UNT Libraries Government Documents Department - 470 Matching Results

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open access

Advice to Forest Planters in the Plains Regions

Description: "Advice about tree planting to provide a windbreak and a supply of firewood, fence posts, and wood for repairs should be especially valuable to the settler in the Plains region. This bulletin gives advice that will enable him to select the species of trees that will bring the most profitable returns without overburdening him with care. Following the description of each species of tree adapted to the region, the points to be avoided in connection with its planting are summarized in a few concise… more
Date: 1917
Creator: Smith, Seward Dwight, 1880-
open access

Aerial Gamma-Ray and Magnetic Survey, Final Report. Volume 1: Newcastle and Gillette Quadrangles (Wyoming/South Dakota) and Ekalaka Quadrangle (Montana, South and North Dakota)

Description: The following report is the first in a series of volumes presenting data recorded during the months of August and September, 1978, from a radiometric and magnetic survey taken in four quadrangles between eastern Wyoming, North and South Dakota, and southern Montana (Newcastle, Gillette and Ekalaka).
Date: April 1979
Creator: GeoMetrics, Inc.
Location: None
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Final Report. Volume 1: Rock Springs, Rawlins, and Cheyenne Quadrangles (Wyoming), and the Greeley Quadrangle (Colorado)

Description: The data collected in this report was recorded after a high sensitivity airborne radiometric and magnetic survey was conducted over the Rock Springs, Rawlins, and Cheyenne quadrangles in Wyoming, and the Greeley quadrangle in Colorado.
Date: December 1978
Creator: GeoMetrics, Inc.
Location: None
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey,Volume 1. Final Report: Portions of the Forsyth and Hardin Quadrangles (Montana) and the Sheridan, Arminto, Newcastle, and Gillette Quadrangles (Wyoming)

Description: The following report is the first in a series of volumes presenting data recorded during the months of August and September, 1978, from a radiometric and magnetic survey taken in four quadrangles between Wyoming and southern Montana (Forsyth, Hardin, Sheridan, Arminto, Newcastle and Gillette)
Date: May 1979
Creator: GeoMetrics, Inc.
Location: None
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Torrington Quadrangle (Wyoming/Nebraska) and Casper Quadrangle (Wyoming)

Description: From abstract: From September 15 to September 28, 1978, geoMetrics, Inc., collected 4320 line miles of high sensitivity airborne radiometric and magnetic data in Wyoming and Nebraska within two 1° x 2° NTMS quadrangles (Torrington and Casper).
Date: August 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Driggs National Topographic Map, Idaho/Wyoming

Description: Final report of the airborne gamma ray and total magnetic field survey for the Driggs quadrangle, Idaho-Wyoming. Sections I through IV of this report present information and results associated with this specific survey. Section V gives the data acquisition and the processing procedures.
Date: 1981
Creator: Geodata International
Location: None
open access

Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometer and Magentometer Survey, Sierra Madre Detail Area (Wyoming): Final Report, Volume 2D

Description: Volume 2D to the parent document, Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometer and Magnetometer Survey, Sierra Madre Detail Area, Wyoming: Final Report, Volume 1. This volume contains flight line maps, geology maps, legend, flight line/geology overlays, and radiometric contour maps.
Date: 1983
Creator: High Life Helicopters Inc.
Location: None
open access

Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometer and Magentometer Survey, Sierra Madre Detail Area (Wyoming): Final Report, Volume 2E

Description: Volume 2E to the parent document, Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometer and Magnetometer Survey, Sierra Madre Detail Area, Wyoming: Final Report, Volume 1. This volume contains magnetic contour maps, multi-variant analysis maps, and geochemical factor analysis maps.
Date: 1983
Creator: High Life Helicopters Inc.
Location: None
open access

Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometer and Magnetometer Survey, Sierra Madre Detail Area, Wyoming: Final Report, Volume 1

Description: First volume of a report, containing a description of the systems used in the surveys made of Sierra Madre, Wyoming, as well as a discussion of the systems, the data collection procedures, the data processing procedures, the data presentation, the interpretation rationale, and the interpretation methodology.
Date: 1983
Creator: High Life Helicopters Inc.
Location: None
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