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open access

Assessment of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Benefits of Heavy Duty Natural Gas Vehicles in the United States: Final Report

Description: A paper which presents a review of existing literature on emission factors, emission data collection techniques, and analytical approaches. It presents the results of SAIC's analysis of available CO2 and CH4 GHG emission data from chassis dynamometer tests of heavy-duty vehicle exhaust.
Date: September 22, 2005
Creator: Davies, Christina; Findsen, Jette & Pedraza, Lindolfo
open access

Climate Change Science White Paper

Description: This is a white paper on climate change science. The white paper seeks to create a consensus around science-based evidence on climate change and increasing overall temperatures.
Date: July 24, 2012
Creator: United States. Department of Agriculture. Research, Education and Economics.
open access

Invasive Species Definition Clarification and Guidance White Paper

Description: Paper discussing a "a non-regulatory policy interpretation of the term invasive species" through a positional defintion of what and what does not constittue an invasive species along with examples of impacts caused by invasive species. (p. 2)
Date: April 27, 2006
Creator: Definitions Subcommittee of the Invasive Species Adivsory Committee
open access

Mitigating Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Preserving U.S. Strategic Competitiveness in Artificial Intelligence

Description: White paper authored by three members of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence to address AI-related aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic response and the implications of the crisis for America's security and strategic competitiveness. It offers five themed recommendations to use AI to reopen, assess, preserve, screen, and return the U.S.'s economic and national security concerns during and after the pandemic.
Date: May 19, 2020
Creator: Darby, Chris; Louie, Gilman & Matheny, Jason
open access

The National Coastal Condition Report IV

Description: A paper detailing the report of the National Coastal Condition Report IV. It explains that the report present 4 types of data: coastal monitoring data, coastal ocean/ offshore monitoring data, offshore fisheries data, and beach assessment and fish advisory data.
Date: unknown
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
open access

Privacy and Ethics Recommendations for Computing Applications Developed to Mitigate COVID-19

Description: The first of three white papers authored by members of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) on harnessing data and computing technologies to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. The report analyzes how computing applications can supplement the United States' manual contract tracing efforts and recommends privacy and ethics considerations in developing and fielding these applications.
Date: May 6, 2020
Creator: Horvitz, Eric J. (Eric Joel); Clyburn, Mignon Leticia, 1962-; Griffiths, José-Marie & Matheny, Jason
open access

The Role of AI Technology in Pandemic Response and Preparedness: Recommended Investments and Initiatives

Description: White paper identifying ways that aritificial intelligence (AI) might be utilitzed in pandemic response for the COVID-19 pandemic and in the future. Outlined are a series of investments and initiatives the authors believe that the United States must undertake to realize the full potential of AI for national security.
Date: June 25, 2020
Creator: Matheny, Jason; Zetter, Olivia; deBlanc-Knowles, Tess & Garris, Michael D.
open access

The U.S. Forest Service and Climate Change

Description: A paper explaining the benefits, tasks, and strategies of the United States Forest Service to mitigate Climate Change.
Date: February 2012
Creator: United States. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service.
open access

Women and Work: 50 Years of Change since the American Women Report

Description: This paper examines how education has impacted women's work, continuous challenges women face in the work place, how women work to support their families, and finally assessing the policies written in the American Women report of 1963.
Date: unknown
Creator: Maatz, Lisa & Hedgepeth, Anne
open access

Women, Jobs and Opportunity in the 21st Century

Description: This paper discusses how women have surpassed men in obtaining under graduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees, yet they are choosing to limit their lifetime earnings. They also examine choices women make in school and the work place, and social pressures that cause women to gravitate toward certain occupations.
Date: unknown
Creator: Carnevale, Anthony P. & Smith, Nicole
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