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Dimensions of statistically self-affine functions and random Cantor sets
The subject of fractal geometry has exploded over the past 40 years with the availability of computer generated images. It was seen early on that there are many interesting questions at the intersection of probability and fractal geometry. In this dissertation we will introduce two random models for constructing fractals and prove various facts about them.
Invariant Differential Derivations for Modular Reflection Groups
The invariant theory of finite reflection groups has rich connections to geometry, topology, representation theory, and combinatorics. We consider finite reflection groups acting on vector spaces over fields of arbitrary characteristic, where many arguments of classical invariant theory break down. When the characteristic of the underlying field is positive, reflections may be nondiagonalizable. A group containing these so-called transvections has order which is divisible by the characteristic of the underlying field, so is in the modular setting. In this thesis, we examine the action on differential derivations, which include products of differential forms and derivations, and identify the structure of the set of invariants under the action of groups fixing a single hyperplane, groups with maximal transvection root spaces acting on vector spaces over prime fields, as well as special linear groups and general linear groups over finite fields.
Annihilators of Irreducible Representations of the Lie Superalgebra of Contact Vector Fields on the Superline
The superline has one even and one odd coordinate. We consider the Lie superalgebra of contact vector fields on the superline. Its tensor density modules are a one-parameter family of deformations of the natural action on the ring of polynomials on the superline. They are parameterized by a complex number, and they are irreducible when this parameter is not zero. In this dissertation, we describe the annihilating ideals of these representations in the universal enveloping algebra of this Lie superalgebra by providing their generators. We also describe the intersection of all such ideals: the annihilator of the direct sum of the tensor density modules. The annihilating ideal of an irreducible non-zero left module is called a primitive ideal, and the space of all such ideals in the universal enveloping algebra is its primitive spectrum. The primitive spectrum is endowed with the Jacobson topology, which induces a topology on the annihilators of the tensor density modules. We conclude our discussion with a description of the annihilators as a topological space.
Hochschild Cohomology of Finite Cyclic Groups Acting on Polynomial Rings
The Hochschild cohomology of an associative algebra records information about the deformations of that algebra, and hence the first step toward understanding its deformations is an examination of the Hochschild cohomology. In this dissertation, we use techniques from homological algebra, invariant theory, and combinatorics to analyze the Hochschild cohomology of skew group algebras arising from finite cyclic groups acting on polynomial rings over fields of arbitrary characteristic. These algebras are the natural semidirect product of the group ring with the polynomial ring. Many families of algebras arise as deformations of skew group algebras, such as symplectic reflection algebras and rational Cherednik algebras. We give an explicit description of the Hochschild cohomology governing graded deformations of skew group algebras for cyclic groups acting on polynomial rings. For skew group algebras, a description of the Hochschild cohomology is known in the nonmodular setting (i.e., when the characteristic of the field and the order of the group are coprime). However, in the modular setting (i.e., when the characteristic of the field divides the order of the group), much less is known, as techniques commonly used in the nonmodular setting are not available.
On Sharp Permutation Groups whose Point Stabilizers are Certain Frobenius Groups
We investigate non-geometric sharp permutation groups of type {0,k} whose point stabilizers are certain Frobenius groups. We show that if a point stabilizer has a cyclic Frobenius kernel whose order is a power of a prime and Frobenius complement cyclic of prime order, then the point stabilizer is isomorphic to the symmetric group on 3 letters, and there is up to permutation isomorphism, one such permutation group. Further, we determine a significant structural description of non-geometric sharp permutation groups of type {0,k} whose point stabilizers are Frobenius groups with elementary abelian Frobenius kernel K and Frobenius complement L with |L| = |K|-1. As a result of this structural description, it is shown that the smallest non-solvable Frobenius group cannot be a point stabilizer in a non-geometric sharp permutation group of type {0,k}.
Definable Structures on the Space of Functions from Tuples of Integers into 2
We give some background on the free part of the action of tuples of integers into 2. We will construct specific structures on this space, and then show that certain other structures cannot exist.
Asymptotic Formula for Counting in Deterministic and Random Dynamical Systems
The lattice point problem in dynamical systems investigates the distribution of certain objects with some length property in the space that the dynamics is defined. This problem in different contexts can be interpreted differently. In the context of symbolic dynamical systems, we are trying to investigate the growth of N(T), the number of finite words subject to a specific ergodic length T, as T tends to infinity. This problem has been investigated by Pollicott and Urbański to a great extent. We try to investigate it further, by relaxing a condition in the context of deterministic dynamical systems. Moreover, we investigate this problem in the context of random dynamical systems. The method for us is considering the Fourier-Stieltjes transform of N(T) and expressing it via a Poincaré series for which the spectral gap property of the transfer operator, enables us to apply some appropriate Tauberian theorems to understand asymptotic growth of N(T). For counting in the random dynamics, we use some results from probability theory.
The D-Variant of Transfinite Hausdorff Dimension
In this lecture we introduce a new transfinite dimension function for metric spaces which utilizes Henderson's topological D-dimension and ascribes to any metric space either an ordinal number or the symbol Ω. The construction of our function is motivated by that of Urbański's transfinite Hausdorff dimension, tHD. Henderson's dimension is a topological invariant, however, like Hausdorff dimension and tHD the function presented will be invariant under bi-Lipschitz continuous maps and generally not under homeomorphisms. We present some original results on D-dimension and build the general theory for the D-variant of transfinite Hausdorff dimension, \mathrm{t}_D\mathrm{HD}. In particular, we will show for any ordinal number α, existence of a metrizable space which has \mathrm{t}_D\mathrm{HD} greater than or equal to α and less than or equal to \omega_\tau, where τ is the least ordinal which satisfies α < \omega_\tau.
Radial Solutions of Singular Semilinear Equations on Exterior Domains
We prove the existence and nonexistence of radial solutions of singular semilinear equations Δu + k(x)f(u)=0 with boundary condition on the exterior of the ball with radius R>0 in ℝ^N such that lim r →∞ u(r)=0, where f: ℝ \ {0} →ℝ is an odd and locally Lipschitz continuous nonlinear function such that there exists a β >0 with f <0 on (0, β), f >0 on (β, ∞), and K(r) ~ r^-α for some α >0.
Invariants of Polynomials Modulo Frobenius Powers
Rational Catalan combinatorics connects various Catalan numbers to the representation theory of rational Cherednik algebras for Coxeter and complex reflection groups. Lewis, Reiner, and Stanton seek a theory of rational Catalan combinatorics for the general linear group over a finite field. The finite general linear group is a modular reflection group that behaves like a finite Coxeter group. They conjecture a Hilbert series for a space of invariants under the action of this group using (q,t)-binomial coefficients. They consider the finite general linear group acting on the quotient of a polynomial ring by iterated powers of the irrelevant ideal under the Frobenius map. Often conjectures about reflection groups are solved by considering the local case of a group fixing one hyperplane and then extending via the theory of hyperplane arrangements to the full group. The Lewis, Reiner and Stanton conjecture had not previously been formulated for groups fixing a hyperplane. We formulate and prove their conjecture in this local case.
Winning Sets and the Banach-Mazur-McMullen Game
For decades, mathematical games have been used to explore various properties of particular sets. The Banach-Mazur game is the prototypical intersection game and its modifications by e.g., W. Schmidt and C. McMullen are used in number theory and many other areas of mathematics. We give a brief survey of a few of these modifications and their properties followed by our own modification. One of our main results is proving that this modification is equivalent to an important set theoretic game, called the perfect set game, developed by M. Davis.
Determinacy of Schmidt's Game and Other Intersection Games
Schmidt's game, and other similar intersection games have played an important role in recent years in applications to number theory, dynamics, and Diophantine approximation theory. These games are real games, that is, games in which the players make moves from a complete separable metric space. The determinacy of these games trivially follows from the axiom of determinacy for real games,ADR, which is a much stronger axiom than that asserting all integer games are determined, AD. One of our main results is a general theorem which under the hypothesis AD implies the determinacy of intersection games which have a property allowing strategies to be simplified. In particular, we show that Schmidt's (α,β,ρ) game on R is determined from AD alone, but on Rn for n≥3 we show that AD does not imply the determinacy of this game. We then give an application of simple strategies and prove that the winning player in Schmidt's (α,β,ρ) game on R has a winning positional strategy, without appealing to the axiom of choice. We also prove several other results specifically related to the determinacy of Schmidt's game. These results highlight the obstacles in obtaining the determinacy of Schmidt's game from AD
Abelian Group Actions and Hypersmooth Equivalence Relations
We show that any Borel action on a standard Borel space of a group which is topologically isomorphic to the sum of a countable abelian group with a countable sum of lines and circles induces an orbit equivalence relation which is hypersmooth. We also show that any Borel action of a second countable locally compact abelian group on a standard Borel space induces an orbit equivalence relation which is essentially hyperfinite, generalizing a result of Gao and Jackson for the countable abelian groups.
Annihilators of Bounded Indecomposable Modules of Vec(R)
The Lie algebra Vec(ℝ) of polynomial vector fields on the line acts naturally on ℂ[]. This action has a one-parameter family of deformations called the tensor density modules F_λ. The bounded indecomposable modules of Vec(ℝ) of length 2 composed of tensor density modules have been classified by Feigin and Fuchs. We present progress towards describing the annihilators of the unique indecomposable extension of F_λ by F_(λ+2) in the non-resonant case λ ≠ -½. We give the intersection of the annihilator and the subalgebra of lowest weight vectors of the universal enveloping algebra (Vec(ℝ)) of Vec(ℝ). This result is found by applying structural descriptions of the lowest weight vectors of (Vec(ℝ)).
Equivalence of the Rothberger and k-Rothberger Games for Hausdorff Spaces
First, we show that the Rothberger and 2-Rothberger games are equivalent. Then we adjust the former proof and introduce another game, the restricted Menger game, in order to obtain a broader result. This provides an answer in the context of Hausdorff spaces for an open question posed by Aurichi, Bella, and Dias.
Infinitary Combinatorics and the Spreading Models of Banach Spaces
Spreading models have become fundamental to the study of asymptotic geometry in Banach spaces. The existence of spreading models in every Banach space, and the so-called good sequences which generate them, was one of the first applications of Ramsey theory in Banach space theory. We use Ramsey theory and other techniques from infinitary combinatorics to examine some old and new questions concerning spreading models and good sequences. First, we consider the lp spreading model problem which asks whether a Banach space contains lp provided that every spreading model of a normalized block basic sequence of the basis is isometrically equivalent to lp. Next, using the Hindman-Milliken-Taylor theorem, we prove a new stabilization theorem for spreading models which produces a basic sequence all of whose normalized constant coefficient block basic sequences are good. When the resulting basic sequence is semi-normalized, all the spreading models generated by the above good sequences must be uniformly equivalent to lp or c0. Finally, we investigate the assumption that every normalized block tree on a Banach space has a good branch. This turns out to be a very strong assumption and is equivalent to the space being 1-asymptotic lp. We also show that the stronger assumption that every block basic sequence is good is equivalent to the space being stabilized 1-asymptotic lp.
Non-Resonant Uniserial Representations of Vec(R)
The non-resonant bounded uniserial representations of Vec(R) form a certain class of extensions composed of tensor density modules, all of whose subquotients are indecomposable. The problem of classifying the extensions with a given composition series is reduced via cohomological methods to computing the solution of a certain system of polynomial equations in several variables derived from the cup equations for the extension. Using this method, we classify all non-resonant bounded uniserial extensions of Vec(R) up to length 6. Beyond this length, all such extensions appear to arise as subquotients of extensions of arbitrary length, many of which are explained by the psuedodifferential operator modules. Others are explained by a wedge construction and by the pseudodifferential operator cocycle discovered by Khesin and Kravchenko.
Uniserial Representations of Vec(R) with a Single Casimir Eigenvalue
In 1980 Feigin and Fuchs classified the length 2 bounded representations of Vec(R), the Lie algebra of polynomial vector fields on the line, as a result of their work on the cohomology of Vec(R). This dissertation is concerned mainly with the uniserial (completely indecomposable) representations of Vec(R) with a single Casimir eigenvalue and weights bounded below. Such representations are composed of irreducible representations with semisimple Euler operator action, bounded weight space dimensions, and weights bounded below. These are known to be the tensor density modules with lowest weight λ, for any non-zero complex number λ, and the trivial module C, with Vec(R) actions π_λ and π_C, respectively. Our proofs are cohomology arguments involving the first cohomology groups of Vec(R) with values in the space of homomorphisms between two irreducible representations. These results classify the finite length uniserial extensions, with a single Casimir eigenvalue, of admissible irreducible Vec(R) representations with weights bounded below. In almost every case there is at most one uniserial representation with a given composition series. However, in the case of an odd length extension with composition series {π_1,π_C,π_1,…,π_C,π_1}, there is a one-parameter family of extensions. We also give preliminary results on uniserial representations of the Virasoro Lie algebra.
On Factors of Rank One Subshifts
Rank one subshifts are dynamical systems generated by a regular combinatorial process based on sequences of positive integers called the cut and spacer parameters. Despite the simple process that generates them, rank one subshifts comprise a generic set and are the source of many counterexamples. As a result, measure theoretic rank one subshifts, called rank one transformations, have been extensively studied and investigations into rank one subshifts been the basis of much recent work. We will answer several open problems about rank one subshifts. We completely classify the maximal equicontinuous factor for rank one subshifts, so that this factor can be computed from the parameters. We use these methods to classify when large classes of rank one subshifts have mixing properties. Also, we completely classify the situation when a rank one subshift can be a factor of another rank one subshift.
Partition Properties for Non-Ordinal Sets under the Axiom of Determinacy
In this paper we explore coloring theorems for the reals, its quotients, cardinals, and their combinations. This work is done under the scope of the axiom of determinacy. We also explore generalizations of Mycielski's theorem and show how these can be used to establish coloring theorems. To finish, we discuss the strange realm of long unions.
Results in Algebraic Determinedness and an Extension of the Baire Property
In this work, we concern ourselves with particular topics in Polish space theory. We first consider the space A(U) of complex-analytic functions on an open set U endowed with the usual topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets. With the operations of point-wise addition and point-wise multiplication, A(U) is a Polish ring. Inspired by L. Bers' algebraic characterization of the relation of conformality, we show that the topology on A(U) is the only Polish topology for which A(U) is a Polish ring for a large class of U. This class of U includes simply connected regions, simply connected regions excluding a relatively discrete set of points, and other domains of usual interest. One thing that we deduce from this is that, even though C has many different Polish field topologies, as long as it sits inside another Polish ring with enough complex-analytic functions, it must have its usual topology. In a different direction, we show that the bounded complex-analytic functions on the unit disk admits no Polish topology for which it is a Polish ring. We also study the Lie ring structure on A(U) which turns out to be a Polish Lie ring with the usual topology. In this case, we restrict our attention to those domains U that are connected. We extend a result of I. Amemiya to see that the Lie ring structure is determined by the conformal structure of U. In a similar vein to our ring considerations, we see that, again for certain domains U of usual interest, the Lie ring A(U) has a unique Polish topology for which it is a Polish Lie ring. Again, the Lie ring A(U) imposes topological restrictions on C. That is, C must have its usual topology when sitting inside any Polish Lie ring isomorphic to A(U). In the last …
Continuous Combinatorics of a Lattice Graph in the Cantor Space
We present a novel theorem of Borel Combinatorics that sheds light on the types of continuous functions that can be defined on the Cantor space. We specifically consider the part X=F(2ᴳ) from the Cantor space, where the group G is the additive group of integer pairs ℤ². That is, X is the set of aperiodic {0,1} labelings of the two-dimensional infinite lattice graph. We give X the Bernoulli shift action, and this action induces a graph on X in which each connected component is again a two-dimensional lattice graph. It is folklore that no continuous (indeed, Borel) function provides a two-coloring of the graph on X, despite the fact that any finite subgraph of X is bipartite. Our main result offers a much more complete analysis of continuous functions on this space. We construct a countable collection of finite graphs, each consisting of twelve "tiles", such that for any property P (such as "two-coloring") that is locally recognizable in the proper sense, a continuous function with property P exists on X if and only if a function with a corresponding property P' exists on one of the graphs in the collection. We present the theorem, and give several applications.
The Relative Complexity of Various Classification Problems among Compact Metric Spaces
In this thesis, we discuss three main projects which are related to Polish groups and their actions on standard Borel spaces. In the first part, we show that the complexity of the classification problem of continua is Borel bireducible to a universal orbit equivalence relation induce by a Polish group on a standard Borel space. In the second part, we compare the relative complexity of various types of classification problems concerning subspaces of [0,1]^n for all natural number n. In the last chapter, we give a topological characterization theorem for the class of locally compact two-sided invariant non-Archimedean Polish groups. Using this theorem, we show the non-existence of a universal group and the existence of a surjectively universal group in the class.
An Exploration of the Word2vec Algorithm: Creating a Vector Representation of a Language Vocabulary that Encodes Meaning and Usage Patterns in the Vector Space Structure
This thesis is an exloration and exposition of a highly efficient shallow neural network algorithm called word2vec, which was developed by T. Mikolov et al. in order to create vector representations of a language vocabulary such that information about the meaning and usage of the vocabulary words is encoded in the vector space structure. Chapter 1 introduces natural language processing, vector representations of language vocabularies, and the word2vec algorithm. Chapter 2 reviews the basic mathematical theory of deterministic convex optimization. Chapter 3 provides background on some concepts from computer science that are used in the word2vec algorithm: Huffman trees, neural networks, and binary cross-entropy. Chapter 4 provides a detailed discussion of the word2vec algorithm itself and includes a discussion of continuous bag of words, skip-gram, hierarchical softmax, and negative sampling. Finally, Chapter 5 explores some applications of vector representations: word categorization, analogy completion, and language translation assistance.
Properties of Some Classical Integral Domains
Greatest common divisor domains, Bezout domains, valuation rings, and Prüfer domains are studied. Chapter One gives a brief introduction, statements of definitions, and statements of theorems without proof. In Chapter Two theorems about greatest common divisor domains and characterizations of Bezout domains, valuation rings, and Prüfer domains are proved. Also included are characterizations of a flat overring. Some of the results are that an integral domain is a Prüfer domain if and only if every overring is flat and that every overring of a Prüfer domain is a Prüfer domain.
Euclidean Rings
The cardinality of the set of units, and of the set of equivalence classes of primes in non-trivial Euclidean domains is discussed with reference to the categories "finite" and "infinite." It is shown that no Euclidean domains exist for which both of these sets are finite. The other three combinations are possible and examples are given. For the more general Euclidean rings, the first combination is possible and examples are likewise given. Prime factorization is also discussed in both Euclidean rings and Euclidean domains. For Euclidean rings, an alternative definition of prime elements in terms of associates is compared and contrasted to the usual definitions.
Absolute Continuity and the Integration of Bounded Set Functions
The first chapter gives basic definitions and theorems concerning set functions and set function integrals. The lemmas and theorems are presented without proof in this chapter. The second chapter deals with absolute continuity and Lipschitz condition. Particular emphasis is placed on the properties of max and min integrals. The third chapter deals with approximating absolutely continuous functions with bounded functions. It also deals with the existence of the integrals composed of various combinations of bounded functions and finitely additive functions. The concluding theorem states if the integral of the product of a bounded function and a non-negative finitely additive function exists, then the integral of the product of the bounded function with an absolutely continuous function exists over any element in a field of subsets of a set U.
Valuations on Fields
This thesis investigates some properties of valuations on fields. Basic definitions and theorems assumed are stated in Capter I. Chapter II introduces the concept of a valuation on a field. Real valuations and non-Archimedean valuations are presented. Chapter III generalizes non-Archimedean valuations. Examples are described in Chapters I and II. A result is the theorem stating that a real valuation of a field K is non-Archimedean if and only if $(a+b) < max4# (a), (b) for all a and b in K. Chapter III generally defines a non-Archimedean valuation as an ordered abelian group. Real non-Archimedean valuations are either discrete or nondiscrete. Chapter III shows that every valuation ring identifies a non-Archimedean valuation and every non-Archimedean valuation identifies a valuation ring.
An Existence Theorem for an Integral Equation
The principal theorem of this thesis is a theorem by Peano on the existence of a solution to a certain integral equation. The two primary notions underlying this theorem are uniform convergence and equi-continuity. Theorems related to these two topics are proved in Chapter II. In Chapter III we state and prove a classical existence and uniqueness theorem for an integral equation. In Chapter IV we consider the approximation on certain functions by means of elementary expressions involving "bent line" functions. The last chapter, Chapter V, is the proof of the theorem by Peano mentioned above. Also included in this chapter is an example in which the integral equation has more than one solution. The first chapter sets forth basic definitions and theorems with which the reader should be acquainted.
Interpolation and Approximation
In this paper, there are three chapters. The first chapter discusses interpolation. Here a theorem about the uniqueness of the solution to the general interpolation problem is proven. Then the problem of how to represent this unique solution is discussed. Finally, the error involved in the interpolation and the convergence of the interpolation process is developed. In the second chapter a theorem about the uniform approximation to continuous functions is proven. Then the best approximation and the least squares approximation (a special case of best approximation) is discussed. In the third chapter orthogonal polynomials as discussed as well as bounded linear functionals in Hilbert spaces, interpolation and approximation and approximation in Hilbert space.
Some Properties of Noetherian Rings
This paper is an investigation of several basic properties of noetherian rings. Chapter I gives a brief introduction, statements of definitions, and statements of theorems without proof. Some of the main results in the study of noetherian rings are proved in Chapter II. These results include proofs of the equivalence of the maximal condition, the ascending chain condition, and that every ideal is finitely generated. Some other results are that if a ring R is noetherian, then R[x] is noetherian, and that if every prime ideal of a ring R is finitely generated, then R is noetherian.
The Cohomology for the Nil Radical of a Complex Semisimple Lie Algebra
Let g be a complex semisimple Lie algebra, Vλ an irreducible g-module with high weight λ, pI a standard parabolic subalgebra of g with Levi factor £I and nil radical nI, and H*(nI, Vλ) the cohomology group of Λn'I ⊗Vλ. We describe the decomposition of H*(nI, Vλ) into irreducible £1-modules.
Fundamental Issues in Support Vector Machines
This dissertation considers certain issues in support vector machines (SVMs), including a description of their construction, aspects of certain exponential kernels used in some SVMs, and a presentation of an algorithm that computes the necessary elements of their operation with proof of convergence. In its first section, this dissertation provides a reasonably complete description of SVMs and their theoretical basis, along with a few motivating examples and counterexamples. This section may be used as an accessible, stand-alone introduction to the subject of SVMs for the advanced undergraduate. Its second section provides a proof of the positive-definiteness of a certain useful function here called E and dened as follows: Let V be a complex inner product space. Let N be a function that maps a vector from V to its norm. Let p be a real number between 0 and 2 inclusive and for any in V , let ( be N() raised to the p-th power. Finally, let a be a positive real number. Then E() is exp(()). Although the result is not new (other proofs are known but involve deep properties of stochastic processes) this proof is accessible to advanced undergraduates with a decent grasp of linear algebra. Its final section presents an algorithm by Dr. Kallman (preprint), based on earlier Russian work by B.F. Mitchell, V.F Demyanov, and V.N. Malozemov, and proves its convergence. The section also discusses briefly architectural features of the algorithm expected to result in practical speed increases.
Existence of a Solution for a Wave Equation and an Elliptic Dirichlet Problem
In this paper we consider an existence of a solution for a nonlinear nonmonotone wave equation in [0,π]xR and an existence of a positive solution for a non-positone Dirichlet problem in a bounded subset of R^n.
Containment Relations Between Classes of Regular Ideals in a Ring with Few Zero Divisors
This dissertation focuses on the significance of containment relations between the above mentioned classes of ideals. The main problem considered in Chapter II is determining conditions which lead a ring to be a P-ring, D-ring, or AM-ring when every regular ideal is a P-ideal, D-ideal, or AM-ideal, respectively. We also consider containment relations between classes of regular ideals which guarantee that the ring is a quasi-valuation ring. We continue this study into the third chapter; in particular, we look at the conditions in a quasi-valuation ring which lead to a = Jr, sr - f, and a = v. Furthermore we give necessary and sufficient conditions that a ring be a discrete rank one quasi-valuation ring. For example, if R is Noetherian, then ft = J if and only if R is a discrete rank one quasi-valuation ring.
Dynamics of One-Dimensional Maps: Symbols, Uniqueness, and Dimension
This dissertation is a study of the dynamics of one-dimensional unimodal maps and is mainly concerned with those maps which are trapezoidal. The trapezoidal function, f_e, is defined for eΣ(0,1/2) by f_e(x)=x/e for xΣ[0,e], f_e(x)=1 for xΣ(e,1-e), and f_e(x)=(1-x)/e for xΣ[1-e,1]. We study the symbolic dynamics of the kneading sequences and relate them to the analytic dynamics of these maps. Chapter one is an overview of the present theory of Metropolis, Stein, and Stein (MSS). In Chapter two a formula is given that counts the number of MSS sequences of length n. Next, the number of distinct primitive colorings of n beads with two colors, as counted by Gilbert and Riordan, is shown to equal the number of MSS sequences of length n. An algorithm is given that produces a bisection between these two quantities for each n. Lastly, the number of negative orbits of size n for the function f(z)=z^2-2, as counted by P.J. Myrberg, is shown to equal the number of MSS sequences of length n. For an MSS sequence P, let H_ϖ(P) be the unique common extension of the harmonics of P. In Chapter three it is proved that there is exactly one J(P)Σ[0,1] such that the itinerary of λ(P) under the map is λ(P)f_e is H_ϖ(P). In Chapter four it is shown that only period doubling or period halving bifurcations can occur for the family λf_e, λΣ[0,1]. Results concerning how the size of a stable orbit changes as bifurcations of the family λf_e occur are given. Let λΣ[0,1] be such that 1/2 is a periodic point of λf_e. In this case 1/2 is superstable. Chapter five investigates the boundary of the basin of attraction of this stable orbit. An algorithm is given that yields a graph directed construction such that the object constructed is the basin …
Invertible Ideals and the Strong Two-Generator Property in Some Polynomial Subrings
Let K be any field and Q be the rationals. Define K^1[X] = {f(X) e K[X]| the coefficient of X in f(X) is zero} and Q^1β[X] = {f(X) e Q[X]| the coefficent of β1(X) in the binomial expansion of f(X) is zero}, where {β1(X)}^∞ i=0 are the well-known binomial polynomials. In this work, I establish the following results: K^1[X] and Q^1β[X] are one-dimensional, Noetherian, non-Prüfer domains with the two-generator property on ideals. Using the unique factorization structure of the overrings K[X] and Q[X], the nonprincipal ideal structures of both rings are characterized, and from this characterization, necessary and sufficient conditions are found for a nonprincipal ideal to be invertible. The nonprincipal invertible ideals are then characterized in terms of the coefficients of the generators, and an explicit formula for the inverse of any proper invertible ideal is found. Finally, the class groups of both rings are shown to be torsion free abelian groups. Let n be any nonnegative integer. Results similar to the above are found in the generalizations of these two rings, K^n[X] and q^nβ[X], where the coefficients on the first n nonconstant basis elements are zero. For the domains K^1[X] and Q^1β[X], the property of strong two-generation is explored in detail and the following results are established: 1. K^1[X] and Q^1β[X] are not strongly two-generated, 2. In either ring, any polynomial with a constant term, or of degree two or three is a strong two-generator. 3. In K^1[X] any polynomial divisible by X^4 is not a strong two-generator, 4. An ideal I in K^1[X] or Q^1β[X] is strongly two-generated if and only if it is invertible.
Measurable Selection Theorems for Partitions of Polish Spaces into Gδ Equivalence Classes
Let X be a Polish space and Q a measurable partition of X into Gδ equivalence classes. In 1978, S. M. Srivastava proved the existence of a Borel cross section for Q. He asked whether more can be concluded in case each equivalence class is uncountable. This question is answered here in the affirmative. The main result of the author is a proof that shows the existence of a Castaing Representation for Q.
Dually Semimodular Consistent Lattices
A lattice L is said to be dually semimodular if for all elements a and b in L, a ∨ b covers b implies that a covers a ∧ b. L is consistent if for every join-irreducible j and every element x in L, the element x ∨ j is a join-irreducible in the upper interval [x,l]. In this paper, finite dually semimodular consistent lattices are investigated. Examples of these lattices are the lattices of subnormal subgroups of a finite group. In 1954, R. P. Dilworth proved that in a finite modular lattice, the number of elements covering exactly k elements is equal to the number of elements covered by exactly k elements. Here, it is established that if a finite dually semimodular consistent lattice has the same number of join-irreducibles as meet-irreducibles, then it is modular. Hence, a converse of Dilworth's theorem, in the case when k equals 1, is obtained for finite dually semimodular consistent lattices. Several combinatorial results are shown for finite consistent lattices similar to those already established for finite geometric lattices. The reach of an element x in a lattice L is the difference between the rank of x*, the join of x and all the elements covering x, and the rank of x; the maximum reach of all elements in L is the reach of L. Sharp lower bounds for the total number of elements and the number of elements of a given reach in a semimodular consistent lattice given the rank, the reach, and the number of join-irreducibles are found. Extremal lattices attaining these bounds are described. Similar results are then obtained for finite dually semimodular consistent lattices.
Bounded, Finitely Additive, but Not Absolutely Continuous Set Functions
In leading up to the proof, methods for constructing fields and finitely additive set functions are introduced with an application involving the Tagaki function given as an example. Also, non-absolutely continuous set functions are constructed using Banach limits and maximal filters.
Universal Branched Coverings
In this paper, the study of k-fold branched coverings for which the branch set is a stratified set is considered. First of all, the existence of universal k-fold branched coverings over CW-complexes with stratified branch set is proved using Brown's Representability Theorem. Next, an explicit construction of universal k-fold branched coverings over manifolds is given. Finally, some homotopy and homology groups are computed for some specific examples of Universal k-fold branched coverings.
π-regular Rings
The dissertation focuses on the structure of π-regular (regular) rings.
Multifractal Measures
The purpose of this dissertation is to introduce a natural and unifying multifractal formalism which contains the above mentioned multifractal parameters, and gives interesting results for a large class of natural measures. In Part 2 we introduce the proposed multifractal formalism and study it properties. We also show that this multifractal formalism gives natural and interesting results when applied to (nonrandom) graph directed self-similar measures in Rd and "cookie-cutter" measures in R. In Part 3 we use the multifractal formalism introduced in Part 2 to give a detailed discussion of the multifractal structure of random (and hence, as a special case, non-random) graph directed self-similar measures in R^d.
Determinacy-related Consequences on Limit Superiors
Laczkovich proved from ZF that, given a countable sequence of Borel sets on a perfect Polish space, if the limit superior along every subsequence was uncountable, then there was a particular subsequence whose intersection actually contained a perfect subset. Komjath later expanded the result to hold for analytic sets. In this paper, by adding AD and sometimes V=L(R) to our assumptions, we will extend the result further. This generalization will include the increasing of the length of the sequence to certain uncountable regular cardinals as well as removing any descriptive requirements on the sets.
Graev Metrics and Isometry Groups of Polish Ultrametric Spaces
This dissertation presents results about computations of Graev metrics on free groups and characterizes isometry groups of countable noncompact Heine-Borel Polish ultrametric spaces. In Chapter 2, computations of Graev metrics are performed on free groups. One of the related results answers an open question of Van Den Dries and Gao. In Chapter 3, isometry groups of countable noncompact Heine-Borel Polish ultrametric spaces are characterized. The notion of generalized tree is defined and a correspondence between the isomorphism group of a generalized tree and the isometry group of a Heine-Borel Polish ultrametric space is established. The concept of a weak inverse limit is introduced to capture the characterization of isomorphism groups of generalized trees. In Chapter 4, partial results of isometry groups of uncountable compact ultrametric spaces are given. It turns out that every compact ultrametric space has a unique countable orbital decomposition. An orbital space consists of disjoint orbits. An orbit subspace of an orbital space is actually a compact homogeneous ultrametric subspace.
Traveling Wave Solutions of the Porous Medium Equation
We prove the existence of a one-parameter family of solutions of the porous medium equation, a nonlinear heat equation. In our work, with space dimension 3, the interface is a half line whose end point advances at constant speed. We prove, by using maximum principle, that the solutions are stable under a suitable class of perturbations. We discuss the relevance of our solutions, when restricted to two dimensions, to gravity driven flows of thin films. Here we extend the results of J. Iaia and S. Betelu in the paper "Solutions of the porous medium equation with degenerate interfaces" to a higher dimension.
Descriptive Set Theory and Measure Theory in Locally Compact and Non-locally Compact Groups
In this thesis we study descriptive-set-theoretic and measure-theoretic properties of Polish groups, with a thematic emphasis on the contrast between groups which are locally compact and those which are not. The work is divided into three major sections. In the first, working jointly with Robert Kallman, we resolve a conjecture of Gleason regarding the Polish topologization of abstract groups of homeomorphisms. We show that Gleason's conjecture is false, and its conclusion is only true when the hypotheses are considerably strengthened. Along the way we discover a new automatic continuity result for a class of functions which behave like but are distinct from functions of Baire class 1. In the second section we consider the descriptive complexity of those subsets of the permutation group S? which arise naturally from the classical Levy-Steinitz series rearrangement theorem. We show that for any conditionally convergent series of vectors in Euclidean space, the sets of permutations which make the series diverge, and diverge properly, are ?03-complete. In the last section we study the phenomenon of Haar null sets a la Christensen, and the closely related notion of openly Haar null sets. We identify and correct a minor error in the proof of Mycielski that a countable union of Haar null sets in a Polish group is Haar null. We show the openly Haar null ideal may be distinct from the Haar null ideal, which resolves an uncertainty of Solecki. We show that compact sets are always Haar null in S? and in any countable product of locally compact non-compact groups, which extends the domain of a result of Dougherty. We show that any countable product of locally compact non-compact groups decomposes into the disjoint union of a meager set and a Haar null set, which gives a partial positive answer to a question of Darji. …
Solving Linear Programming's Transportation Problem
A special case of the linear programming problem, the transportation problem, is the subject of this thesis. The development of a solution to the transportation problem is based on fundamental concepts from the theory of linear algebra and matrices.
Ideals and Boolean Rings: Some Properties
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate certain properties of rings, ideals, and a special type of ring called a Boolean ring.
Continuous Solutions of Laplace's Equation in Two Variables
In mathematical physics, Laplace's equation plays an especially significant role. It is fundamental to the solution of problems in electrostatics, thermodynamics, potential theory and other branches of mathematical physics. It is for this reason that this investigation concerns the development of some general properties of continuous solutions of this equation.
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