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Comparison of Effectiveness of Sub-Slab Ventilation Systems for Indoor Radon Mitigation: A Numerical Study; Comparaison a L`Aide D`Un Outil Numerique DE L`Efficacite Des Systemes DE Ventilation Active DU SOL Limitant La Penetration DU Radon Dans L`Habitat
The functioning of an active sub-slab ventilation system (SVS) has been studied successfully with the help of a previously evaluated numerical model. The parameters explored are the permeability of the sub-slab and the gravel placed beneath it, the amplitude of applied pressure at the installation point of the system and the functioning method: depressurization or pressurization. The mechanisms contributing to the success of the two systems are identified. This numerical study shows that the presence of a layer of gravel beneath the sub-slab considerably improves the performance of the SVS. Considered separately from the extremely permeable sub-slabs, the depressurization systems perform better than the pressurization systems. 17 refs. [Francais] Le fonctionnement des Systemes de Ventilation active du Sol (SVS) a ete etudie a l`aide d`un outil numerique precedemment evalue avec succes. Les parametres explores sont les permeabilites du sol et du gravier place sous plancher bas, l`amplitude de la pression appliquee au point d`installation du systeme, et le mode de fonctionnement: Depressurisation ou Pressurisation. Les mecanismes contribuant au succes des deux systemes sont identifies. Cette etude numerique montre que la presence d`une couche de gravier sous plancher bas ameliore de facon considerable les performances des SVS. Mis a part le cas des sols extremement permeables, les systemes de Depressurisation ont de meilleures performances que les systemes de Pressurisation. 17 refs.
International Journal of Government Auditing, April 1, 1999, Vol. 26, No. 2 (French Version)
Other written product issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "This French-language edition of the journal of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) includes articles regarding: (1) changes in international auditing personnel; (2) audit planning; (3) implementing guidelines for INTOSAI auditing standards; (4) recognizing fraud indicators; (5) the Royal Audit Authority of Bhutan; (6) reports in print on auditing; and (7) activities inside INTOSAI."
International Journal of Government Auditing, January 1999, Vol. 26, No. 1 (French Version)
Other written product issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "This French-language edition of the journal of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) includes articles regarding: (1) the XVI International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions in Montevideo from November 7-14, 1998; (2) supreme audit institutions and the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption; (3) improving public governance through the work of supreme audit institutions and INTOSAI's standing committees and working groups; (4) a meeting of seven regional working groups and their report to Congress; (5) the INTOSAI Development Initiative and the transition of the Secretariat to Norway; and (6) activities within INTOSAI."
International Journal of Government Auditing, July 1999, Vol. 26, No. 3 (French Version)
Other written product issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "This French-language edition of the journal of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) includes articles regarding: (1) the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions' examination of issues related to the independence of national audit offices; (2) the Dutch government's search for a new form of accountability; (3) the preparedness of Zimbabwe's government for the fiscal year 2000; (4) audit profiles of St. Kitts and Nevis; (5) reports in print on auditing; and (6) activities inside INTOSAI."
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