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open access

Advice to Forest Planters in the Plains Regions

Description: "Advice about tree planting to provide a windbreak and a supply of firewood, fence posts, and wood for repairs should be especially valuable to the settler in the Plains region. This bulletin gives advice that will enable him to select the species of trees that will bring the most profitable returns without overburdening him with care. Following the description of each species of tree adapted to the region, the points to be avoided in connection with its planting are summarized in a few concise… more
Date: 1917
Creator: Smith, Seward Dwight, 1880-
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho

Description: Final report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne radiometric and magnetic survey of the Boise, Hailey, Idaho Falls, and Elk City quadrangles including the survey description, specifications, data processing methods, interpretation methods, and regional geologic review.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Boise NTMS NK 11-2

Description: Appendix containing average geological survey data of the Boise quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles in Idaho and Montana and the Boise Quadrangle in Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Boise NTMS NK 11-2

Description: Appendix containing single record geological survey data of the Boise quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles in Idaho and Montana and the Boise Quadrangle in Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Elk City NTMS NL 11-9

Description: Appendix containing geological survey averages data to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle in Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Elk City NTMS NL 11-9

Description: Appendix containing single record geological survey data of the Elk City quadrangle to accompany am aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles in Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle in Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Hailey NTMS NK 11-3

Description: Appendix containing single record geological survey data of the Hailey quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle of Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Hailey NTMS NK 11-3

Description: Appendix containing averages of geological survey data gathered at the Hailey quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle of Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Idaho Falls NTMS NK 12-1

Description: Appendix containing single record geological survey data of the Idaho Falls quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle of Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Idaho Falls NTMS NK 12-1

Description: Appendix containing averages of geological data taken in the Idaho falls quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle of Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey,Volume 1. Final Report: Portions of the Forsyth and Hardin Quadrangles (Montana) and the Sheridan, Arminto, Newcastle, and Gillette Quadrangles (Wyoming)

Description: The following report is the first in a series of volumes presenting data recorded during the months of August and September, 1978, from a radiometric and magnetic survey taken in four quadrangles between Wyoming and southern Montana (Forsyth, Hardin, Sheridan, Arminto, Newcastle and Gillette)
Date: May 1979
Creator: GeoMetrics, Inc.
Location: None
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Boise Quadrangle of Idaho

Description: Second volume of a report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne radiometric and magnetic survey of the Boise quadrangle including a detailed geologic summary, interpretation report, standard deviation maps, pseudo-contour maps, interpretation maps, flight line and geologic base map, and individual corrected profiles.
Date: October 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
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