degrees C, economy, and large working space.
Date: April 1963
Creator: Roman, D.
open access

Design of Concentric Tubular Reactor Fuel Elements for Uniform Coolant Conditions

Description: Concentric tubular reactor fuel element geometries to give equal coolant outlet temperatures are presented. Oscillations from tube to tube in thickness and temperatures generally occur but it is possible to eliminate them by choice of the centre element. This may be a fuel rod or a non-heat—producing rod with or without a surrounding annulus of fuel. The geometries and temperatures are dependent on the voidage and on a non-dimensional parameter equivalent to a Biot number based on the channel e… more
Date: June 1962
Creator: Binns, Ian M.
open access

Determination of Beryllium, Thorium, and Uranium in Sulphuric - Phosphoric Acid Mixtures

Description: Methods are described for the determination of traces of Be, Th, and U in concentrated sulfuric-phosphoric acid mixtures. When the Be concentration is sufficiently high, the chrome azurol S spectrophotometric method may be applied directly, and a small correction made for phosphate interference. At lower concentrations Be should be first separated by an acetylacetone extraction. Th must be separated from sulfate and phosphate before the thoronol spectrophotometric method can be used. This is ac… more
Date: September 1962
Creator: Florence, T. M. & Shirvington, P. J.
open access

Determination of Stability Constants in Stepwise Complex Formation

Description: It has been shown by studying the possibilities for determining the constants in stepwise complex formation by the interaction of hydrolyzed metal ions and ligands, that in a vast number of cases the direct measurements of metal ion and ligand activities ae necessary. Complete formulae for calculation are given and the conditions which allow some simplifications are established.
Date: 1961
Creator: Komar, N. P. & de Bruin, H. J.
open access

Determination of the Formation Constant of Indiumacetylacetonate by an Extraction Method

Description: 1. The solubility of acetylacetone has been determined in an acetate buffer solution of ionic strength C.1 in relation to pH and temperature. 2. The distribution coefficients of acetylacetone have been determined between chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, benzene and an acetate buffer solution in relation to acetylacetone concentration and pH. 3. The relationship has been established between the rate at which indium acetylacetonate reaches partition equilibrium and the pH, initial acetylacetone … more
Date: 1959
Creator: Rudenko, N. P. (Nikolaĭ Petrovich); Stary, I. & de Bruin, H. J.
open access

Determination of the Stability Constants of Salicylato-Beryllium Complexes by a Distribution Method

Description: An investigation of the solvent extraction behavior of salicylato- beryllium complexes is reported. A simplified method for calculating the stability constants has been developed. The values obtained are beta /sub 1/ = 4.0 x 10/sup 12/ and beta /sub 2/ = 4 3 x 10/sup 22/ in 0.15 M sodium perchlorate. (auth)
Date: November 1, 1961
Creator: Szego, L. E.
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