UNT Libraries Government Documents Department - 221 Matching Results

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open access

2005 Report to the Base Closure and Realignment Commission: Industrial JCSG Justification Book

Description: INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENTAL PROFILE MARINE CORPS AIR STATION BEAUFORT, SC, Air Quality (DoD Question #210-225), Cultural/Archeological/Tribal Resources (DoD Question #229-237), Dredging (DoD Question # 226-228), Land Use Constraints/Sensitive Resource Areas (DoD Question #198-201, 238, 240-247, 254-256, 273), Marine Mammal/Marine Resources/Marine Sanctuaries (DoD Question #248-250, 252-253), Noise (DoD Question # 202-209, 239), Threatened and Endangered Species/Critical Habitat (DoD Question #25… more
Date: June 4, 2005
Creator: United States. Department of Defense.
open access

2013 National Ocean Dumping Site Monitoring Assessment Report

Description: This national report presents EPA's ocean dumping monitoring activities in fiscal year 2013. EPA conducted 13 surveys at 20 ocean disposal sites offshore from Puerto Rico, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, Hawaii, and Oregon. This report summarizes each survey's objectives(s), activities, conclusions, and recommended environmental management actions.
Date: May 2016
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water.
open access

Appendix B-1. Outcrop and Core Descriptions

Description: Reports providing descriptions of outcrops (surface visible rock formations), including locations, elevation, and composition descriptions, surveyed for a National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program (NURE) exploration of Aiken and Lexington County, South Carolina.
Date: November 1983
Creator: Thayer, Paul A.
open access

Appendix D-1: Geologic Logs of Aiken County Cores

Description: Reports describing the geologic features of 23 core holes drilled for a National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program (NURE) exploration of Aiken and Lexington County, South Carolina. Details provided in each log, in addition to descriptions of the geologic features, include the location, elevation, and date for each drilled core hole.
Date: November 1983
Creator: Thayer, Paul A.

Appendix E-2: Aiken Soil Survey Results

Description: Tables presenting data from a soil survey conducted for a National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program (NURE) exploration of Aiken and Lexington County, South Carolina. "The table begins with the soil sample number. Other entries are Po-210 (pico curies per gram), U (ppm), surface area (S.A.) (in square meters per gram), Po-210/U, and Po-210/S.A. x 100. Also in Appendix E-2 are histograms and cumulative frequency plots of 1) Log U, 2) Log Po-210 x 100 (multiplied by 100 for convenience), 3) Log… more
Date: November 1983
Creator: Scienterra, Inc.
open access

Base Flow of Streams in the Outcrop Area of Southeastern Sand Aquifer: South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi

Description: From purpose and scope: The purpose of this study are to derive base flow estimates for representative parts of the Cretaceous and Tertiary clastic outcrop area as an aid in estimating recharge to the sand aquifers; to use base flow relations to estimate aquifer hydraulic parameters; and to relate the lithology of the aquifer to the streamflow duration curves.
Date: October 1983
Creator: Stricker, Virginia A.
open access

Beef Production in the South

Description: Report giving an overview of methods for raising cattle in the southern United States. There are special discussions of cattle feed, methods for fattening cattle, and the different breeds of cattle adapted to the region.
Date: 1914
Creator: Ward, W. F. (William Francis) & Gray, Dan T. (Daniel Thomas), 1878-
open access

Beekeeping in the Tulip-Tree Region

Description: "Many thousand colonies of bees occur in the region where the tulip-tree is abundant but the honey crop from tulip-tree flowers inconsiderable. Too few beekeepers in this region have modern equipment, it is true, but the greatest loss comes from the fact that they do not care for their bees so as to have them ready to gather the abundant nectar from this early-blooming tree. In this bulletin a methods is given for the management of the apiary so that the full honey crop from this source may be … more
Date: 1922
Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951 & Demuth, Geo. S. (George S.)
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