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A Study of The Mirror
Because of the lack of authoritative secondary material on the Mirror, the need for deeper study into the content of the Mirror appears necessary. In order to fill this need, this study has been undertaken to provide basic information about the Mirror's subject matter and the attitudes of its contributors.
The Theology of Charles Williams
Since the publication of Charles Williams' novels, first in England and more recently in the United States, comment has varied between the extremes of "major" and "intolerable." It is desired to confine this study to the seven novels.
Feste : The Dramatic Function of the Wise Fool in Twelfth Night
The purpose of this study is to examine the various aspects of the role of Feste in order to determine his function in the play as a whole.
Milton's Concept of God
This thesis explores Milton's concept of God and the controversies surrounding his treatise and doctrines.
Shakespeare's Use of Music
This thesis explores the use of music in Shakespeare's comedies, tragedies, histories and dramatic romances.
Love and Death in the Fiction of J. D. Salinger
This thesis explores the themes love and death in the fiction writing of J. D. Salinger.
Adjective Negation in English
It is the purpose of this study to provide a survey of the way in which words combine with negative prefixes to form negative adjectives.
Structure as a Literary Technique in the Major Novels of Ernest Hemingway
The purpose of this thesis is to study the structure of the five major novels of Hemingway, excluding Torrents of Spring and Across the River and into the Trees. They are: The Sun also Rises; A Farewell to Arms; To Have and Have not; For Whom the Bell Tolls; and The Old Man and the Sea.
Falsity in Man: Tennessee Williams' Vision of Tragedy
It is the purpose of this paper to examine the major plays of Tennessee Williams in an effort to formulate the key concepts which appear in the work of a modern successful dramatist who is sensitive to the tragedy of man and to discover Williams' beliefs in regard to man, his need, and the tragedy that results if he does not find the fulfillment of his nature.
A Survey of Shakespearean Productions in New York: 1935-1955
The aim of this thesis is to present a comprehensive view--a survey--of plays by William Shakespeare that have been produced for the New York stage from 1935 through 1955 in order to ascertain not only the quantity of Shakespearean drama that has been presented during this twenty-one-year period, but also to appraise the quality of the productions as seen by the critics. A related aim of this study will be the analysis of the televised Shakespearean plays by presenting the works and their merits through the eyes of the critics of that medium.
Characterization of the Heroine in the Fiction of Ernest Hemingway
The purpose of this paper is to examine both the women in Hemingway's life and his works, to search for influences exerted by the biographical women, to categorize the fictional women, and to draw whatever conclusions the evidence may justify.
The Morality and Wit of Congreve and Sheridan in the Comedy of Manners
Considering the comedies of the Restoration, and those of Congreve in particular, as the prototype of the comedy of manners and as the model for Sheridan later to revive and emulate, this thesis proposes to point out how the concepts of morality and wit have been a major obstacle to literary critics in analyzing the comedy of manners from its very beginnings, to discuss morality and wit as the basis of a proper evaluation of the comedy of manners both from the standpoint of seventeenth-century precepts and those of a century later, and, finally, to show how, during the early periods in which the comedy of manners flourished,--that of Congreve, 1693-1700; and of Sheridan, 1775-1779--morality and wit were modified and used to suit the divergent sociological and psychological conditions of each period.
English Pastoral Drama, 1580-1642
It will be the purpose of the remaining chapters of this thesis to trace the characteristics and conventions of the pastoral as they can be observed in specific bucolic works from various writers of various nationalities and ultimately examine specific examples of English pastoral drama in light of these conventions and characteristics.
Shakespeare's Troilus and the Critics : A Survey of Twentieth-century Criticism
This thesis is a study of Shakespeare's character Troilus, from his play Troilus and Cressida, and a survey of twentieth-century criticism.
Today is Past
Today is Past is a serious play in which the main character does not meet defeat at the end. This is not to say, however, that the play has a conventional happy ending. It hasn't. But at the final curtain the protagonist has made an important decision which will determine the direction of her life.
Metamorphosis: William Faulkner's Incorporation of Short Stories into Longer Narratives
This study analyzes these stories in their original and later forms, both to discover the types of changes Faulkner made and to determine whether or not he followed any pattern in the revisions.
Social Criticism in the Works of John Steinbeck
This thesis is a study of John Steinbeck's observations and opinions during twenty-eight years of writing about the relationships between people of difference economics and social classes.
Differences in Katherine Mansfield and Anton Chekhov as Short Story Writers
The purpose of this study is to examine the extent of Katherine Mansfield's literary indebtedness to Anton Chekhov. Throughout the critical writing about Mansfield there are many suggestions that her work is similar to that of Chekhov, but, these allusions are, for the most part, vague in pointing out specific likenesses.
Dostoyevsky's American Reputation to 1930
Undoubtedly, Dostoyevsky's influence upon the novel is great, but, even yet, few concrete studies have been made and no full-length study has been published. It is hoped that this account of Dostoyevsky's reputation in America during the 1920's will be of assistance in the greater task of tracing Dostoyevsky's influence.
The Use of the Mask in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill
The purpose of this thesis is to indicate the use of the mask by Eugene O'Neill. It is probably possible to say that the mask has been used or implied in all of O'Neill's works, but this thesis will be confined to discussion of the works in which the mask or the implication of the mask is specifically evident.
Nine Women in the Fiction of Joseph Conrad
The purpose of this study is to show that many of Conrad's women characters were not merely passive factors and that their inclusion in his fiction was more functional than incidental.
A New Approach to Teaching Grammar in the Ninth Grade
By presenting first, statement of theory, and then concrete examples and original exercises, wherever practical, this thesis suggests possible ways to combine linguistic methods with traditional ones to make a more effective approach to teaching language in the ninth grade.
The Problem of the Artist in Society : Hawthorne, James, and Hemingway
The relationship of James to Hawthorne and of Hemingway to James certainly indicates the close literary relationship of the three writers. This development makes it seem only natural that three such self-conscious artists would have recourse to similar interests and would employ in their writings common themes, ideas, and methods.
The Use of Water in the Writing of Ernest Hemingway
This thesis explores the use of water in the writing of Ernest Hemingway. It includes chapters concerning rivers, rain, lakes, and the oceans.
Aristotelian Elements in Tragic Drama from Sophocles to O'Neil
This thesis explores Aristotelian elements in tragic drama from Sophocles to O'Neill. It is limited to a discussion of plot and character with thought, diction, song and spectacle considered only as they apply to the other two.
The Theme of Isolation in the Novels of Daniel Defoe
It is the purpose of this paper to illustrate from the novels themselves that Defoe's protagonists are essentially isolated individuals and that this isolation is the result of the circumstances of their births, the nature of their professions, their spiritually isolating religious beliefs, and their attitudes toward their fellow men.
Tolstoy in America, 1890-1910
It is the purpose of this investigation to examine his popularity and influence in the United States during this period so as to provide a basis for a considered and adequate understanding of the problems and their implications.
Techniques and Content in Thornton Wilder: a Critical Re-Evaluation
The aim of this paper is not to disprove previous interpretations of Wilder's work, but to enlarge on them. The problem is not that the opinions of the early critics and many of the later ones were incorrect; the were merely incomplete. This paper shall attempt to show that Wilder's major thematic material falls into two interlocking and overlapping groups. Repeatedly Wilder deals with the relationship of man to something beyond himself, and the relationship of man to individual man and to mankind.
A Comparison of Christopher Marlowe's Edward II and William Shakespeare's Richard II
This study purports to examine several areas of similarity between the chronicle history plays by Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare. Edward II and Richard II are alike in many ways, most strikingly in the similarity of the stories themselves. But this is a superficial likeness, for there are many other likenesses--in purpose, in artistry, in language--which demonstrate more clearly than the parallel events of history the remarkable degree to which these plays resemble each other.
Joan of Arc as Personal Ideal and Literary Symbol in the Life and Writings of Samuel L. Clemens
This thesis offers a different concept of Mark Twain, who worshiped Joan of Arc and considered her the ideal of womanhood.
The Choric Element in Shakespeare's Second History Tetralogy
This thesis is a study of the anticipatory remarks and choric comments in Richard II, Parts I and II of Henry IV, and Henry V.
Christian Orthodoxy in the English Novel 1930-1950
This thesis discusses Christian orthodoxy in the English novel during the time period from 1930 to 1950.
A Language Arts Program for Ninth-Grade Slow Learning Pupils
The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that of discerning the traits of a group of pupils who have low levels of learning and developing for them a more appropriate "differentiated program" of instruction in language arts.
Shakespeare's Monarchical Views
The purpose of this study is to treat one aspect of Shakespeare's political views, his views on monarchy as found in the two great English history tetralogies, and to compare them to the monarchical views of his age.
The Treatment of Nature in Thomas Hardy's Six Major Novels
The purpose of this thesis is to examine Thomas Hardy's treatment of nature in his major works. His interpretation of nature was sharply divergent from the traditional viewpoint regarding the natural world, and it was the direct antithesis of those interpretations of nature made by the writers who had preceded him.
The Use of Art Objects in the Fiction of Nathaniel Hawthorne
This study is not concerned with the evaluation of Hawthorne's artistic criticism but with the uses he made art objects in his writing. Such a study should give suggestions for interpretation of his works, as well as information concerning literary devices and technique in style. It should consider the contribution of the art objects to the literary artistry of the works in which they appear. Such a study has not previously been made.
Shakespeare's Treatment of Source Material in Julius Caesar
This study of Shakespeare's treatment of source material in Julius Caesar covers sources and influences, plot and diction, the character of Caesar, and the character of Brutus.
Ellen Glasgow, Virginia Rebel
This study shows that her fiction was an influence in pointing the way to American Naturalism as a literary school and that, by her devotion to a single idea over a long span of years, she endows all womankind with stature.
The French Element in the English Language
The present study has been undertaken in order to create an informative presentation of the scope of French influence throughout the development of English. With this goal in mind a word list has been compiled and arranged by historical periods to show to what extent the language of each period has benefited from its borrowing.
The Slavic Aspects of Joseph Conrad
Since the problem of criticism of Conrad has deteriorated often into a case study of supposed or imagined abnormalities, this study will survey this body of criticism and then attempt to place in proper perspective the various elements which comprise Conrad's artistic individuality. This thesis is intended to present an over-all view of the artistic individuality of Conrad, coupled with a more intensive interpretation of representative novels to illustrate this individuality.
Impressionism in the Prose Fiction of Stephen Crane
This study will examine the works of a writer whose style is radically different from that of his contemporaries,who owes little to writers who came before him, and one who, although he had considerable influence on those who came after, had so individual a manner of writing that he seems to be unique in American letters.
The Napoleonic Wars in the English Novel, 1820-1880
This thesis is a study of the novelists of the Peninsular and Waterloo campaigns (veterans and non-veterans), the novelists of the naval war, and the novelists of the home front in the Napoleonic Wars.
Pejoration in the English Language
This study of pejoration in the English language covers general principles of semantics, socio-cultural terms, ability-condition terms, ethical-sexual terms, medical terms, and miscellaneous terms.
The Crimson Veldt
This thesis is a work of creative fiction in the form of a novel.
The Comic Element in the Novels of Thomas Wolfe
As to form, Wolfe's novels are deliberately loose, because that is important to his purpose. Conceiving America as an open society of potentiality, he could do no less than remain open himself. To do otherwise would have meant impotence if not sterility. In this thesis, I shall attempt to show that the episodes, divergences, and observations all illustrate and amplify this spiritual growth.
Consonantal Assimilation in English
The purpose of this study is to show that the phonetic changes wrought by assimilation in the development of the sound of Modern English are still at work. To do this, historical examples will be placed side by side with others from present-day English. No effort is made to restrict examples to any one dialectical area or time.
War as a Factor in the Fiction of Ernest Hemingway
This thesis is a study of war as a factor in Ernerst Hemingway's novels and stories.
Pragmatism as the Religion of Defoe
This study attempts to resolve the question of Defoe's sincerity through examination of his life, his journalistic writings, and his major works or imagination.
Walt Whitman and the Theatre
This study attempts to establish the fact that Whitman was a frequent attendant at the legitimate theatre and that throughout his life he had a vital concern for it. The nature and scope of Whitman's interest in the legitimate theatre has been examined in detail to show by specific reference to his works the probable effect of his theatrical interest.
Representation of the Social Class Structure in the Fiction of Ernest Hemingway
Hemingway has given us pictures of individual members of society in the United States, in Africa and in Europe from the nineteen-twenties to the present time. In order to present Hemingway's characters as a study in social structure, the following classes will be considered: primitives, peasants, middle class, upper class, aristocrats.
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