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open access

14-Year 113Cd

Description: The half lives of Cd/sup 113m/ and Cd/sup 115m/ have been redetermined to be 14 sintering time 2 years and 44.2 sintering time 0.5 days, respectively. The ratio of Cd/sup 113m/Cd/sup 115m/ yields from thermal-neutron fission of U/sup 235/ is 0.27 sintering time 0.03, and the ratio of (n, ) formation cross sections is 0.31 sintering time 0.03. Combination of these ratios with literature values for the Cd/sup 115m/ fission yield and (n, ) formation cross section gives (1.9 sintering time 0.2) x 1… more
Date: October 31, 1959
Creator: Wahl, Arthur C.
open access

A 704 Program for Computing Thermal Neutron Spectra in Infinite Homogenous Media

Description: A flexible program has been prepared for solution of the neutron balance equation in an infinite homogeneous medium. This program is specifically designed for studying the effects of varying the energy transfer kernel on the resultant neutron spectrum. A rapidly converging iterative procedure is employed. The equation to be solved and the specific input information required by the program in order to compute spectra are explicitly stated. No discussion of the physics of the problem is given.
Date: November 24, 1958
Creator: Nelkin, M S.
open access

Absorption of Organic Acids on Thoria

Description: The adsorption of acetic and oleic acids on the surface of thoria was studied by means of infrared spectroscopy. An infrared analysis of the adsorbates before and after adsorption using differential double bean methods indicated that the adsorption of organic acids on thoria surfaces occurs by an esterification reaction between the organic acid and the hydroxylated thoria surface. Ammonia vapor will not adsorb on thoria, indicated the basic character of the hydroxylated surface.
Date: December 31, 1959
Creator: Bradford, Harold R. & Wadsworth, Milton E.
open access

Absorption of Radionuclides Applied to Above Ground Plant Parts : Terminal Report

Description: The attached list of publications is submitted as a year to year and final report of progress on work accomplished under Contract AT(11-1)-159 from 1950 to 1959. Work was initiated on this project in the spring of 1950 and is still in progress as of the date of this report.
Date: 1959
Creator: Wittwer, S. H. (Sylvan Harold), 1917-2012; Turkey, H. G. & Bukovac, M. J.
open access

Absorption of Radionuclides Through the Above-Ground Parts of Plants, With Special Reference to Products of Nuclear Fission

Description: "The above ground, or aerial, parts of plants were found to absorb radionuclides readily from external spray applications. Entry through leaves, stems, fruit, and bark were demonstrated. The rate of absorption, extent of subsequent transport, and pattern of distribution within the plant was found to be dependent upon the nature of the radionuclide and many internal and external factors. These factors are discussed. It is concluded that the above ground parts of plants can absorb radionuclides w… more
Date: unknown
Creator: Tukey, H. B.; Wittwer, S. H.; Long, W. G. & Teubner, F. G.
open access

Abstract Bibliography on Linear Accelerators (December, 1928 to December, 1957) (Excluding Van de Graaff Generators and Cockcroft-Walton Accelerators)

Description: This list does not claim to be either an exhaustive or critical compilation. Sources consulted: Science Abstracts A, January, 1940 to December 1957; Science Abstracts B, January, 1940 to December 1957; Reports on Progress in Physics, Volume III, 1948-1949, pages 102-132 (preview article)
Date: March 21, 1958
Creator: Malmberg, Carol
open access

Activities in Liquid and Solid Metal Systems

Description: "Brief summaries of the experimental work being done on the phase distribution in Fe -Ni-Pb, Fe-Ni-Pb-C, and Fe-Ni-C systems at 1350 to 1550 C are presented. In addition, activities in the Al-Ag-Pb, Mn-Fe, and Ma-Fe-Pb systems at 700 to llO0 C were investigated. Results are represented graphically."
Date: unknown
Creator: Elliott, John F.
open access

The Adsorption of He3 and He4 on Activated Charcoal

Description: The adsorption on activated charcoal of pure He3 at 2.5 and 3°K, and of pure He4 at 4°K has been measured. The volume of gas necessary to form a monolayer is approximately the same for the two isotopes. It is shown that capillary condensation does not occur in this adsorbent at low saturations. The data have been analyzed by a number of methods with consistent results.
Date: 1956
Creator: Hoffman, C. J.; Edeskuty, F. J. & Hammel, Edward F. (Edward Frederick), 1918-
open access

An Aerodynamic Raindrop Sorter. Technical Progress Report No. 1.

Description: A pilot model of an Aerodynamic Raindrop Sorter was constructed along the lines suggested by mathematical analysis. The function of the analyzer is to sort natural rain according to drop size and to collect the sorted drops for further analysis. The pilot model, a small wind tunnel inclined at 45 deg to the horizontal, demonstrated the feasibility of aerodynamic rain drop sorting over a wide range of drop sizes. (auth)
Date: January 1960
Creator: Dingle, A. Nelson & Brock, Fred V.
open access

Aerosol Collection by Wetted Fiberglass Media

Description: A wet collection system for aerosols has been developed using fibrous media. Tests show the performance to be in accord with recently developed theory of collection by fibrous media. The effects of varying aerosol particle size, particle density, and gas velocity have indicated that inertial impaction is the primary collection mechanism. Three-year operating experience on several full scale plant installations shows reliable performance.
Date: April 28, 1954
Creator: Leary, Joseph A.; Clark, Robert A.; Hammond, R. Philip & Leopold, Charles S.
open access

Air Diffusion in the Air Operating Water Flask. Section I. Test Results DL-S-205 (T-641110)

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine the effect of continuous air pressurization of the Valve Operating System water flask on the the oxygen concentration of the water in the flask. Oxygen concentration in the Valve Operating System water flask increased during the testing period of seventeen days. It cannot be determined from the data obtained if equilibrium oxygen concentration was reached. The distribution of oxygen in the flask at the end of 17 days varied from approximately 12 ppm in t… more
Date: March 24, 1959
Creator: Beckwith, Robert A.
open access

Alternating Current Polarography: Evaluation of the Accuracy of the Data and Calculation Procedures

Description: "The data obtained by a-c polarography, when used to determine electrode parameters such as heterogeneous rate constant and when used as an analytical tool, are evaluated. Certain aspects of the experimental approach both in measurement and calculation are reviewed. The importance and means of correcting for the series resistance of the cell system itself and of using equations which take into account the phase differences between the faradaic and capacitive currents are developed. Other topics… more
Date: unknown
Creator: Bauer, Henry H. & Elving, Philip J.
open access

Analysis of Spurious Modes in Magnet Power Supply

Description: "The resonant frequencies of the magnet power supply are investigated. It is found that there are eleven resonant modes in addition to the desired mode of operation with six additional resonant frequencies. From measurements of the choke model, it appears that the frequencies of some of the spurious modes may lie in the same range as the desired mode of operation."
Date: January 3, 1958
Creator: Dekleva, J. & Robinson, K. W.
open access

Analytic Approach for the Pion-Proton Scattering Phase Shifts

Description: A simple method of solving for the phase shifts of the pion-proton scattering is presented. The rapid solution afforded can be utilized, as the Ashkin diagrams have been employed, to give starting values to an electronic computer or alternatively to analyze with more ease the variation of the phase shifts as a function of the input data in terms of the coefficients of the angular distributions. A new plot of a function of the total cross section versus the pion energy is introduced. The nearly … more
Date: December 7, 1955
Creator: Rarita, William, 1907-
open access

Angular Distribution of Fragments from the Photofission of U238

Description: Ilford D1 and Eastman NTC nuclear emulsions have been loaded with a solution of uranium acetate and them exposed to the X-ray beam of the Case betatron operated at 18 Mev. The developed plates have been searched wit a Zeiss type microscope. A total number of 1062 fission tracks have been measured and analyzed and the angular distribution of the fission fragments in center of mas system has been obtained.
Date: 1955
Creator: Reineke, Z. L.; Finegan, J. D. & Shankland, Robert S., 1908-
open access

Annual Report of Research Progress

Description: This technical report constitutes a brief review of the work undertaken, entirely or in part, under the Contract AT(30-1)-1772 with eh United States Atomic Energy Commission. The work published during 1959 is listed at the end of this report and copies of the reprints or reports are attached where available. These investigations have been concerned with the examination of defect production and behavior as it may be observed by high frequency ultrasonic attenuation and velocity (modulus) changes… more
Date: December 31, 1959
Creator: Truell, Rohn, 1913-1968
open access

Annual Report ONR Project A-2049

Description: "The objective of this program is to conduct a broad basic program of analytical and experimental research into the fundamental behavior of gas- lubricated bearings and to establish general design criteria for these bearings. The work to date has included both theoretical and experimental phases of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic lubrication phenomena, supplemented by a digital computer program."
Date: unknown
Creator: Fuller, Dudley D.
open access

Anodic Precipitation of Tracer Manganese as Dioxide

Description: Quantitative recovery of carrier‐free 10−9 M manganese (II) is possible from weakly acidic solutions. The use of lead dioxide as either a non-isotopic carrier or a chemical displacing agent makes possible high recoveries from more acidic solutions.
Date: 1959
Creator: Heintz, Edward A. & Rogers, Lockhart Burgess, 1917-1992
open access

Applications for Lanthanon Oxides and Other Compounds in the Ceramic Industry

Description: Separation processes for production of pure rare earth oxides in useful quantities are discussed. A review of applications of these oxides in the ceramic industry in production of glasses, glazes, porcelain enamels, refractories, abrasives, electronic ceramics, and nuclear ceramics is also presented. 46 references.
Date: January 28, 1960
Creator: Ploetz, G. L.
open access

The Armour Dust Fueled Reactor (Adfr)

Description: "Study of the ADFR concept included experimental work on fuel dust suspension stability and redispersibility, erosion, and dust deposition using the fuel dust circulation loop. Some theoretical work was done in the areas of reactor safety and breeding."
Date: unknown
Creator: Loewe, W. E. & Krucoff, D.
open access

The Armour Dust Fueled Reactor (ADFR)

Description: "Work has begun on the ADFR, a reactor using a new fuel form -- fissionable dust carried in an inent gas. Temperatures in the range 2,000 to 3,000 deg F appear feasible in an all-ceramic system. Experimental study of the fuel form was initiated, and a loop to circulate the fuel dust was constructed. Initial operation is encouraging. Theoretical studies were carried on in the areas of reactor physics, heat transfer, and safety."
Date: unknown
Creator: Krucoff, D. & Loewe, W. E.
open access

Attempted Modification of Susceptibility of Tumors to X-Radiation : Final Report for August 1 1957 to August 31, 1959

Description: Attempts to secure a high degree of synchronization of cell division of the Krebs mouse ascites carcinoma, by combined use of aminopterin and citrovorum factor, and by use of colchicine and N-acetyl colchinol, were unsuccessful. In the course of the work, a new method for securing smears of ascites tumor cells was out, which we believe will be found useful
Date: December 31, 1959
Creator: Beck, Lyle Vibert, 1906-
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