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An Analysis of Stage Band Rhythmic Patterns
An analysis of stage band rhythmic pattern provide a basis of interpretation which will aid directors of stage bands in understanding this musical idiom.
Stage Band Intonation Studies
This study focusses on stage band intonation. The purpose of the unison study, for example, is to develop in the student a sensitivity for pitch placement and also make him conscious of the sounds around him.
Concerto Grosso for Oboe, Clarinet, Piano, and String Quartet
The first movement of the present work is a French overture patterned in form after the overtures of Jean Baptiste Lully. The second movement (Lento) is a simple ABA song-form and presents a rather rhapsodic development of its theme. The third movement consists of a set of six continuous variations on the polyphonic chanson Revecy venu du printans by Claude le Jeune (1528-1600). The last movement is a rondo (ABACADA).
A Survey of the Medical Services in the Texas Prison System
The purpose of this research paper was to conduct a hospital management survey of the administration of medical services for prison inmates within the Texas Prison system. This type of survey has not been conducted within the medical services of the Texas Prison System in the past by any individual, or public or private group. Specific purposes were to appraise certain major areas in this system, to compare these findings with authoritative survey criteria, and to make recommendations based on the findings of the investigation.
Development of the Punched Card Registration System at North Texas State College
This study presents a history of the development and implementation of a punched card registration system in North Texas State College. The study also covers planning stages of registration materials, and a description of the various stages and processes involved in a typical semester from pre-registration preparations through posting the student's grades to the permanent record. To help fill the need for ready reference to methods used in various institutions across the nation, this study will present a history of the development and implementation of a punched card registration system in North Texas State College, with emphasis placed upon those areas of probable major interest to other colleges faced with a similar problem. The study will cover planning stages of registration materials, and will then present a a description of the various stages and processes involved in a typical semester from pre-registration preparations through posting the student's grades to the permanent record.
Effects of Smoking on Gastric Secretion and Gastric Motility in Man
This thesis is concerned with the use of some of the newer techniques in a study of some of the effects of cigarette smoking on gastric secretion and gastric motility in normal subjects and in patients with active duodenal ulcers.
Predicting Success in Home Economics with the Differential Aptitude Test
"It is the purpose of this present study to investigate further the aptitude areas into which Home Economics courses may be classified, and to determine whether a relationship exists between these areas and the areas of the Differential Aptitude Test."--1.
Characterization of Women in the Fiction of Nathaniel Hawthorne
While his Transcendentalist contemporaries were expounding their optimistic philosophy of natural goodness, progress, and perfectibility, Hawthorne probed into the human heart, recording the darkest motives of his characters and writing bitter criticism of life. Around him men were declaring that scientific inventions, political organizations, and religious reforms were ushering in a new era; but Hawthorne viewed the new society as a probable continuation of old evils and a manufacturer of new ones. His fiction has been called "an elaborate study of the centrifugal, . . . a dramatization of all those social and psychological forces that lead to disunion, fragmentation, dispersion, incoherence. Critics generally comment on Hawthorne's obsession with guilt. His pessimistic analysis of the mind, his somber outlook on living, and his personal tendency to solitude are frequently credited to his Puritan ancestry; yet as Arvin points out, "He had no more Puritan blood than Emerson and hundreds of other New Englanders of his time: and who will say that they were obsessed with the spectral presence of guilty. One must go beyond Calvinist theology to comprehend the source of guilt that hovers over the pages of his fiction. His religious, moral, educational, and economic background was so typical of his time and locality that one can hardly believe that the nature of his writing or thinking could have been determined by these factors. Indeed, his imperviousness to contemporary influences causes one to look intensely at his personal life in searching for the explanation of the Hawthorne enigma. An important influence on his writing was his prolonged association with women. From his life in a feminine world and his reaction to that world, he devised the major part of his style, themes, and feminine character types. A review of the facts of his biography will establish the nature of …
The Analytical System of Hindemith and Schenker as Applied to Two Works of Arnold Schoenberg
This thesis uses two different musical analytical systems, one of Heinrich Schenker and one of Paul Hindemith, to analyze tonality within "Die Gurre Lieder" and "Fourth String Quartet" by Arnold Schoenberg.
A Descriptive Analysis of the Preludes (Book 1) of Claude Debussy
The purpose of this thesis is to discuss and give a descriptive analysis of twelve of the twenty-four preludes written by Claude Debussy. This paper also includes a brief history of preludes as well as possible influences upon Debussy and his compositions.
The Effect of Journalism on Modern American Writing
This paper is an analysis of the relationship between journalism and formal literary usage in America. It is the purpose of this study to define and illustrate characteristics of modern journalese and to make a comparison of standards of correct usage advocated by recent textbooks in English composition and journalism. Particular attention will be given to diction, structure and length of sentences, capitalization, abbreviation, and punctuation. The conclusion will be a brief evaluation of modern journalism, a succinct resume of its impact on modern language and literature, and a simple prediction of future tendencies in journalistic and literary language. And to give a better perspective to the analysis of journalism and American English, the paper begins with a description of the American linguistic heritage.
The Treatment of Women in the Restoration Comedy of Manners
Reflecting the real beau monde of Restoration London, the treatment of women in the comedy of manners was the best and most unusual characteristic of this dramatic type. With the first gay reaction against the past, the independent ladies demanded complete equality with men; intellectually, they gained that equality. To the gay belles, no less than to the beaux, wit was the passport to society. The truewit had everything; the witwould was social refuse, marked for that worst of all punishment--ridicule.
Types of Home Repairs and Improvements Made by People Who Maintain a Home and the Factors Influencing the Selection, Use, and Care of Tools and Equipment
Home repairs and maintenance are a necessary responsibility of any person who maintains a home. This responsibility can usually be met in one of two ways: first, someone can be hired to do the maintenance, or the person can do it himself. However, home repairs are costly and at times prohibitive to the average person who maintains a home. Then, too, there have been times in the past, especially during the war years, when it was next to impossible to secure the services of trained mechanics for home maintenance. During such time, and out of such necessity, many people began to make their own repairs and other improvements and, as a result, a gradual "do-it-yourself" movement has invaded all sections of the country. With the changing of times, with money a little more plentiful and manpower back in civilian life, do people who maintain their homes continue to make their own home repairs?
Modern Trends in the Interpretation of Falstaff
The different interpretations of the character of Sir John Falstaff have been so controversial that at no time since the presentation of the Henry IV plays have critics been able to agree as to his precise qualities. He has been called the greatest humorous character in all literature by even those critics who have spoken adversely of his other traits. George Bernard Shaw called him "a besotted and disgusting old wretch," an opinion added to those of others who have seen him as a coward, liar, cheat, thief, glutton, and rogue. There is no denying that he is one of the most captivating and controversial of all characters in English literature.
Music and Information
The application of information theory to music may provide both a means for measuring the information content of the messages .of the system and for studying the effects of such messages in the field of psychology of music (e.g., the group at Iowa University which is carrying on work commenced by Carl Seashore 3 ). Before the techniques of information theory may be applied to a study of music much statistical data about the music system must be compiled. Masking data must be compiled dealing with many simultaneous tones as are encountered in music; the effects of timbre in overcoming or adding to masking effects must be investigated; the effects of masking on and by the singing voice must be tabulated; and similar data must be compiled dealing with the effects of other types of tonal interactions. This data of the effects of tonal interactions may be used both to reduce the effects of such auditory phenomena and to determine which components of a message pass through the communication channel (i.e., the ear). The masking problem, as illustrated in Figures 19 and 20, may be so acute in some compositions that the part of the signal carrying the information content may be obliterated. These illustrations indicate, however, that effects of masking and other forms of tonal interactions may be reduced This study has indicated, further, that elimination of the effects of tonal interactions is impossible if a wide range of dynamic intensities is used, but that these effects are limitations of the transmission channel and thus restrict the choice of tones of the musical system which may be used at one time.
The Texas Question as a Factor in the Sectional Struggle
"This thesis is an attempt to study the Texas question in its setting with particular emphasis on the sectional ramifications of the issue. It is not an attempt to document the diplomatic negotiations which led to annexation. It is not a attempt to prove that it was the Texas issue which irreconcilably divided the North and South, but it is an effort to assess the importance of the Texas question as a factor in the sectional struggle, by studying the origin, struggle, and climax of the effort to annex Texas to the United States. The chief concern here is with politics and sectionalism in the United States in the years, 1835-1846, and the way in which they affected, or were affected by the question of Texas annexation. Only incidentally, and insofar as they affected the matter under consideration, is there any concern with affairs and events in Texas." --leaf v.
Treatment of the Leading Soprano Roles in Selected Operas of Benjamin Britten: Peter Grimes, The Rape of Lucretia, Albert Herring, and Gloriana
Benjamin Britten is one of the foremost contemporary English composers. He has successfully revived English opera, dead since Purcell, and this is one of his most significant contributions to the contemporary music world. Therefore, the purpose of this document is to give the reader some insight into Britten' s operatic style. The first chapter contains a sketch of Britten's life with particular reference to his operas, along with general characteristics of his writing. The following chapter has been devoted to a closer consideration of four of his2 operas: Peter Grimes, ;Theof. Lueretia, Albert Herring, and Gloriana. Since an analysis of entire operas would exceed the limitations of this paper, the soprano role has been selected as representative of Britten's operatic style. The vocal score of Turn of the Screw was not available for this study, and his other operas do not contain soprano roles. With each analysis a brief synopsis of the plot is included as a background for the musical analysis. Following the plot is a general treatment of the outstanding style features of the role. In order to present another facet of Britten's writing, the specific analysis of each soprano role is handled from a thematic standpoint. That is, the role is scrutinized for important recurring motives, the significance of these motives is noted, and examination made of their relationship to the opera as a. whole. Reti's Thematic Process in Mlusic has proved an invaluable guide to this type of analysis.
The Treatment of Human Cruelty in the Novels of Mark Twain
The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate Mark Twain's awareness of and sensitive reaction to the cruelty which surrounded him throughout his lifetime, and to evaluate his literary use of cruelty for both comic and satiric effects.
Union Attitudes Toward Job Evaluation
Because union attitude toward formal systems of job evaluation can make or break proposed or existing installations, the ferreting out of these attitudes is of utmost importance in achieving mutual understanding which is necessary for a successful program. The purpose of this study was to determine the consensus of unions toward job evaluation and to obtain some indication of just how wide the variation in attitude actually is.
An Examination of the Advertising Art Curriculum of North Texas State College in Relation to Preparation for a Career in Advertising Art in Television
"This study is limited to the problems of and demands made upon the advertising artist in relation to the television medium"--1.
The Evolution of Capitalist Values
Capitalism has developed in something less than two hundred years into a system of doctrines and values which influence man's development around the world. It takes many forms and it functions within differing cultures and with different shades of meaning. It is an intensely penetrating economic system, never satisfied to contain itself within any given geographical area for long. It is the dominant economic structure of western civilization today and is seeking a foothold in eastern culture. For this reason it is being subjected to searching question. In any attempt to evaluate capitalism one is immediately struck by the plurality and confusion of its values. This thesis will attempt to trace the history of that plurality and confusion; to show how and why they arose; to relate economic values to the humanity which must live with them. All human values are subject to change and all social values are relative. Economic systems are social institutions and as such are directly related to the other institutions of any given society. For this reason the search for capitalistic values must be made within the social milieu as a whole. The economic system cannot be set apart from the church, the state, the family, the educational system and the values which pervade these related institutions. As man is subjected to changing social concepts and ideals, his material values will reflect these changes. And, as man is subjected to changing economic pressures, his value judgments in every area may be subjected to modification.
Transcriptions and Editions for Harp by Carlos Salzedo
Anyone concerned with the harp in this century knows of the genius of Carlos Salzedo. His pedagogical, compositional and professional activities have had a tremendous impact on the harp world. With this in mind, the present study considers his transcriptions for harp from other works and his editings of other composers' harp compositions. It is the purpose of this study to find in what ways his work in this area has been helpful to harpists.
The History of the Industrial Arts Department of North Texas State College from 1911 to 1955
At the request of the Department of Industrial Arts, North Texas State College, Denton, Texas, this record of the beginning and of the changes made in the department has been compiled. Not only the changes that were made in late years, but the propaganda, the speeches, and the laws which brought about this department will be reviewed.
Piano Sonatas Six, Seven and Eight of Prokofiev
The Sixth, Seventh, and E Piano Sonatas of Prokofiev illustrate the composer's more mature style. In these works there is a definite return to the classic forms and contrapuntal devices which have been called Neo-classicism. Prokofiev, himself, has said that form is one of the basic elements of his style. It is the purpose of this thesis to discover the' formal organization and make a comparison of these sonatas with the works of Beethoven and his contemporaries.
The Wordsworths' Scottish Tour
Together Dorothy and William translate. a simple tour into aesthetic loveliness To his sister the journey was the juxtaposition of impoverished society and pastoral elegance. To Wordsworth the tour was a reawakening of poetic Impulse. Through his intense feeling for natural beauty, Wordsworth became the poet of all mankind..
Quintet for Woodwinds
The purpose of writing the quintet for Woodwinds is to produce composition for woodwind ensemble containing elements of significant musical form. Much of the quintet music. by composers such as, Reicha and Taffanel is characterized by pure virtuosity of style and lack of significant musical form. The Quintet for Woodwinds utilizes the conventional instrumentation for a woodwind quintet, that is, flute, oboe, clarinet (Bb), Horn in F,, and bassoon. In the Third Movement (Playfully) the piccolo is to be used as an alternate instrument with the flute.
A Study to Determine the Validity of the Uniform-Assessment Assumption Implied in the Use of Certain Measures of Local Taxpaying Ability in Arkansas
This study examines the assumption that property is assessed uniformly from district to district in Arkansas.
The Validity of the Texas Economic Index
Since the economic index is one of the two instruments which are so important to the financing of every school district of the state, and since the index is a hypothetical measure, it should be studied at regular intervals. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to re-examine the economic index used in Texas school finance for the purpose of determining its validity.
An Analysis of Certain Factors Associated with Financing Capital Outlay for Texas Public Schools
The problem of this study is to determine the desirable characteristics of a sound program for financing Texas public school buildings--commensurate with need and with an equitable relation between state and local effort.
A Study to Determine a Sound Pattern of Teacher Education for Teachers for Modern Public Schools of a Democracy
The problem is to develop a sound pattern of teacher education that will produce teachers capable of functioning adequately in modern public schools of a democracy.
Selected Factors of Group Interaction and their Relation with Leadership Performance
The purpose of this study lies in its attempt to contribute to the understanding of leadership in small groups of boys in a conceptual framework that considers leadership as a dynamic interacting process rather than the summation of individual traits.
Stability of Interest of College Students
The problem of this study is to determine the stability of interest of male and female students at the various age levels in the School of Education of North Texas State Collage, Denton, Texas. To be more specific, the problem is to determine the relationship of age, sex, or both upon stability of interest.
Considerations in Selecting, Developing, and Validating Laboratory Experience Units in General Biology for Prospective Elementary School Teachers
The primary purpose of this study was to develop the considerations and techniques for the selection, development, and validation of laboratory experience units in general biology for prospective elementary school teachers. The completed laboratory experience unites developed in this study may serve as resources of activities for college instructors who teach general biology to undergraduate majors in elementary education. For purposes of this study the laboratory experience unites were centered about those principles of general biology which an elementary school teacher should understand in order to teach about plants and animals.
The Role of Local Law Enforcement Agencies in Dealing with Juvenile Delinquency
This thesis discusses the history of law enforcement and the role of local law enforcement agencies dealing with juveniles and juvenile delinquency.
Determined Energy Value of Dormitory Meals
This thesis examines the caloric values of meals served in a college dormitory.
Structure as a Literary Technique in the Major Novels of Ernest Hemingway
The purpose of this thesis is to study the structure of the five major novels of Hemingway, excluding Torrents of Spring and Across the River and into the Trees. They are: The Sun also Rises; A Farewell to Arms; To Have and Have not; For Whom the Bell Tolls; and The Old Man and the Sea.
The Geometric Analysis of Two Paintings in the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
This study was undertaken to help determine by geometric analysis whether the two paintings, one attributed to the fourteenth century Sienese artist, Ugolino da Siena, and the other to the fifteenth century Sienese artist, Sano di Pietro, were painted by these artists.
Electronic Analog Computer Study of Effects of Motor Velocity and Driving Voltage Limits upon Servomechanism Performance
The object of this thesis is (1) to demonstrate the value of an electronic analog computer for the solution of non-linear ordinary differential equations particularly when a large family of solutions is required; and (2) to obtain as a by-product results of practical applicability to servomechanism selection and analysis.
The Development of the Theory of Full Employment
The purpose of this paper is to analyze and to review fundamental ideas and theories of employment and to set forth the policies that can best obtain the goal of full employment, which is defined as the condition where those who want to work at the prevailing rates of pay can find work without undue difficulty.
Falsity in Man: Tennessee Williams' Vision of Tragedy
It is the purpose of this paper to examine the major plays of Tennessee Williams in an effort to formulate the key concepts which appear in the work of a modern successful dramatist who is sensitive to the tragedy of man and to discover Williams' beliefs in regard to man, his need, and the tragedy that results if he does not find the fulfillment of his nature.
A Survey of Shakespearean Productions in New York: 1935-1955
The aim of this thesis is to present a comprehensive view--a survey--of plays by William Shakespeare that have been produced for the New York stage from 1935 through 1955 in order to ascertain not only the quantity of Shakespearean drama that has been presented during this twenty-one-year period, but also to appraise the quality of the productions as seen by the critics. A related aim of this study will be the analysis of the televised Shakespearean plays by presenting the works and their merits through the eyes of the critics of that medium.
Pyridinium Derivatives of 9,10-Endo-o-Phenylene-9,10-Dihydro-1,4-Anthraquinone
The compounds reported here were prepared for the purpose of determining the effects of active groups on the pyridine ring, and to determine the effects of substituted methyl groups on the nucleus. These compounds are to be tested for tuberculostatic activity.
A Comparison of Selected Factors in Undergraduate Programs in Business Teacher Education in Texas with Criteria Recommended for Business Teacher Education, 1956
The purpose of this study was to compare selected factors in undergraduate programs in business teacher education in Texas with criteria recommended for business teacher education. The factors selected were: (1) the business teacher education curriculum, (2) professional laboratory experiences of prospective business teachers, and (3) educational preparation, experience, and professional activities of the business education college faculty.
The Keynesian Concept of Savings
The problem under investigation in this study is the determination of the usefulness of the concept of saving set forth by John M. Keynes in his The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, both as a method of prediction and prevention of business cycles and as a conceptual framework which is for use in explaining past economic activity, particularly economic growth. The study has a twofold purpose. The first is to evaluate the workability of the Keynesian definitions when applied to existing sources of economic data; to see if a meaningful savings aggregate is a statistical possibility. The second is to attempt to explain in terms of related parts of the rest of Keynes' theoretical system the conclusions reached under the first purpose above.
The Effects of Certain Organic Compounds Upon the Bacterial Deposition of Ferric Hydroxide from Ferric Ammonium Citrate
This thesis studies the effects of certain organic compounds upon the bacterial deposition of ferric hydroxide from ferric ammonium citrate.
Photochemistry of Isopropyl Alcohol
This study discusses the effects of the photochemistry of isopropyl alcohol.
Growth Based on Corporate Sales for Selected Periods, 1925-1954
The first problem involved in this study is to determine what growth is. The second problem of this thesis is to determine the characteristics of growth during the previous economic epochs. The third problem is to determine what companies are growing. This will be accomplished by the use of a representative list of American corporations.
The Tennessee Valley Authority as a Regional Planning Project
This thesis discusses the history of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a regional planning project.
Backscattering from Prolate Spheroids at Microwave Frequencies
This thesis examines backscattering from prolate spheroids at microwave frequencies.
A Spectrographic Study of a Selected Group of Actinomycetes
This thesis is a spectrographic study of a select group of actinomycetes.
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