UNT Libraries Government Documents Department - 178 Matching Results

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open access

S. 147/H.R. 309: Process for Federal Recognition of a Native Hawaiian Governmental Entity

Description: From Summary: "This report describes the provisions of the reported version of S. 147; outlines some federal statutes and recent cases which might be relevant to the issue of federal recognition of a Hawaiian entity; and recounts some legal arguments that have been presented in the debate on this legislation."
Date: October 11, 2005
Creator: Murphy, M. Maureen
open access

S. 147/H.R. 309: Process for Federal Recognition of a Native Hawaiian Governmental Entity

Description: S. 147/H.R. 309, companion bills introduced in the 109th Congress, represent an effort to accord to Native Hawaiians a means of forming a governmental entity that could enter into government-to-government relations with the United States. This report describes the provisions of the reported version of S. 147; outlines some federal statutes and recent cases which might be relevant to the issue of federal recognition of a Native Hawaiian entity; and recounts some legal arguments that have been pr… more
Date: September 27, 2005
Creator: Murphy, M. Maureen
open access

2012 Economic Cost Earnings of Pelagic Longline Fishing in Hawaii

Description: From abstract: This report presents findings from the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) cost-earnings study of the Hawaii-based longline fishery fleet which primarily targets bigeye tuna and swordfish...This report also compares 2012 results with the previous cost-earnings studies of the Hawaii longline fleet that examines the economic profiles of the fleet for 2000 and 2005 operations.
Date: October 2016
Creator: Kalberg, Kolter & Pan, Minling
open access

2013 National Ocean Dumping Site Monitoring Assessment Report

Description: This national report presents EPA's ocean dumping monitoring activities in fiscal year 2013. EPA conducted 13 surveys at 20 ocean disposal sites offshore from Puerto Rico, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, Hawaii, and Oregon. This report summarizes each survey's objectives(s), activities, conclusions, and recommended environmental management actions.
Date: May 2016
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water.
open access

Asian Pacific Americans in the United States Congress

Description: Asian Pacific Americans have served in both houses of Congress representing California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Oregon, Virginia, American Samoa, and Guam. They have served in leadership positions, including committee and subcommittee chairmanships. This report presents information on Senators, Representatives, and Delegates, including party affiliations, length and dates of service, and committee assignments.
Date: February 1, 2010
Creator: Tong, Lorraine H.
open access

Assessment of Geothermal Development in Puna, Hawaii

Description: The following subjects are discussed: the district of Puna prior to geothermal development, socioeconomic conditions, alternative modes of geothermal development, social benefits and costs of geothermal development, and geothermal development policy and its direction. (MHR)
Date: January 1977
Creator: Kamins, Robert M. & Tinning, Karla J.
open access

Attitudes and Preferences of Hawaii Non-commercial Fishermen: Report from the 2015 Hawaii Saltwater Recreational Fishing Survey, Volume 1

Description: The following document is a survey designed to elicit information of utility to resource managers of Hawaiian recreational saltwater fisheries. The survey includes information on angler participation, perspectives on the marine environment, preferences for fisheries management, and angler demographics.
Date: October 2016
Creator: Madge, Leila; Hospital, Justin & Williams, Ellary Tucker
open access

Catch and Effort from Hawaii's Longline Fishery Summarized by Quarters and Five Degree Squares

Description: This report provides quarterly and yearly summaries of Hawaii's pelagic longline catch (numbers of fish) and effort (hooks) reported by five-degree (latitude by longitude) squares based on the National Marine Fisheries Service longline logbook program. Species summarized include albacore, bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, striped marlin, blue marlin, black marlin, swordfish, mahimahi, and wahoo.
Date: January 1996
Creator: Curran, Daniel S.; Boggs, Christofer H. & He, Xi
open access

Censuses and Interatoll Movements of the Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1985

Description: Abstract: Research on the Laysan Island population of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal, Monachus schauinslandi, was conducted from 2 march to 30 November 1985. census totals excluding pups ranged from 76 to 147, an average increase of nearly 20 animals from the 1984 census results. Overall monthly haul-out distribution for all seals showed highest use in the north ecological unit followed by the west unit. Relatively few animals hauled out in the eastern and southern portions of the island. In… more
Date: September 1989
Creator: Becker, Brenda L.; Morrow, Robert J. & Leialoha, Julia K.
open access

Clinical Observations of Ocular Disease in Hawaiian Monk Seals (Monachus schauinslandi)

Description: From abstract: In 1995, 12 undersized, weaned female Hawaiian monk seal pups were captured at French Frigate Shoals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands... Eleven of the pups developed clinical signs of an eye disease between 12 and 46 days after capture... The cause of the eye disease and the site where it originated remain unknown.
Date: March 2009
Creator: Hanson, Mark T.; Aguirre, A. Alonso & Braun, Robert C.
open access

Comprehensive (1986-2001) Characterization of Size at Sexual Maturity for Hawaiian Spiny Lobster (Panulirus marginatus) and Slipper Lobster (Scyllarides squammosus) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

Description: Report on "estimate body size at sexual maturity for Hawaiian spiny lobster and slipper lobster using all available fishery independent research catch data from 1986 to 2001." (pg. 1)
Date: September 2002
Creator: DeMartini, Edward E.; Kleiber, Pierre & DiNardo, Gerard T.
open access

Comprehensive Evaluation of Shallow Reef Fish Populations at French Frigate Shoals and Midway Atoll, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (1992/93,1995-2000)

Description: From abstract: This document represents the sixth and last of a series of Honolulu Laboratory reports providing estimates of shallow reef fish population densities based on diver-surveys conducted at roughly annual intervals at two sites (French Frigate Shoals (FFS) and Midway Atoll (Midway) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI)). The purpose of the time series has been to develop the capability to characterize the standing stock densities of shallow reef fishes, as one potentially import… more
Date: December 2002
Creator: DeMartini, Edward E.; Parrish, Frank A. & Boland, Raymond C.
open access

Corrected Catch Histories and Logbook Accuracy for Billfishes (Isiophoridae) in the Hawaii-based Longline Fishery

Description: From abstract: This paper presents corrected catch histories, standardized catch rates, and evaluations of the accuracy of federally mandated commercial logbooks for billfishes taken as incidental catch by the Hawaii-based longline fishery. The study was conducted because billfish misidentifications in logbooks caused by similarities in body size, shape, and coloration have long represented a major challenge in monitoring this fishery.
Date: December 2007
Creator: Walsh, William A.; Bigelow, Keith A. & Ito, Russell Y.
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