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open access

Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses; Eighth Quarterly Progress Report, (September - November 1963)

Description: The objective of the Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses program is to develop more accurate methods for burnup analysis for general use than the current method of analysis of Ca-137 or Sr-90. The program will require from three to five years of effort.
Date: December 1, 1963
Creator: Rider, B. F.; Ruiz, C. P.; Luke, P. S., Jr.; Peterson, J. P., Jr. & Smith, F. R.
open access

Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses; Ninth Quarterly Progress Report, (December 1963 - February 1964)

Description: The objective of the Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses program is to develop more accurate methods for burnup analysis for general use than the current method of analysis of Ca-137 or Sr-90. The program will require from three to five years of effort.
Date: March 1, 1964
Creator: Rider, B. F.; Peterson, J. P., Jr.; Ruiz, C. P. & Smith, F. R.
open access

AEC Fuel Cycle Program Design and Fabrication of Special Assembly 9-L : Irradiation Performance Test of UO2-Cermet Fuel

Description: Technical report describing a UO2-Mo cermet fuel assembly fabricated for long-term irradiation performance testing in the Vallecitos Boiling water Reactor. The design and fabrication histories of this assembly are described and pre-irradiation data on each individual rod are presented. Molybdenum was added to improve the bulk thermal conductivity of the fuel, so that fuel temperatures would remain comparatively low during high-power level operation of the fuel element. The molybdenum was inc… more
Date: March 1964
Creator: Ogawa, S. Y.
open access

Analysis of Zero Power Experiments on SM-1 Core II and SM-1A Core I

Description: Abstract: An analysis of SM-1 Core II and SM-1A Core I zero power experiments was made by comparing these cores to each other and to AM-1 Core I on the basis of critical bank positions, bank calibrations and available chemical analyses of the fuel plate compositions. The effects of replacing boron absorbers by europium absorbers upon rod worth and stuck rod conditions were studied. Comparisons of measured and calculated power distributions were made. It was concluded that both SM-1 Core II an… more
Date: October 5, 1960
Creator: Paluszkiewicz, S.
open access

BWR Reference Design for PL-3

Description: Abstract: The natural circulation, direct cycle, boiling water reactor reference design presented in this technical report is the alternate to the preferred preliminary design developed under Phase I of the PL-3 contract. The report presents plant design criteria, summary of plant selection, plant description, reactor and primary system description, thermal and hydraulic analysis, nuclear analysis, control and instrumentation description, shielding description, auxiliary systems, power plant eq… more
Date: February 28, 1962
Creator: Humphries, G. E.
open access

Corrosion Effects of Lowering the pH in TBP Waste Storage Tanks

Description: Large savings in waste storage space may be realized by lowering the pH at which TBP waste is stored. Additional savings in neutralizing chemicals and operating time would also increase the monetary gain from such a process change. However, before such a change could be made, the corrosive effect of TBP waste at a lower pH on the mild steel waste storage tanks had to be determined.
Date: April 6, 1954
Creator: Groves, N. D.
open access

Criteria for Evaluating Hazards Involved in Proposed Tests On and/or Modifications To the SM-1

Description: Abstract: This technical report elucidates principles of hazards evaluation. The concept of hazards potential is introduced and utilized to show how a reactor system perturbation will influence its nuclear safety. Literature relating to reactor safety is referenced to provide the sources of information required for hazards analysis and show how they influence a hazards evaluation. A checklist of items which should be considered in evaluating a change, test, or modification is presented.
Date: October 18, 1961
Creator: Scoles, J. F.
open access

Design and Fabrication of Fuel Rods Containing Sintered UO2 Extrusions - Assembly 11L

Description: The extrusion forming of ceramic powders may be economically interesting in the field of nuclear fuel fabrication. When applied to the forming of rod-type uranium dioxide fuel, extrusion processes have been able to produce cylindrical bodies with length-to-diameter ratios much greater than those of the conventional die-pressed pellets. Furthermore, after being sintered, the extrusions have exhibited densities at least as high as those of sintered pellets. Thus, extrusion forming may offer re… more
Date: February 1964
Creator: Megerth, F. H.
open access

Design and Fabrication of Pellet Fuel Rods Clad With Thin Wall Stainless Steel

Description: Summary: Stainless steel clad nuclear fuel cycle costs can be reduced to those associated with Zircaloy clad fuel or potentially lower by reducing the thickness of the clad tube wall until performance penalties offset the savings associated with the reduction in parasitic neutron absorption. To demonstrate the feasibility and investigate performance capabilities of thin clad fuel rods for power reactor application an assembly was fabricated with 0.0127 cm (5 mil) thick stainless steel cladding … more
Date: February 1964
Creator: Hoffmann, J. P.
open access

Design Criteria for Irradiated Vessels Task 6.0 Summary Report

Description: Abstract: This technical report presents design criteria to prevent the brittle fracture of ferritic reactor vessels that cold occur as a result of the rise in NDT caused by fast neutron irradiation. The criteria require that maximum principal stress in the vessel does not exceed 18 percent of yield stress at temperatures below NDT + 60 degree F. Under certain conditions the allowable stress may be based on the irradiated yield stress. A discussion of brittle fracture and an explanation of the … more
Date: September 29, 1961
Creator: McLaughlin, D. W.
open access

Development of Pulsed Neutron Application to Power Reactor Start-Up Procedures. Fifth Quarterly Progress Report, April 1-June 30, 1963

Description: Activities in a program to develop techniques in the use of pulsed neutron sources to measure shutdown parameters related to large thermal power reactors are reported. The development of pulsed neutron source techniques for large power reactors has led to a new theoretical model recently developed by E. Garelis and J.L. Russell, Jr. The theory is presently based on a bare, one-group model with m-delayed precursors and takes all spatial modes into account. Results indicate, however, that the app… more
Date: July 15, 1963
Creator: Garelis, Edward & Meyer, P.
open access

Development of Pulsed Neutron Application to Power Reactor Start-Up Procedures. Seventh and Eighth Quarterly Progress Report, October 1, 1963-March 31, 1964

Description: Activities in a program to develop techniques in the use of pulsed neutron sources to measure shutdown parameters related to large thermal power reactors are reported. In the course of this program, a new theory was suggested and an experimental apparatus was designed and built. Experiments were carried out to test the new model. This present report contains additional data and information extracted from the experiments at PG&E Humboldt Bay Power Reactor at Eureka, California. During the las… more
Date: April 24, 1964
Creator: Garelis, Edward & Meyer, P.
open access

Development of Pulsed Neutron Application to Power Reactor Start-Up Procedures. Sixth Quarterly Progress Report, July 1-September 30, 1963

Description: Activities in a program to develop techniques in the use of pulsed neutron sources to measure shutdown parameters related to large thermal power reactors are reported. The development of pulsed neutron source techniques for large power reactors has led to a new theoretical model recently developed by E. Garelis and J.L. Russell, Jr. The theory is presently based on a bare, one-group model with m-delayed precursors and takes all spatial modes into account. Results indicate, however, that the app… more
Date: October 15, 1963
Creator: Garelis, Edward & Meyer, P.
open access

Environmental Testing of a B4C-Ni Prototype Control Rod

Description: Summary: A prototype control rod containing absorber plates made from an electro- deposited dispersion of boron carbide in nickel was tested in the VBWR. It was exposed to the reactor environment of 545 degree F boiling water and thermal neutron fluxes (perturbed) which ranged from 0.6 to 1.1 x 10/sup 13/ nv for 2236 hours over a period of six months. The maximum B/sup 10/ burnup achieved during the test period was 1.8 percent. After irradiation, the rod was examined. The results of the examina… more
Date: October 15, 1963
Creator: Megerth, F. H. & Zimmerman, D. L.
open access

Extended SM-2 Critical Experiments : CE-2

Description: Abstract: This technical report contains a description and results of a second series of critical experiments performed on the SM-2 core mock-up, as additional to the first series of experiments reported in APAE No. 54. The SM-2 core mock-up contains 36.4 kg U-235 and and estimated 67.9 gm B-10. The equivalent diameter and the active height are about 22 in.; the metal-to-water volume ration is 0.344. Data is presented on activation, reactivity, and stuck rod measurements. All measurements were … more
Date: June 30, 1961
Creator: McCool, W. J.; Robinson, R. A.; Weiss, S. H.; Raby, T. M.; Schrader, E. W. & Walthousen, L. D.
open access

Fission Product Activity in SM-1 Core I Primary System and Surface Contamination on SM-1 Type Fuel Elements. Task XVIII, Phases 2 and 3

Description: Abstract; The fission product data obtained during SM-1 Core I operation (June 1957 - May 1960) is reviewed briefly and interpreted. Evidence is presented to indicate that a fuel element defect was responsible for the high fission product activity level observed in the primary coolant. Relative escape coefficients are calculated and the defect size estimated. Anticipated fission product levels during SM-1 Core II and SM-1A Core I operation are estimated from alpha surface contamination data o… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Hasse, Robert A. & Zegger, John L.
open access

Fuel Cycle Program Design and Fabrication of Special Assembly 10-L : Compacted Powder Fuel Rods Clad With 0.127-MM Wall Stainless Steel

Description: Technical report describing sixteen fuel rods clad with thin type 304 stainless steel and filled with vibratory compact powder UO2 that were fabricated and incorporated into a bundle for irradiation testing in the VBWR. The UO2 powders were tested for gas content. N2, CO, and H2 were the principal gases evolved by both type of UO2, but the arc-fused UO2 released about ten times as much gas as the Dyna Pak UO2. The amount of gas released was also a function of particle size and temperature. The… more
Date: October 1963
Creator: Ogawa, S. Y. & Williamson, N. E.
open access

Fuel Failure Examinations and Analyses in the High Power Density Program

Description: Summary: The High Power Density Project includes a comprehensive fuel development program which has the objective of developing and demonstrating the performance of a nuclear reactor core having a high power density, long fuel life, and low fabrication cost. The fuel program is made up of two principal tasks. Task 1A consists of irradiation tests in the VBWR of Type 304 stainless steel clad, UO2 pellet type fuel rods fabricated by current commercial processes. Task 1B consists of the investigat… more
Date: September 16, 1963
Creator: Arlt, W. H. & Vandenberg, S. R.
open access

Hazards Report for Insertion of the PM-1-M-2 Element in the SM-1 Core II

Description: Abstract: This technical report describes the Martin Co. PM-1-M-2 test element and analyzes the potential hazard incurred by its inclusion in the SM-1 Core II. A nuclear analysis develops power distributions and reactivity effects. Hydraulic and thermal analyses develop anticipated burnout heat flux ratios. An evaluation of the risk involved with the inclusion of this element is presented. In view of the narrow margin by which the PM-1-M-2 test element meets the minimum burnout ratios as def… more
Date: September 1, 1961
Creator: Coombe, J. R.; Scoles, J. F.; Brondel, J. O. & Lee, D. H.
open access

Hazards Report for PM-2A Core II

Description: Abstract: This technical report describes the changes incurred in the PM-2A by the planned insertion of PM-2A Core II and the replacement of the startup and check sources. PM-2A Core II components were fabricated to specifications very nearly identical to those of PM-2A Core I. The essential difference in the cores is the boron loading which permits PM-2A Core II to meet a "one-stuck rod criteria" at beginning of life. This core has been subjected to a zero power experiment and loading procedur… more
Date: June 21, 1962
Creator: Coombe, John R. & Stephenson, L. D.
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