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open access

Adoption Promotion Legislation in the 105th Congress

Description: This report discusses the type of adoption legislation in the 105th Congress. Specifically, the report tackles the idea that children are kept in foster care too long and that this may cause lower adoption rates. The report also discusses the enormous support for this legislation in the Senate and the House.
Date: November 24, 1997
Creator: Spar, Karen
open access

Adoption Promotion Legislation in the 105th Congress

Description: President Clinton signed the Adoption and Safe Families Act into law on November 19, 1997, after the House and Senate approved final versions of the legislation on November 13. The new law (P.L. 105-89) is intended to promote adoption or other permanent arrangements for foster children who are unable to return home, and to make general improvements in the nation’s child welfare system. The House initially passed legislation (H.R. 867) on April 30 by a vote of 416-5, and the Senate passed an ame… more
Date: November 24, 1997
Creator: Spar, Karen
open access

Adult Education and Literacy: Current Programs and Legislative Proposals in the 105th Congress

Description: This report summarizes current programs for adult education and literacy, provides a funding history, and analyzes major provisions of the legislative proposals being considered by the 105th Congress for amending adult education and literacy programs. Specifically, the report examines the provisions of H.R. 1385, the Employment, Training, and Literacy Enhancement Act of 1997, as passed by the House, and H.R. 1385, the Workforce Investment Partnership Act of 1998, as amended by the Senate (origi… more
Date: June 17, 1998
Creator: Irwin, Paul M.
open access

Adult Education and Literacy: Current Programs and Legislative Proposals in the 105th Congress

Description: This report summarizes current programs for adult education and literacy, provides a funding history, and analyzes major provisions of the legislative proposals being considered by the 105th Congress for amending adult education and literacy programs. Specifically, the report examines the provisions of H.R. 1385, the Employment, Training, and Literacy Enhancement Act of 1997, as passed by the House, and H.R. 1385, the Workforce Investment Partnership Act of 1998, as amended by the Senate (origi… more
Date: June 17, 1998
Creator: Irwin, Paul M.
open access

Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Issues in the 105th Congress

Description: The public agricultural research, education, and extension system is comprised of a nationwide network of federal and state agricultural research laboratories and departments, land grant Colleges of Agriculture, colleges of forestry and veterinary medicine, and the nationwide Cooperative Extension System. Although the basic authority to conduct agricultural research and extension programs is permanent, Congress since 1977 has provided funding authority and policy guidance for USDA's in-house re… more
Date: January 15, 1998
Creator: Rawson, Jean M.
open access

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR): Votes and Legislative Actions, 95th Congress through 110th Congress

Description: This report provides a summary of legislative attempts to address issues of energy development and preservation in the Refuge from the 95th Congress through the 110th Congress, with emphasis on the 108th through 110th Congresses. The analysis below covers, first, the economic and geological factors that have triggered new interest in development, followed by the philosophical, biological, and environmental quality factors that have triggered opposition to it. That analysis is followed by a hist… more
Date: November 19, 2008
Creator: Corn, M. Lynne & Roberts, Beth A.
open access

Arts and Humanities: Funding and Reauthorization in the 105th Congress

Description: One of the primary vehicles for federal support of the arts and humanities is the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, composed of the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. This report describes the issues and options raised in the 105th Congress with regard to both authorization and appropriations for support of the arts and humanities.
Date: June 25, 1998
Creator: Boren, Susan
open access

Budget Reconciliation in the 105th Congress: Achieving a Balanced Budget by 2002

Description: Achievement of a balanced federal budget by 2002 was a high priority for the 105th Congress and the President. After months of negotiations and debate, starting in February 1997 and ending in July 1997, congressional leaders and the White House forged a consensus on legislation to accomplish this goal. The legislation, signed into law by President Clinton on August 5, 1997, sets “caps” on discretionary spending, constrains entitlement programs, and on balance reduces federal taxes.
Date: September 11, 1997
Creator: Koitz, David Stuart & Nuschler, Dawn
open access

Budget Reconciliation Process: Timing of Committee Responses to Reconciliation Directives

Description: This report examines the timing of certain stages of the budget reconciliation process and the extent to which the submission due date included in a reconciliation instruction is a predictor for the timing of committee response. Specifically, it provides information on the dates by which committees have been directed to respond to reconciliation directives and the timing of House and Senate committees in responding to such directives in the past 14 Congresses (101st-114th Congresses).
Date: January 19, 2016
Creator: Lynch, Megan S.
open access

Campaign Finance Bills in the 105th Congress: Comparison of H.R. 2183 (Hutchison -Allen), H.R. 3526 (Shays-Meehan), and Current Law

Description: As pledged by Speaker Gingrich, the House renewed consideration of campaign finance reform in May 1998. The principal bill is H.R. 2183, known as the freshman bipartisan bill, introduced July 17, 1997, by Messrs. Hutchinson and Allen. Selected floor amendments and substitutes will be in order. The legislation that has generated the most publicity in the 105th Congress has been the McCain-Feingold bill (S. 25), offered on March 19, 1998, as H.R. 3526 by Messrs. Shays and Meehan;1 this has also b… more
Date: July 22, 1998
Creator: Cantor, Joseph E.
open access

Campaign Finance Debate in the House: Substitute Amendments to H.R. 2183 (105th Congress)

Description: This report provides a summary and comparison of the 11 substitute amendments to H.R. 2183, a campaign finance reform bill offered by Representatives Hutchinson and Allen, that, under H. Res. 442, will be in order for consideration by the House. The House began consideration of the bill and these substitute amendments (as well as additional perfecting amendments) on May 21, 1998. This report is intended for use by House Members and staff in preparation for and during House debate and assumes ba… more
Date: June 10, 1998
Creator: Cantor, Joseph E.
open access

Campaign Finance Reform Bills in the 105th Congress: Comparison of H.R. 3581 (Thomas), H.R. 3526 (Shays-Meehan), and Current Law

Description: On March 30, 1998, the House considered four campaign reform bills under a suspension of rules, focusing on the comprehensive H.R. 3581, offered that day for the Republican leadership by Mr. Thomas; it failed passage on a 74-337 vote. (The bill was similar to H.R. 3485, also by Mr. Thomas, reported by the House Oversight Committee March 18.1) The bill generating the most publicity in the 105th Congress has been S. 25 (McCain-Feingold),2 introduced on March 19 as H.R. 3526 by Messrs. Shays and M… more
Date: April 13, 1998
Creator: Cantor, Joseph E.
open access

Census 2000: Sampling as an Appropriations Issue In the 105th Congress

Description: The 105th Congress has debated the decennial census sampling issue mainly in the appropriations process, beginning with FY 1997 supplemental appropriations legislation for disaster relief. In Fy 1998, appropriation for Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies, the Senate instructed the Bureau of the Census not to make "irreversible" Census 2000 sampling plans, while the House sought a moratorium on these plans, pending expedited judicial review of their constitutionally… more
Date: September 1, 1998
Creator: Williams, Jennifer D.
open access

Census 2000: Sampling as an Appropriations Issue in the 105th Congress

Description: The 105th Congress has debated the decennial census sampling issue mainly in the appropriations process, beginning with FY1997 supplemental appropriations legislation for disaster relief. In FY1998 appropriations for Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies (CJS), the Senate (S. 1022) instructed the Bureau of the Census not to make “irreversible” Census 2000 sampling plans, while the House (H.R. 2267) sought a moratorium on these plans, pending expedited judicial review… more
Date: September 1, 1998
Creator: Williams, Jennifer D.
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