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Red Moon Called Me: Memoirs of a Schoolteacher in the Government Indian Service
Memoirs of Gertrude Golden, sharing her experience working as a teacher within the Government Indian Service. The book details her experiences in Oregon, Fort Yuma, Oklahoma, Rapid City, and more.
Concha Espina's Basic Concepts as Revealed Through the Outstanding Characters in Her Novels and Short Stories
This thesis is based on a study of the basic concepts of Concha Espina de Serna as revealed through the outstanding characters in ten of her novels and five volumes of short stories: Despertar para morir(1910), Agua de nieve (1911), La esfinge maragata(1914), La rosa de los vientos (1916), Ruecas de marfil(1917), El metal de los muertos (1920), Dulce Nombre(1921), El cáliz rojo(1923), Tierras del Aquilón (1924), El príncipe del cantar(1929?), Altar mayor (1926), Llama de cera(1927), La virgen prudente(1929), Candelabro(1933), and. La floor de ayer(1934).
The Italienisches Liederbuch of Hugo Wolf
This study was undertaken with the purpose of affording some insight into the musical aims and composing methods of Hugo Wolf and of showing his position in the history of the German Lied and his contributions to the development of this form through the analysis of one part of his work. This study of the history of the Lied and examination of the Italienisehes Liederbuch of Hugo Wolf has led to certain conclusions. The first is that Wolf truly stands as the culmination of Romantic activity in the Lied form. This has been ascertained by a comparison of his ideals and techniques of song writing with those of the earlier Lieder writers, Schubert and Schumann, and of Wagner. The second is that Wolf made certain distinctive contributions to the Lied. Among these are his application of Wagnerian principles to the form of the Lied in their refinements as characterizing motives (from the Leitmotiv), free metric accents (from speech-song) and use of the accompaniment to intensify expression through faithful rendering of details of the text. Another contribution is his distillation of harmonic practices into the purest expressive materials which made possible his miniature style. Still another contribution is his elevation of the accompaniment to a position equal with the vocal part, making both parts of an expressive whole. Another is his piercing psychological insight which utilized musical resources for the most subtle dramatic delineation.The third is that the Italienisches Liederbuch owes many of its stylistic features to the subject matter and formal structure of the poems on which it is based. The fourth conclusion is that these songs reveal a musical style which is indeed compact and devoid of nonessentials, achieving a maximum of expressiveness with a minimum of means.
Interpretations of Hamlet's Delay
Perhaps the most universally discussed problem in the interpretation of the character of Hamlet is the reason for his delay in carrying out the Ghost's commands and revenging the murder of his father. Certainly Shakespeare makes no mention of the reason for Hamlet's delay. The fact that critics have never been able to untangle this mystery proves that the solution is not presented in an obvious form in the play.
An Analysis of the Characteristics of Robert Schumann's Piano Works
The primary purpose of this thesis is to give the prospective performer of Schumann's piano works a better understanding of his many works for the piano and to give the pianist, and musicians in general, a better understanding of the pianistic devices employed by Schumann in his works for this instrument. Schumann rose to great heights for short intervals. He possessed enthusiasm, humor, charm, and eloquence. Such qualities have kept his music alive and have provided his listeners with lasting pleasure. Much of his music represents the nobility and warm-heartedness that characterized early Romanticism at its best.
Ideal Siting, Orientation, and Ventilation of Houses in Relation to the Climate of Denton, Texas
The purpose of this study was to collect and compile data on the principal climatic factors of the Denton area which affect one's personal comfort and health, in order to show how a maximum of these commodities could be secured through manipulation and control of the climate of individual building sites. In the Denton County area the naturally breezy climate of summer, excluding areas near heat-collecting surfaces of pavement and masonry, is not usually uncomfortable out of doors unless one is directly exposed to the sun; but, as a result of improper orientation of houses, indoors one often feels a pressing still heat and a general discomfort. The writer's interest in the field of architecture led to a desire to find out how this condition could be alleviated; therefore, this study was undertaken.
Hebrew Origins and Vocal Practice of Music in the Early Christian Church to 500 A.D.
This study aims to show all known knowledge of singing in the earliest days of the biblical New Testament. The practices of the early Christian church in respect to singing are traced during the period directly following that covered by the New Testament and carried forward to around the year 500 A.D. The study aims to learn, insofar as available sources permit, all that we may know today of singing in the earliest days of the New Testament Church. Both Old and New Testaments will be searched for all references to song, and particular attention will be directed to the meaning of St. Paul's reference to "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs" in an effort to determine the meaning of these three items.
The Evolution of Violin Technique from Monteverdi to Paganini
The purpose of this thesis is to show through the presentation and analysis of authoritative information, and opinions drawn from the information and analysis, the development of violin technique from its basic rudiments as an accompanying instrument to the plane of a brilliant solo instrument, a position it still maintains today. This thesis aims to deal exclusively with the technical evolution of the violin. Many books on the history of the violin have been written, but none have dealt exclusively with the technical evolution of this instrument, and it is hoped that the materials in this thesis will constitute a contribution to this field.
Judicial Commitment of Mental Patients in Dallas County
Since mental illness has legal as well as medical aspects, it is the purpose of this thesis to consider one part of the relationship between the courts, the mentally ill person, and the state hospital. This part is concerned with the problem of how mentally ill persons are selected and committed by legal proceedings in the state of Texas for treatment in a mental hospital. This paper is concerned with the problem of how mentally ill persons are selected and committed by legal proceedings in the state of Texas for treatment in a mental hospital.
Recent Interpretations of Iago
A study of the character of Iago from Shakespeare's Othello. Traces the trends of interpretations, schools of thought, and major influences in interpretations of Iago as manifested in a survey of the writings of Shakespearean critics of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. The emphasis of the study shall be on twentieth-century criticism, with possible established patterns of interpretation and their relation to or deviation from the patterns of the two previous centuries.
Guidance Work Practices in Class A Schools in Texas
The objective of this thesis is to determine guidance practices in four-year, Class A High Schools in Texas by: (1) surveying related literature in the field of guidance to determine what the experts consider a good guidance program for secondary schools; (2) means of a survey in the form of a questionnaire, to determine what is actually being done in guidance work in Texas Class A Schools; (3) arriving at a conclusion concerning good guidance work practices for four year, Class A High Schools in Texas.
The Role of the Negro Office Holders in the Reconstruction of the Southwest
"Perhaps no phase of American history has been more written about than the Reconstruction period, but few historians seriously consider the role of the Negroes during this period. It is the purpose of this thesis to show the part played by the Negroes during the Reconstruction of the states of Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana and the factors which led to their ascendancy to political leadership. Most historians give a one-sided view of this period of Reconstruction, playing down the role of the Negroes with the assumption that they were members of an inferior race and incapable of contributing anything constructive to American history. An examination of the facts, however, discloses that the Negroes did contribute a great deal to American history during their brief role in politics. Many of the Negro office holders, usually considered ignorant and illiterate, were well trained and well educated and displayed considerable ability in their particular offices. Contributions of these Negro leaders have merely been obscured by bitterness in partisan politics, and more objective study of Reconstruction will inevitably alter the traditional picture of the Negro political leaders." -- leaf iv.
The Soprano Role in Handel's Operas
The purpose of this study is to give some insight into the soprano role in Hgndel's operas in comparison to the other roles. From a total of forty operas written, thirty-eight have been published and will be considered in this thesis. There is a complete analysis of each soprano role, but only a few outstanding arias are discussed in detail. The study of the soprano role is preceded by a chapter on Handel's career, styles,and his operas today.
Early Development of Robertson County
This thesis includes information on the topography, historical background, military contribution after statehood, social history, economic development, government organization, and early towns and settlements of Roberson County.
Semantic Change in Biblical Translation
Tracing semantic change in various translations of The Bible.
Statesman from Texas, Roger Q. Mills
This is a biography of Roger Quarles Mills and his contributions to Texas history.
Standards for Evaluating Paintings by Children in the Primary Grades
Since most adults generally evaluate children's creative expression by adult standards, view it as meaningless, and frequently present children with hackneyed forms of visual "art"--such as stencil patterns, or color books in which the children are encouraged to copy adult drawings--the purpose of this study is to develop legitimate standards which the adult observer may use in judging children's paintings and to explain these standards through analyses of children's paintings selected from Grades I through III.
A Study of the Development and Design of Colonial American Furniture
An attempt will be made in this study to arrange the furniture of Colonial America into a proper sequence relative to the development and changes made in their design and construction.
A Study of the Southern Spotted Channel Catfish, Ictalurus Punctatus (Rafinesque)
The purpose of the present study is to present research data on the propagation of the southern spotted channel catfish.
An Investigation into the Characteristics and Causes of Monthly and Yearly Price Fluctuations of Spot Cotton at New York, New York, During the Period, 1911-1953
This study endeavors to give an insight into the causes and characteristics of price fluctuations of spot cotton at New York, N.Y., for the period 1911-1953, and to indicate whenever possible the factors which caused the price of cotton to rise or fall during selected periods.
A Comparative Study of the D Cells of Certain Mammalian Islets of Langerhans
The purpose of this study is to describe and compare the D cells of the islets of Langerhans in six different species of mammals.
Addition Reactions of Some Aromatic Aldazines
The paper explores the conclusion that the addition compound was bicyclic, and that the addition of each of the two moles of cyanic acid was dependent upon the other.
A Study of the Bromination Products of Phenylmercaptoacetic Acid
This investigation was begun in order to determine the nature of the 104 degree melting compound prepared by Ashmore and to determine which isomers and their relative amounts are produced during bromination of phenylmercaptoacetic acid.
Current Practices of Teaching Electricity in the Industrial Arts Programs in the Secondary Schools of Texas
This study is an analysis of the current practices pertaining to electricity as taught in industrial arts programs in the secondary schools of Texas.
Establishing an Integrated Language Arts Program in the Primary Grades
This thesis had its inception in the mind of the writer when, disturbed by third grade children's lack of interest and low level of linguistic achievement, she endeavored to find both a more effective means of encouraging children to acquire the tools of language and a more effective method of teaching children the fundamentals of language arts. The writer determined, therefore, to investigate an integrated language arts program in the hope that it would prove to be a more effective method of teaching.
Implications of Social Class Structure and Developmental Tasks for Teaching Techniques in Home and Family Life Education
Can home and family life education incorporate sociological findings, psychological procedures, and frames of reference typical of lower and middle classes into educational techniques and content which will assist adolescents to achieve certain developmental tasks more satisfactorily?
A Survey of the Graduates of Technical High School, Fort Worth, Texas, from 1942-1952 to Determine the Effectiveness of the Training Program
The purpose of this study was to make a survey of the graduates of Technical High School of Fort Worth, Texas, for a period of ten years, from 1942 to 1952, to determine the effectiveness of the preparation they received in helping the graduates to choose a vocation and acquire the basic skills and attitudes that helped them in obtaining a position and to continue as successful workers.
Adapting a Reading Program to Individual Differences
The problem of this study was to test the effectiveness of adapting the reading instruction to the level and ability of individuals or small groups of a particular group of second grade children.
The Essentials in the Development of a Guide for Financing, Planning and Constructing a Home
The purpose of this study is to develop a guide to inform individuals concerned with the building of a home, suggesting the proper procedures to follow in financing, planning and constructing. The study is also designed to help the potential home builder in the selection of various artisans and the purchasing of building materials, along with the basic structure of a home.
The Attitudes of the Greek Philosophers toward the Industrial Arts
It is not the aim of the writer to prove or disprove that the attitudes of the Greek philosophers toward industrial arts have any effect upon us today, but only to expose these attitudes and leave the reader to his own interpretation.
Interrelation of Personality Measurements
The purpose of this paper is to investigate one method of understanding why man behaves as he does--personality tests.
The Influence of Certain Factors on the Adjustment of College Students of Social Fundamentals
The purpose of this study is two-fold: (1) to determine whether students of either sex, or of any particular college class or subject matter major, make greater adjustment progress than students of the opposite sex, or of another college class or major field; and (2) to study the influence of these factors on the adjustment of college students of social fundamentals.
Pyridine Derivatives of Naphthoquinone
This paper deals with the preparation of pyridinium derivatives of naphthoquinone. The starting material was 2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone, and it was reacted with pyridine and 4-n-alkyl-pyridine derivatives.
The Result of the Taft-Hartley Closed Shop Ban
This thesis discusses the history of the closed shop as a form of union security and the changes that arose with the passage of the Taft-Hartley Law in 1947 which declared the closed shop illegal and morally reprehensible.
The Divine Comedy as a Source for the Poetry of T. S. Eliot
In spite of the large amount of criticism written about T. S. Eliot, no attempt has been made to point out the great debt that Eliot owes to Dante Alighieri, and the pervasive influence of The Divine Comedy on Eliot's poetical works. This thesis endeavors to illustrate the extent of that debt and influence.
Medicine in Tudor and Stuart England: a Study in Social History
Prior to the sixteenth century very little progress had been made in the science of medicine since the Galenic age in Greece. The advent of the Renaissance with its revival of learning produced far-reaching changes in all branches of knowledge. In medicine and science the impact of the new forces was particularly significant. This thesis shows the development of medicine during this time period.
Life in the Early Mining Camps of Colorado
The story of the advancing American frontier has unending interest. Perhaps one of the most colorful and unusual frontier developments was that of the mining frontier in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. During the years following the discovery of gold in 1858 and the early 1880's occurred an almost unprecedented evolution from a primitive pioneer society to complex industrial development.
William Dean Howells: Dramatist
The primary purpose of this study is to demonstrate the importance of Howells as the leader of the movement toward realism in American drama, both by revealing in a critical analysis of his plays the presence of the same familiar realistic elements so evident in his novels, and also by showing the extent of his influence upon later dramatists.
Relationship of some Background Factors to Success of Student Nurses in the Parkland Hospital School of Nursing
Factors other than academic ones are important in the selection of the members of any profession, and in nursing it could quite well be that those non-academic elements are rather weighted in determining the success or failure of student nurses because of the very nature of their work. This thesis will look at academic as well as other factors that may influence the success of student nurses.
A Comparison of the Qualifications of Junior College Business Education Teachers in Texas with the Qualifications Desired by Junior College Presidents
The purpose of this investigation was twofold, namely: 1. To determine the personal characteristics and qualifications of the junior college business teachers in Texas; 2. To determine how well these characteristics match the desired qualifications given by college hiring personnel--presidents.
Confederate Prisons
This thesis describes the difficulties of the Confederacy in dealing with prisoners during the Civil War.
American Interests in the Cuban Revolt, 1868-1878
This thesis describes the Cuban revolt of 1868-1878 and the interest it caused in the United States.
Toy Preference of Pre-School Children
The purpose of this study is to determine toy preference of pre-school-age children as a guide for parents and for homemaking students in the selection of toys.
A Case Study of the Disintegration of the Judicial Concept of "State Action" under the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
The purpose of this study is to trace the judicial history of the disintegration of the traditional concept of "state action" and the consequent development of the new concept that the prohibitions of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments apply to private action among individuals.
Subject Matter and Class Section as Factors in the Development of Personality Traits in College Students of Social Fundamentals
The purpose of the present study is to determine whether subject matter and the class section are factors in the development of certain personality traits in college students of social fundamentals. Specifically, the purposes are: (1) to determine whether subject matter field and class section are factors in the development of personality traits referred to as objectivity, agreeableness, and co-operativeness; and (2) to determine which subject matter fields and class sections are responsible for group differences.
Production Control Systems of Nine Texas Shoe Manufacturers
The general production control practices of the shoe industry are basically similar to the production planning of other small businesses in the consumer field. This study will reduce to concrete form the types of production control used by the shoe industry of Texas.
The Adsorption of Radioactive Isotopes on Specific Precipitates
The purpose of this investigation is to reveal the effects of certain factors affecting adsorption on some specific precipitates. It is hoped that the choice of precipitate types will enable extension of the information gained here to other precipitates similar to those investigated.
Analyzing Magnet System for the Electrostatic Accelerator
This thesis describes the design and construction of a linear accelerator, specifically, a positive-ion source, a high voltage supply, an accelerating column, and the necessary associated vacuum system.
Private Beliefs of America's Financial Analysts--1953
This study will furnish the reader with general and specific investment advice as taken from questionnaires sent to a group of men who specialize in giving investment and financial advice -- financial analysts.
Barbituric Acids. VI. 5-substituted-mercapto Derivatives of 5-ethylbarbituric Acid
The reaction of 5-bromo-5-ethylbarbituric acid with mercaptan and pyridine in cold ether solution was studied and was found to be satisfactory for the preparation of the compounds reported in this work.
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