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A Study to Determine the Adequacy of the Curriculum in the Technical-Industrial Department at Tyler Junior College
The major purposes of this study were to gather information on the employment status and location of students who completed four or more courses in the technical-industrial program at Tyler Junior College, Tyler, Texas; to identify factors that influenced them in selecting Tyler Junior College and taking courses in the technical-industrial program; to ascertain in some measure the effectiveness of the training these students received in preparing them for the positions they have held and now hold; and to secure data and information which the faculty and administration at Tyler Junior College may use in evaluating the present program with respect to future changes and improvements.
Classroom Environmental Control in Smith County
The purpose of this study is to attempt to show the development, growth, and some of the outstanding accomplishments with methods used in developing the environmental control in Smith County school rooms since October, 1946.
Comparison of a Traditional and an Integrated Program of Instruction in an Elementary School
The purpose of this study is to determine if elementary school children progress faster in academic or tool subjects when taught through interest units in an integrated curriculum or when taught the separate subjects by a traditional method. Reading, spelling, and handwriting are used as illustrative subjects in the sixth grade with reading only in the second grade.
An Effective Way of Teaching Mass Remedial Reading in the Intermediate Grades
The major purpose of this study was to determine the causes for reading difficulties of a group of fifth-grade children. On this study much emphasis was placed on selecting, preparing and applying appropriate remedial measures, and to ascertain the character and the amount of improvement in reading. In this particular study much emphasis was placed on the various methods used in teaching mass remedial reading.
The History of the Growth and Development of the Health Education and Health Service Program in the Tyler Public Schools, 1931-1943
The purpose of this paper is an attempt to show the development, growth, and some of the outstanding accomplishments with methods used in control of communicable diseases in Tyler's School Health Program from 1931-1944.
The Place of Office Practice in the High School
A study to determine if the commercial department is providing business men with adequate training.
An Experimental Study of Student Progress in General Mathematics
The purpose of this investigation is to make an experimental study of the compiled data obtained from the results of three standardized tests that were administered to two groups of general mathematics students during one semester; and to determine, if possible, by the scores, whether the prescribed course in mathematics makes for any significant increases, or losses in student progress.
A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Various Fertilizers on Plankton and Fish Production in Small Texas Ponds
This problem was undertaken to determine a suitable combination of fertilizers that would increase the food in a lake, resulting in increased yield of bass and crappie.
Developing a Reading Readiness Program in Douglas School, Tyler, Texas
The purpose of this study is to develop a readiness program which will be an aid in eliminating many failures in reading and to help the children be happy while learning to read.
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