UNT Libraries Government Documents Department - 305 Matching Results

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open access

103-06A - A6 - Base Input - Army - Rock Island Arsenal - IL

Description: Base Input - Army - Rock Island Arsenal - IL - Includes: Itinerary for the visit of Mr. Samuel K. Skinner; List of attendees; PowerPoint presentation of BRAC Recommendations and Possible Changes prepared by Mr. Alan Wilson, Garrison Manager; and Rock Island Arsenal brochure.
Date: July 1, 2005
Creator: United States. Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission.
open access

Adjusting Corn Belt Farming to Meet Corn-Borer Conditions

Description: "The European corn borer is recognized as a dangerous enemy of the corn crop.... Its eradication is considered economically impossible but it is believed that the injury may be kept at a point so low that little commercial damage will occur during normal seasons. This can be done by using control measures and practices that have proved to be effective.... On some farms some changes in the crops grown and in their sequence will aid materially in controlling the borer and may prove profitable eve… more
Date: 1932
Creator: Myres, Kenneth Hayes, 1898-
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Final Report: Racine and Grand Rapids Quadrangles, Michigan/Wisconsin/Illinois

Description: Final report analyzing aerial gamma ray and magnetic data in the Racine and Grand Rapids quadrangles, including a detailed geologic summary, interpretation report, reduced scale copies of all maps and profiles, histograms, and statistical tables for the quadrangle.
Date: July 1981
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
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