Search Results

A Survey of the Twentieth Century American Trends in Secondary Mathematics Education
This investigation of twentieth century trends in mathematics education includes the survey of existing literature and questionnaires conducted with retired and active Texas teachers. Historical events, trends in curriculum, instruction, learning theories, and contradictions of twenty-year periods are delineated. Questionnaire responses are tabulated along the same periods and vignettes of typical classrooms are drawn from the data. Results of the survey show the impact of societal forces on mathematics curricula, a continued downward expansion of content into lower grades and expanding knowledge of learning processes. A unified mathematics curriculum, classroom-related learning theory research, and further development of team-teaching are postulated as future trends. Recommendations include further examination of trends through isolation of other variables such as region and ethnicity.
An Appraisal of the Doctoral Program in Higher Education at North Texas State University and Its Comparison to a 1974 Appraisal of Higher Education at North Texas State University
Doctoral students and graduates of the program in Higher Education, Division of Higher Education, North Texas State University, enrolled during the summer semester of 1980 were selected as the sample for the study. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the doctoral program by (1) determining doctoral students' and graduates' experiences and reactions to the program, (2) measuring the extent that perceptions about the program by students differ from or are similar to those of graduates, (3) comparing these findings to an earlier study by Brice (19 74), (4) presenting conclusions and recommendations based on the findings of the study which could aid in the administration of the doctoral program, and (5) providing information for planning new program policies or supporting those already in existence.
The Effect of Music and Sound Effects on the Listening Comprehension of Fourth Grade Students
The purpose of this study was to determine if the addition of music and sound effects to recorded stories increased the comprehension and retention of information for fourth grade students. The data were analyzed by a two-factor analysis of variance, with repeated measures for both comprehension and retention tests, for the total population. Each reading level group was analyzed separately by an analysis of variance. Of eight hypotheses tested, six showed a significant difference. The conclusions drawn from this study indicated that the addition of music and sound effects 1) Increases the listening comprehension and retention of fourth grade students; 2) Is more effective for retention for students with a high reading level; and 3) Is more effective for initial listening comprehension for students with low reading level but the effect is not significant for retention.
Evaluating Quality Standards for Teachers in the Field of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
The purpose of this study is to determine quality indicators in the field of emotional and behavioral disorders based on six empirically validated standards outlined by the Council for Exceptional Children. Invitations to participate in the study were disseminated to a randomized selection of members within the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders. Respondents (N = 199) included teachers (n = 128) and related service personnel (n = 71) who directly and indirectly work with students with emotional and behavioral disorders throughout the United States. A rank order list of the most important knowledge and skills to teachers with regard to demographic characteristics (i.e., types of communities, educational settings, or years of experience) was developed. Additionally, a rank order list was developed to determine which knowledge and skills related service personnel felt should be most important to teachers. Level of agreement was determined between teachers and related service personnel and variances among the rank order lists were examined. Results of the study revealed statistically significant variances in the rank order of knowledge and skills among educational settings of teachers (i.e., self-contained, resource, and general education/inclusion) across the standard of Learning Environments and Social Interactions. Rank orders in two knowledge and skills (i.e., assistive technology and structure) were significant. When rank order was compared between teachers and related service personnel, level of agreement was low within the standards of assessment (58%) and collaboration (63%).
A Study of the Perception of Faculty Concerning Integration of Faith and Learning at Free Methodist Colleges
The problem with which this study is concerned is the perception of faculty members at Free Methodist colleges regarding the integration of faith and learning in the total environment of their institution. In order to study this problem, the entire population of faculty was studied at Greenville College, Greenville, IL.; Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, N.Y.; Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA.; and Spring Arbor College, Spring Arbor, MI. The purposes of this study are fourfold: (1) to identify and to validate statements which describe individual criteria which must exist if integration of faith and learning is occurring on Christian college campuses; (2) to use these criterion statements in evaluating the perception of faculty at Free Methodist colleges concerning integration of faith and learning at their institutions; (3) to study the effect of age on the perception of integration of faith and learning among faculty; (4) to study the effect of the undergraduate alma mater on the perception of integration of faith and learning among faculty. An instrument containing forty-seven statements of criteria for integration of faith and learning was developed for this study and given to the faculty at the four institutions. Content validity was established by using nine experts in the Delphi Technique. Criterion-related validity was established by means of a discrimination study of faculty at Wheaton College and Southern Methodist University. A significant difference was found at the .01 level. A reliability coefficient of .93 was established through a test for internal consistency. Instruments were sent to 298 faculty representing all full-time faculty at the four schools under examination. The response rate was 49.7% or 148. Based on the findings of three hypotheses which were tested, it can be concluded that (1) age makes a difference in the perception of integration of faith and learning, (2) the four institutions …
The Association Between Exposure to Computer Instruction and Changes in Attitudes Toward Computers
The problem with which this study was concerned is the association between exposure to computer instruction and changes in attitudes toward computers. The study had a two-fold purpose. The first was to determine the attitudes of undergraduate students toward computers. The second was to determine whether exposure to information about computers and their uses is associated with changes in students' attitudes toward computers. A computer literacy test was administered to subjects as a pre-and post-test. The major findings of the study indicate that there were significant, positive attitude changes among students exposed to computer instruction. There were also significant increases in knowledge about computers among participants exposed to computer instruction. The major conclusions are that attitudes are not fixed and develop in the process of need satisfaction. Participants in the study experienced attitude changes, which supports the suggestion that attitudes are developmental. Futhermore, the attitude changes observed in the study occurred in the process of learning about computers, a process assumed to be rooted in the educational and/or career needs of the participants. Attitudes are shaped by the information to which people are exposed. Attitude modification seldom, if ever, occurs in a vacuum. Instead, it most often takes place in the context of information dissemination and exposure. In this study, attitudes toward computers changed positively and significantly as participants were exposed to information about computers.
The Effects of Structured Sociometric Feedback and Group Counseling on Personal Adjustment and Sociometric Status
This study's problem concerned the conflict between the ethical desirability of giving participants relevant information about themselves versus the current practice of withholding sociometric data. Group counseling was selected to provide a relative basis for comparison of the effects of structured sociometric feedback (SSF). This study's ultimate purpose was to gather empirical evidence concerning the appropriateness and safety of conveying sociometric data to participants of sociometric studies.
Perceptions of Drug Education Programs in Selected Oklahoma Schools
This study was an investigation of teaching strategies and student outcomes of the drug education program in five pilot schools in Oklahoma as these programs relate to the "ideal" program recommended by drug education experts. This study had a twofold purpose. The first was to determine the differences of the perceptions of students, teachers and administrator toward the drug education program in their own school. The second was to compare this perceived "actual" program with the "ideal" program as described by selected drug education experts. The study centers on five exploratory questions. With the completion of the five exploratory questions, it was concluded that the factors that are descriptive of the "ideal" and "actual" drug education programs can be identified from opinions of persons who have an interest in or responsibility for effective information concerning the drug scene.
An Analysis of Teacher Performance Evaluation Policies and Criteria in Texas Public Schools
The purposes of this study were to identify the procedures and criteria used for conducting teacher performance evaluation in Texas public schools, to determine the degree to which teacher performance evaluation procedures and instruments reflect the stated evaluation policies of Texas public schools, and to determine the degree to which teacher performance evaluation instruments used in Texas public schools reflect presage criteria (teacher characteristics) as opposed to process criteria (teacher behavior) as opposed to product criteria (student change or gain) as opposed to general job performance requirements (job expectations). The main findings include the following. (1) Teacher performance evaluation is required in all Texas public school districts and is often performed several times a year by more than one observer. The building principal is the key person involved in this process. (2) Although all school districts stated the supervisory function of the improvement of instruction as the major purpose of their teacher performance evaluation policy, a large number of school districts utilize teacher performance evaluation for the administration functions of serving as a basis for retention or dismissal. (3) If in reality teacher performance evaluation were construed as the improvement of instruction or teaching performance, it should be predictable that process criteria (teacher behavior) would account for the majority of items in the evaluation instruments. However, these items accounted for only about one-fourth of the total number. At the same time, items relating to general job requirements accounted for over 50 percent of the items. This exhibits a maintenance rather than teaching thrust. (4) The data gathered on current teacher performance evaluation instruments appear to be highly pertinent to maintaining the school as an organization and appear to be helpful in making personnel decisions. (5) Teacher performance evaluation instruments in Texas public schools are much more heavily weighted toward assessing …
The Impact of Role Playing on Selected Values Claims Held by Third- and Fifth-Grade Students
The problem with which this investigation was concerned was that of determining whether role playing could be used successfully to help elementary school children clarify selected values claims. The changes in children's values claims were measured by using the Semantic Differential developed by Osgood and others. This study had a threefold purpose. The first was to determine if children's values claims in the third grade could be changed by a concentrated program of role playing. The second was to determine whether children's values claims in the fifth grade could be changed by a concentrated program of role playing. The third was to determine if there was a difference in the amount of change in third- and fifth-grade children's values claims after both grades had experienced a concentrated program of role playing. The following conclusions were reached: (1) Role playing experiences can be used successfully to change third-grade children's values claims in respect to the concepts of honesty and consideration of others. (2) Whether role playing can be used successfully with third-grade children to change their values claims in regard to respect for property is open to question. (3) Whether role playing can be used successfully with fifth-grade children to change their values claims in regard to honesty, consideration of others, and respect for property is open to question. The study implied that (1) role playing may be more effective with children in the third grade than with children in the fifth grade, (2) role playing may be more effective with some values claims than with others, (3) though the changes made by the fifth grade after role-playing experiences were not significant, they were in the positive direction. Consequently it is entirely possible that role playing could have been more effective with the fifth grade under differing circumstances, (4) significant changes …
Relationships of Shyness, Extroversion, Leisure, Gender, and Activity Style to Perceived Freedom in Leisure
This research examined several independent variables and their prediction of perceived freedom in leisure (PFL). Four instruments were utilized to collect data from research subjects regarding the independent variables of shyness, extroversion, gender and activity preference style and the dependent variable, PFL. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients were calculated for each scale employed in the research. Reliabilities for the scales within this research were as follows: Stanford Shyness Survey (.78), Adult Short Form of the Leisure Diagnostic Battery (.92), three scales from the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Extroversion (.85), Neuroticism (.79), and LIE (.75), and the Activity Preference Style Scales - Active (.45), Group (.53), and Risk (.67). Due to the low alpha reliabilities of two of the Activity Preference Style Scales, Active and Group, factor analysis was performed in an attempt to construct new sub-scales with higher alpha reliabilities. This resulted in some of the new sub-scales, as well as the original Active and Group scales being used in the data analysis. The sample was comprised of 325 undergraduate students enrolled in a required history or English class. The age of the sample ranged from 17 to 50 with a mean age of 20.4. Questionnaires were given out during class time and students were instructed to complete them at home and return them to their instructor. Respondents were categorized into six non-independent groups: all subjects, not shy subjects, shy subjects, and three shyness sub-groups — shy now and in the past, shy now but not in the past and shy in the past. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was employed with four different sets of Activity Preference Style scales and sub-scales in the prediction of PFL for the six subject groupings. Regardless of a subject's level of shyness, extroversion, and in several other cases, one of the activity style variables …
The Effect of Group Counseling on Visual Imagery and Selected Personality Factors for Junior and Senior Level High School Students
The problem of this study was to measure the effect of group counseling on visual imagery and selected personality factors of junior and senior level secondary school students. The purpose of this study was to determine if perception of visual images changed after group counseling. Also investigated was whether a concomital relationship existed among the perception of visual images and the self-concept, ascendance, and sociability.
The Effect of an Adaptation of the Lozanov Method on Vocabulary Definition Retention
The purpose of the study was to determine if there is an effect on retention of vocabulary when music and imagery are used, to accelerate learning. As background for the study four brain functioning theories as developed from recent neuroscientific research were explored. These were the theory of right/left cerebral dominance (Sperry & others), triune brain theory (MacLean), taxon and locale long term memory (O'Keefe & Nadel), and holographic memory (Pribram). These four theories all suggest multiple channels of input will increase information retention. The research utilized three conditions: an experimental condition of music plus imagery, an experimental condition of music only, and a no treatment condition.
A Comparison of the Problem Solving Ability of Physics and Engineering Students in a Two Year College
The problem with which this study was concerned is a comparison of the problem solving ability of physics and engineering students in a two year college. The purpose of this study was to compare the problem solving ability of physics and engineering students in a two year college and determine whether a difference exists. Data was collected from an instrument administered to twenty-six engineering students and twenty-three physics students as a major examination in their regular courses. The instrument was validated by being taken from representative texts, by approval of the instructors using the examination, and by approval of a physics professor at a university. The instructors and professor were considered a panel of experts. Comparison of test scores of students who were registered in both physics and engineering and who took the exam twice, established concurrent validity of the instrument. A questionnaire was also administered to both groups of students to determine their personal problem solving strategies, if any, and to collect other demographic data. Additional demographic data, as available, was 2 obtained from the registrar. Instructor profiles were determined from interviews with each of the four instructors involved. Analysis of the data indicated there is a significant difference in the ability of engineering students and physics students to solve statics problems. The engineering students scored significantly better in solving both engineering problems and in overall problem solving, as hypothesized. The engineering students also scored significantly higher in problem solving ability on physics problems, resulting in the rejection of the hypothesis that there would be no difference in the problem solving ability of the two groups on physics problems.
The Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful School Bond Election Campaigns in Texas, 1976-1977
The purposes of this study were to 1) compare the characteristics between the elections that were successful and unsuccessful; 2) identify the purpose of the school bond issue (demographic characteristics); 3) identify the financial resources and structure of the school districts (economic characteristics); 4) analyze the public relations and publicity techniques used in the school bond campaign (communications variables); 5) determine the degree of responsibility assumed by individuals and groups for the educational, building, and bond needs of the school districts (group involvement); 6) ascertain personal and professional information about the district superintendent as it related to voter influence in the bond campaign; 7) determine prior bond election experience. The major conclusions were that the trend of large or small eligible voter turnout was inconclusive, urban districts had more difficulty than rural or suburban districts in passing bond issues, and bond issues were passed mainly for new facilities. School districts with large assessed valuation per resident student had better results than others. The newspaper, "general talking it up," speakers, public meetings, and telephone committees were effective means of communication. The superintendent, board of education, faculty, principals, P.T.A., and lay groups assumed the most responsibility in the elections.
Concerns of Hispanic Women Who Attend Community College
This study is concerned with the problem of determining and analyzing the characteristics and concerns of Hispanic women who are enrolled in a large metropolitan community college district. The purposes include (1) the description of demographic data on these Hispanic women in terms of (a) specific group ethnicity, (b) marital status, (c) estimated total income, (d) age, (e) number of hours currently enrolled, (f) number of dependent children, (g) number of hours employed per week, and (h) language usage (English or Spanish); (2) identification of the concerns of these students; (3) determination of the degree of concern as reported by these Hispanic women students regarding specific problems; (4) assessment of the relationships between the demographic characteristics and the degrees of concern about specific problems. The study population sample is composed of 748 Hispanic female students from the Tarrant County Community College District enrolled for at least one credit hour during the Fall Semester of the 1984-1985 academic year. The sample for the study is 400 randomly selected students from this population. A survey instrument originally developed by Kathie Beckman Smallwood was revised for this study and produced a 52.25 per cent response return. Response frequencies and percentages were gathered to show degree of concern for each problem and the characteristics of the Hispanic female students. Mean scores to show the average degree of concern are also reported for each potential problem. Chi square contingency coefficient was used to show every possible association between concerns and demographic variables. The findings indicate that Hispanic female students concerns are academically and career oriented. Respondents indicate that getting a good job after graduation is their primary concern. Ability to succeed in college is the second highest reported concern followed by knowing how to study efficiently. Seventy four per cent of the respondents are Mexican-American, …
Teachers' Content Decisions: A Case Study
The selection of course content has political and sociological implications as well as educational significance. Since local curriculum development is increasingly prevalent, description of teachers' content decisions is an important concern. This study examined the content decision making of four Family Living teachers in a natural school setting.
Perceived Responsibility, Authority, and Delegation of Department Chairpersons Compared to Perceptions of Faculty in Saudi Arabian Universities
This investigation compared the perceptions of responsibility, authority, and delegation held by department chairpersons and those held by faculty members in Saudi Arabian universities. The three purposes of the study were to determine differences in perceptions between department chairpersons and their faculty members, to determine any significant interaction between the independent variable (position) and each of the eleven clarification variables with respect to respondents' perceptions, and to determine any significant difference in perceptions between respondents in different categories of each of the clarification variables. The findings were as follows. There was a significant difference in perceptions of responsibility between department chairpersons and their faculty members, but no such difference was found for authority or delegation. Significant interactions were found between position and three of the clarification variables with regard to perceptions of responsibility, between position and none of the clarification variables with regard to perceptions of authority, and between position and four of the clarification variables with regard to perceptions of delegation. In addition, significant differences in perceptions were found among categories of six clarification variables with regard to responsibility, of four clarification variables with regard to authority, and of seven clarification variables with regard to delegation.
The Professional Contributions of Ruth I. Anderson to Business Education
This study explored the professional contributions of Ruth I. Anderson, retired professor of Business Administration, The University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. The data for this study were gained through questionnaire responses, a telephone interview, and personal interviews with faculty, staff, students, and business people who have worked closely with Anderson and an interview with Anderson herself. During a literature review, many of the journal articles written by Anderson were read in order to obtain insight into the thoughts and ideas Anderson had toward business education. The dissertation, divided into six chapters, begins with an introduction to the study. Chapter 1 includes the statement of the problem, purposes of the study, research questions, significance of the study, rationale for the study, and design of the study. Chapter 2 contains a biographical sketch of Ruth Anderson and offers a chronology of her career in business education. Anderson's educational philosophy is the focus of Chapter 3. Chapter 4 addresses her major accomplishments and contributions to business education. Anderson's impact on business education is the topic of Chapter 5. A summary is provided in Chapter 6. This study recognized Ruth Anderson as a significant person in the field of business education. Anderson, who was employed in the field for more than forty years, is the author, or co-author, of six books and the contributor of more than eighty articles published in professional journals. Major educational contributions of Ruth Anderson included publications, research, and involvement in professional organizations at the local, state, and national levels. Anderson made an impact on the field of business education through being a role model for former students, being a well-respected colleague, and being well known in the business education profession. Perhaps her greatest gift to the profession was her superior classroom teaching ability. Ruth Anderson's greatest contribution continues …
Attitudes of College and University Presidents and School Superintendents in Member Institutions of Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Toward External Doctoral Degrees and Programs
The purposes of this investigation were to 1) determine to what extent nontraditional external doctorates will be recognized for employment and promotion in school systems accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; 2) determine to what extent nontraditional external doctorates will be recognized for initial employment and promotion in junior/community colleges accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; 3) determine to what extent nontraditional external doctorates will be recognized for initial employment and promotion in baccalaureate granting colleges and universities accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; 4) determine which degree and institutional factors concerning the nontraditional external doctorate are not accepted in a) school systems b) junior/community colleges c) baccalaureate granting colleges and universities; 5) determine which degree and institutional factors concerning the n on traditional external doctorate are acceptable in a) school systems b) junior/community colleges c) baccalaureate granting colleges and universities. The major conclusions were that the traditional doctoral degree still has strong advantages and that the institutional and program characteristics of the degree granting institution were very important. Many chief administrators are still undecided concerning the external doctoral degree. Chief administrators appear to be receptive to changes in traditional doctorate programs.
The Effects of Aerobics Conditioning Exercises on Selected Personality Characteristics of Seventh- and Eighth-Grade Girls
This study is a description of selected personality characteristics of seventh- and eighth-grade girls and the changes that occur before and after a program of either aerobics (running) or anaerobics (calisthenics) conditioning exercises during the fall semester, 1973.
A National Survey to Analyze the Prevailing Approaches to Elementary School Guidance
The problem of this study was to analyze the prevailing approaches to elementary school guidance in the United States.
Perceived Characteristics and Administrative Skills of Women Administrators in Vocational Education in the United States
The problem of this study was to identify the perceived characteristics and administrative skills of women administrators in vocational education in the United States. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived characteristics and administrative skills of women employed as vocational administrators in the United States. Additional sub-purposes were 1. To develop a profile of women administrators in vocational education; 2. To assist institutions of higher learning in preparing prospective women administrators in vocational education; 3. To assist local education agencies in the selection of women administrators in vocational education; 4. To provide information for women who aspire to become vocational administrators.
Influence of Physically Active Leisure Participation on Obesity in Youth with Spina Bifida
Childhood obesity and resulting secondary complications in youth with disabilities are occurring in epidemic proportions, due in part to a trend of physical inactivity. The purpose of this study is to report the prevalence of overweight, the leisure time activity patterns, and the association between frequency of physically active leisure participation and body mass index for age, in a sample of 50 youth with spina bifida, ages 4.5 to 17.9 years. Results indicate that 52% of the sample are classified as at risk of overweight or overweight; 36% were male and 16% were female. The top five leisure time activities and team sport participation are identified. Subjects who did not use a wheelchair for ambulation participated significantly more in physically active leisure than subjects who used a wheelchair. Future research and rationale for physically active leisure as an intervention for youth with spina bifida are discussed.
The Relationship of the Oral Communication Needs of Business and Industry to the Business and Professional Communication Courses in Texas Colleges and Universities
The purposes of this study were to examine the oral communication skills considered important to specific companies, identify the objectives emphasized in the business and professional communication courses in Texas colleges and universities, ascertain how much course time is spent in various areas, and determine the communication needs of business and industry and the degree to which the communication departments of Texas colleges and universities are meeting those needs.
A Study of Leisure Activities of Taos Pueblo Indian Children
The purposes of this study were to analyze and describe leisure activities, in order to provide useful data for school administrators, teachers, and writers of textbooks for Indian children. Particular consideration will be given in this field research to the following questions: 1. What are Taos Indian children's preferences for leisure activities? 2. Do children of the same Pueblo but of different sex have similar leisure activities?
An Investigation of the Effect of Violating the Assumption of Homogeneity of Regression Slopes in the Analysis of Covariance Model upon the F-Statistic
The study seeks to determine the effect upon the F-statistic of violating the assumption of homogeneity of regression slopes in the one-way, fixed-effects analysis of covariance model. The study employs a Monte Carlo simulation technique to vary the degree of heterogeneity of regression slopes with varied sample sizes within experiments to determine the effect of such conditions. One hundred and eighty-three simulations were used.
Implementation and Administration of Radical Education in Texas: Politics or Reform in Education from 1870-1873
This study examines the efforts of Radicals (Republicans) to establish a state-wide public school system in Texas between 1870 and 1873. Primary sources cover the chronological fringes of the period being examined. This study follows a chronological narrative with the four chapters examining first, educational trends in the southern states and Texas prior to Reconstruction, followed by examination of the Radical system in Texas, and, finally, its destruction by Conservative Texans. The final chapter focuses on immediate and long range results of Radical education. In examining the Radical educational program, an attempt has been made to dispel ideas popularly held by present-day Texans who believe that the Radical school program was simply another "carpetbagger" scheme for raiding the state treasury and building Radical patronage. This paper contends that the Radicals established as good a public school system as could be created at the time, and that it was administered in an honest and efficient manner. The system was destroyed by politicians and a grass roots revolt of taxpayers who had no faith in its methods, goals, or administrators.
The Development and Validation of a Computer-Aided Instructional Program in Mathematics for Business and Economics Majors
The problem with which this study is concerned is that of comparing the results of teaching community college students enrolled in a transferable mathematics sequence for business and economics majors by a computer-aided instructional program and by the traditional lecture method. In order to effectively resolve this problem, an A Programming Language System 360 (APL/360)-aided instructional program was developed and an experimental study was conducted. The APL/360-aided instructional program consisted of three sets of materials.: a manuscript on APL/360, a list of APL programs defining operators relevant to a computer-aided study of calculus, and a collection of problems based on these programs and calculus concepts. The subjects for the experiment were forty-four students enrolled in three sections of Mathematics 112 at Mountain View College of the Dallas County Community College District. The control group, students taught by the traditional lecture method, consisted of twenty-one students. The experimental group, students taught by the APL/360-aided instructional program, consisted of twenty-three students. The same instructor taught all students. The essential difference in the two teaching methods was the use of the computer as a teaching-learning aid in the computer-aided instructional program. The computer was a course supplement to classroom instruction and aided students in obtaining insight into the nature of mathematical concepts as well as serving as a computational aid.
Nurse Educator and Nursing Student Learning Style Match and Its Effect on the Problem Solving Ability of the Nursing Student
This investigation concerned the effect of nurse educator/nursing student learning style match on the latter's problem solving ability. Problem solving ability was defined as the processes of finding facts, problems, ideas, solutions and their acceptance in other than past experience, tradition and habit. The underlying conceptual framework was Kolb's holistic model of experiential learning which combines experience, perception, cognition and behavior. The model has vertical and horizontal axes resulting in four quadrants or kinds of learners: diverger, assimilator, converger and accommodator. Instruments used were Kolb's Learning Style Inventory and Gover's Nursing Performance Simulation Instrument.
Principles for Formulating and Evaluating Instructional Claims
The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that of developing (a) the concept of instructional claim, and (b) credible principles for instructional claim formulation and evaluation. The belief that these constructions are capable of contributing to the advancement of curricular and instructional research and practice is grounded in three major features. The first feature is that of increased precision of basic concepts and increased coherence among them. The second feature is the deliberate connecting of instructional strategies and goal-states and the connecting of instructional configurations with curricular configurations. The third feature is the introduction of fundamental logical principles as evaluative criteria and the framing of instructional plans in such a way as to be subject to empirical tests under the principles of hypothesis testing that are considered credible in the empirical sciences.
The Pre- and Post-Abortion Process for Couples: A Qualitative Research Perspective
This study utilized a qualitative research methodology to examine the perspectives of six subjects, three married couples, choosing abortion to terminate unwanted pregnancies. The subjects were interviewed a few days after the abortion and six weeks after the abortion for a total of 12 hours. The researcher transcribed the interviews and observer's comments written throughout the interview process. The data were qualitatively analyzed to gain an understanding of (a) the factors which contributed to the unwanted pregnancies; (b) the process by which the couples Chose abortion to terminate the unwanted pregancies, (c) factors which contributed to the decision; (d) factors surrounding the abortion procedure; and (e) factors which predisposed the couples to different kinds of post-abortion reactions. This analysis indicated that inconsistent birth control usage was but one factor in the unwanted pregnancy. decision to abort the unwanted pregnancy created relationship conflicts because each subject had different ideas and needs in regard to managing the unwanted pregnancy. Although all of the subjects expressed relief after the abortion procedure was completed, they also expressed feelings such as guilt, sadness, and a sense of loss. All of the couples in the study experienced relationship stress, and discussed relationship issues in the interviews. More concern was verbalized about the relationship than the abortion for the couples in the study. Two of the couples expressed a commitment to making personal changes to improve the marital relationship. For the married couples in this study, the decision to terminate the unwanted pregnancy and abortion mirrored the decision-making and conflict resolution process utilized by the couples in other situations.
A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Versus Block and Accelerated Block Scheduled High Schools Over an Eight-Year Period in a Large Urban School District
This study compared traditional, A/B and accelerated block scheduling and its effects on student achievement and attendance by comparing the differences in student outcomes observed before and after the adoption of block/accelerated block schedules. The independent variable was the use of time in a block-scheduling model. The dependent variables were student outcomes measured by nine indicators based on the Academic Excellence Indicator System in Texas: student attendance, graduation rate, dropout rate, percentage of students taking advanced courses, percentage of students passing all Exit-level Texas Assessment of Academic Skills tests, percentage of students taking College Admissions Tests, mean SAT total score of those students who took the SAT, mean ACT total score of those students who took the ACT, and percentage of students who are at or above criterion on the SAT or ACT of those students taking the SAT or ACT. Data from archival files from the Texas Education Agency's Academic Excellence Indicator System for each respective year of the eight-year longitudinal study was collected. Scheduling models (traditional, alternating block and accelerated block) were investigated. The sample was drawn from the student population of a large urban school district in north central Texas, a district serving approximately 77,000 students. The district has twelve regular high schools serving students in grades nine through twelve. All twelve regular high schools were included in this study. The indicators were analyzed using SPSS multivariate and univariate analysis to compare the means, regression line slopes, and regression line intercepts for each type of schedule: traditional only, traditional prior to A/B block change, traditional prior to accelerated block change, A/B block, and accelerated block. The regression line, slopes, and intercepts were based on separate regression analysis where a school year was used to predict the AEIS indicators for each type of schedule. With the exception of …
Changes That Occur with Mild Mental Defectives Following Two Approaches to Group Counseling: Directive and Group-Centered
The problem with which this research study is concerned is that of appraising and evaluating the therapeutic effectiveness of two different group counseling approaches, group-centered and directive, with institutionalized mental defectives. More specifically, this investigation is designed to assess the changes, if any, in self concept, behavior, and anxiety level of mental defectives that result from two different group counseling approaches. The hypothetical assumption is made that there will be a significant positive change in self concept, anxiety, and overt behavior of students participating in group-centered group counseling compared to students in both the directive and control groups.
The Effect of Chisanbop Mathematics Calculation on the Achievement of Fourth Grade Students
The purposes of this study were (1) to determine if 4th grade students improve in computation efficiency being taught Chisanbop; (2) to determine if 4th grade students show an increase in application skill efficiency being taught Chisanbop; (3) to determine if 4th grade students show an increase in concept skill efficiency being taught Chisanbop; (4) to determine if 4th grade students show an increase in problem solving skill efficiency being taught Chisanbop; and (5) to determine if 4th grade students show an increase in composite skill efficiency being taught Chisanbop. The conclusions drawn from the findings of this study were that Chisanbop instruction assisted students in the experimental group in scoring significantly higher than students in the control group in application skill efficiency, concept skill efficiency, problem solving skill efficiency, and composite skill efficiency. Other indications are that Chisanbop instruction did not significantly affect students in the experimental group in regard to computational skills. In regard to the composite skills of the students in the upper one-third and the lower one-third of the experimental group, there were no statistically significant differences from their counterparts in the control group. In light of these findings, it is recommended that school districts utilize Chisanbop as a supplement to their regular mathematics program at the 4th grade level. It is also recommended that additional studies be conducted at the 4th grade level for extended periods of time to determine any delayed dimension of Chisanbop.
Assessing the Impact of the MAXHELP Microcomputer Orientation Course on Administrator, Teacher and Non-Educator Concerns Relating to Microcomputer Acceptance
The problem this descriptive study dealt with was the fear (computerphobia) administrators, teachers, and noneducators have concerning the acceptance of microcomputers in the educational setting. The MAXHELP Project is an Air University sponsored program to assist the local schools in scientific and technological education. The 12 hour MAXHELP Microcomputer Orientation Course has graduated over 500 educators from seven Alabama school districts. This study used the Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ). This instrument was developed at the Inter-Institutional Program for the Reasearch and Development Center for Teacher Education, The University of Texas at Austin, by Hall, George and Rutherford. The SoCQ was mailed to a random sample of 300 MAXHELP graduates. A total of 212 responses were used in the study. This report concludes that the administrator and teacher groups are moving through the stages of concern when compared with the typical "non-user." Teachers show greater concerns relating to Management and administrators have greater concerns on Consequence, Collaboration, and Refocusing. Administrators are not users of microcomputers in the classroom, but are very concerned about how to facilitate the spread of microcomputers throughout the school curriculum. In general, the data indicate more similarity of teaching concerns by age, years teaching experience, and area of specialization. Concerns relating to the demands of microcomputers upon the individual who has to use microcomputers in the classroom cannot be satisfied without the microcomputer being available. Personal stage concerns will probably remain high until more microcomputers are available in the classroom. Teachers who have been in the classroom between one to six years appear to be the most prone to resist change. Special attention needs to be given to this group to demonstrate the advantages of the microcomputer as a teaching tool and as an administrative aid at both the pre-service and in-service levels.
A Comparison Between the Interactions of Multi-Age Constant Caregiver Groups and Same-Age Multiple Caregiver Groups in Day Care Centers
Interactions of children and adults in two child care groups were observed and examined. Each group was observed as a same-age multiple caregiver group and eight months later as a multi-age constant caregiver group. Twenty indicators were used to evaluate positive interactions. Analysis showed positive interactions occur in multi-age constant caregiver groups. Multi-age constant caregiver groups enhance the interest of caregivers in children and promote development and interaction of language between caregivers and peers. This study indicates a multi-age constant caregiver group is an alternative to meet the needs of young children by increasing and enhancing positive interactions with caregivers and peers.
Student Attitudes Toward Reading Following Computer-Assisted Reading Instruction
The problem investigated in this study was whether students who received computer-assisted reading instruction would display positive attitudes toward reading six or more months after the instruction was completed. A Likert attitude scale was administered to thirteen pre-adolescent and adolescent subjects to assess their attitudes toward reading six or more months after they had received computer-assisted instruction (CAI). In addition, a questionnaire was administered to the subjects' parents to determine their perception of the subjects' attitudes toward reading. Data obtained from the Likert scale indicated that the subjects' attitudes toward reading were neutral. An analysis of responses to the parent questionnaire revealed that the students' attitudes toward school-related reading were positive as a result of CAI. This study concluded that CAI had no apparent positive impact on the subjects' attitudes toward recreational reading.
A Comparison of the Actual and Suggested Philosophical Considerations and Practices of Residential Life Discipline
The purposes of this study were to determine the current philosophical considerations and practices of Residential Life disciplinarians in the United States and to compare these to the philosophical considerations and practices suggested for current use by experts in the field.
Perceptions of Vocational Administrators, Vocational Counselors and Vocational Teachers Toward Selected Issues in Vocational Education
The purposes of this study were to determine the perceptions of vocational administrators, vocational counselors, and vocational teachers toward selected issues in vocational education. This study surveyed randomly selected vocational administrators, vocational counselors, and vocational teachers by means of a questionnaire designed to ascertain perceptions toward selected issues related to three categories: policies and procedures, curricula, and societal implications. The Likert-type scale instrument consisted of 26 items covering the three categories. A total of 116 returned useable questionnaires of the 150 sent. Vocational administrators returned 90% (4 5 instruments); vocational counselors returned 70% (35 instruments); and vocational teachers returned 72% (36 instruments).
A Comparison of the Effects of Highly Structured, Partially Structured, and Non-Structured Human Relations Training for Married Couples on the Dependent Variables of Communication, Marital Adjustment, and Personal Adjustment
This study compared the effects of three treatment approaches to training married couples in communication skills on the dependent variables of marital communication, marital adjustment, and the personality characteristics of extraversion/introversion and stability/instability. The initial focus of the study was to determine whether any of the treatment programs--a highly structured (T3), a partially structured (T1 ) or a non-structured (T 2) program -- were superior to any other or to the control group in affecting change in the participants level of communication or in their marital or personal adjustment. The structured programs were derived from the human relations training programs of Carkhuff as well as Rappaport and Harrell's Behavior Exchange Model of conjoint marriage counseling, and adapted for use in a short-term group training procedure. The unstructured training utilized the client-centered approach to couple counseling as developed by Rogers. The number of activities and amount of time spent on each exercise was more rigidly set in the highly structured training than in the partially structured approach. The twenty-four training programs were conducted by two doctoral students in counseling over a seven-week period. A pretest/ post-test, control group experimental design was employed in the research; the data were analyzed using the analysis of covariance statistic, with pre-test scores as the covariate. It was concluded that, although the present study did not produce evidence for the efficacy of one treatment modality over another, some support for the efficacy of the newly designed treatment T2 was provided with suggestions for further research. Recommendations include the matching of couples on age, level of education, and length of marriage when treatments are being compared. Other suggestions include the consideration, in short-term marriage counseling, of pre-therapy selection variables such as level of motivation for change, preparation for the group experience, level of maladjustment, and length of …
A Comparison of Success in Academic Foundation College Courses between Students Presenting High School Credits in Practical Arts Courses and Those with Credits in Academic Courses
This study investigated the relationship of high school curriculum to performance in academic foundation college courses. The purposes of the study were twofold: First, to study the relationship of a practical arts high school curriculum as opposed to a college preparatory high school curriculum to performance in academic foundation college courses. Second, to analyze this relationship and its implications for high school students, parents, teachers, and counselors.
An Empirical Investigation of Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference Test with Variance Heterogeneity and Unequal Sample Sizes, Utilizing Kramer's Procedure and the Harmonic Mean
This study sought to determine the effect upon Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) statistic of concurrently violating the assumptions of homogeneity of variance and equal sample sizes. Two forms for the unequal sample size problem were investigated. Kramer's form and the harmonic mean approach were the two unequal sample size procedures studied. The study employed a Monte Carlo simulation procedure which varied sample sizes with a heterogeneity of variance condition. Four thousand experiments were generated. Findings of this study were based upon the empirically obtained significance levels. Five conclusions were reached in this study. The first conclusion was that for the conditions of this study the Kramer form of the HSD statistic is not robust at the .05 or .01 nominal level of significance. A second conclusion was that the harmonic mean form of the HSD statistic is not robust at the .05 and .01 nominal level of significance. A general conclusion reached from all the findings formed the third conclusion. It was that the Kramer form of the HSD test is the preferred procedure under combined assumption violations of variance heterogeneity and unequal sample sizes. Two additional conclusions are based on related findings. The fourth conclusion was that for the combined assumption violations in this study, the actual significance levels (probability levels) were less-than the nominal significance levels when the magnitude of the unequal variances were positively related to the magnitude of the unequal sample sizes. The fifth and last conclusion was that for the concurrent assumption violation of variance heterogeneity and unequal sample sizes, the actual significance levels significantly exceed the nominal significance levels when the magnitude of the unequal variances are negatively related to the magnitude of the unequal sample sizes.
A Developmental Model for the Reduction of Undergraduate Attrition at State-Supported Senior Colleges and Universities of Texas
The problems with which this dissertation is concerned are undergraduate student attrition and ways to reduce it. This study describes the problem of undergraduate student attrition by presenting an overview of the extent of such attrition. As a result of this study, the following conclusions, among others, are advanced: 1) Approximately 50 per cent of those who undertake a baccalaureate degree program complete their programs within four years. 2) Attrition data provide a measure of efficiency of higher education. 3) Undergraduates who do not complete course or degree requirements in either attendance or academic performance contribute to and constitute a measure of waste in the economic sense of (a) the labor of teachers, (b) the use of classrooms, laboratories, and equipment, (c) the failure of colleges and universities to achieve educational objectives, and (d) the competent individuals who never enter college. 4) Attrition is a distinct, interactive process. 5) Institutions of higher learning are responsible for changing their characteristics and environments when such variables adversely affect congruence of otherwise qualified and competent students. 6) Texas' senior college presidents who were surveyed believe that an extremely important variable in reducing attrition is the establishment of a relationship between the student and the institution through a competent, concerned faculty or staff member or peer.
A Descriptive History of Wesley College
The American junior colleges of today are historical accidents, some having begun originally with elementary and secondary divisions or as adjuncts of local high schools. Wesley College in Greenville, Texas, began on a two acre campus as North Texas University Training School in Terrell, Texas, in 1905. Chartered by the North Texas Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, the school initially provided elementary and high school and two years of college. At this time the name was changed to Wesley College, but the school closed in the spring of 1911. It reopened on a twenty acre campus in the fall of 1912 in Greenville, Texas, and maintained a close relationship with that city until mounting financial problems forced closure in 1938. Many records of the school were transferred to Southern Methodist University at Dallas, and in 1939, Wesley College alumni were invited to become associate members of the S.M.U. Ex-Students Association. Many associated with Wesley College continue to meet annually in Greenville to keep alive their memories of the once prestigious college. This study employs primary and secondary documentary data, as well as interviews with fifty-six individuals, to provide a chronological descriptive history of the origin, growth, development, and demise of the school, together with its philosophical bases.
A Compilation of Selected Rationale and Research in Play Therapy
Literature in the area of play was surveyed, summarized, and organized. The historical approach was used for the collection of data for this study. Materials gathered were acquired through the sources provided by library services as well as current authorities in the field of play therapy. As the material was collected, the focus areas or sections began to naturally develop because of the commonality of the articles. The material found was divided into theory, approach, position, and research. The material found on theory and approach was organized into Chapter II. The material found on position and research was organized into Chapter III. Body movements of both child and therapist offer much research possibility. Since most of the child's language is nonverbal, it is critical that persons develop ways of evaluating and identifying his body signals. Research is needed on the potential use of every toy which is included in the playroom. Research is needed on the potential potency and effect of every type limit set within the play therapy process. Research is needed on the effect of the therapist on the process. Research is needed in reference to training models for the development of play therapy skills in professionals, paraprofessionals, and parents.
The Development of a Theory of Sports Competitiveness
The purpose of this study was to construct a theory of sports competitiveness which would (1) contribute to a greater understanding of competitiveness as an aspect of human behavior affecting sports performance, and (2) serve as a source of hypotheses for experimental research and as a framework for interpretation of the results of experimental studies of competitiveness.
Mentoring the first-year superintendent in Texas public schools.
This study determined what mentoring experiences first-year superintendents have had and what they need from a mentoring relationship. Structured interviews and field notes were used in this qualitative study focused on Texas first-year superintendents' perceived needs from mentors. Three patterns of mentoring relationships were found: 1) no mentor in the first year, 2) mentor-protégé relationship - those who developed mentoring relationships early in a career with a more senior person in the same school system, and 3) mentoring relationships of convenience - young relationships which developed outside the same system. Skills and knowledge areas novice superintendents identified as critical for mentor assistance were school finance, development of effective relationships with groups that have expectations of the superintendent while also improving student achievement, and working within the politics of the position. Mentor characteristics novice superintendents considered necessary for a positive effect on job success include: trustworthiness, confidentiality, empathy, encouraging, active listening, and integrity. An attitude in which the mentor problem solved with the protégé, and did not give an immediate solution was displayed. Mentors actively and frequently initiated contact. Ideas were freely exchanged, giving the protégé undivided attention while not making the protégé feel inferior. The effects that previous mentoring experiences had on novice superintendents influenced whether they chose to mentor another person. Most reported seeking or engaged in a new mentoring relationship. Differences in areas where help was needed among first-year superintendents associated with district size were reported. Assistance in finance was needed regardless of district size, gender, or ethnicity. Superintendents in small districts reported needing assistance in specific skill and knowledge areas. Those in larger districts reported mentor assistance in problem-solving processes to accomplish a task. Differences in needs of first-year superintendents based on gender or ethnicity were identified but generalizations could not be made due to small numbers. …
Job Satisfaction and Performance of Elementary and Secondary Classroom Teachers in Region IX Service Center Area of Texas
The problem of this study was predicting teachers' job satisfaction and performance based upon selected factors in personal background and organizational properties of their school. The purposes of this study were to determine (1) whether seven organizational properties of a teacher's work environment were important in predicting five job satisfactions and job performance, (2) whether the five job satisfactions were important in predicting teacher job performance, and (3) whether there were significant differences in five job satisfaction scores and in performance rating between teachers grouped by fifteen independent variables. This study concluded that the use of data collected on the seven organizational properties increased the prediction of job satisfaction and performance. The addition of the five job satisfactions and seven organizational properties increased the prediction of job performance. The specific independent variables that had the highest relationship on criteria mean scores were Teaching Field, Teaching in Area of Preparation, Expenditure per Student, and Campus Size for elementary teachers. For secondary teachers the highest relationships were on Contract and Salary.
The Impact of Staff Development Programs on Public Community College Teachers in Texas
The purpose of this study is to describe the perceptions of faculty development programs by two groups of full-time community college faculty members—arts and sciences instructors and vocational-technical instructors. To guide the development of this study, the following research questions were formulated. 1. Do organized faculty development programs have the same impression on the arts and sciences faculty members as on the vocational-technical members? 2. What specific effects do these faculty members believe that faculty development programs have had on instructional strategies, related faculty activities and professional attitudes? 3. To what extent do these faculty members perceive that the faculty development program is related to the reward system? 4. To what degree do faculty members perceive that institutional or departmental innovations have resulted from faculty development programs. What types of innovations have occurred, and what types should occur?
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