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A Comparison of Delinquents and Nondelinquents Using the IES Test
Many of the causes for delinquency are known, but more investigation is needed in the prediction of future delinquent behavior. It was in this area of delinquency that this study was concerned. The problem was to compare scores made on the IES Test by a group of nondelinquent males with those made by a group of delinquent males to determine if the IES Test would discriminate between these two groups.
A Comparison of Performance and Levels of Aspiration of High and Low Anxious Males and Females
The present study was concerned with the relationship between level of aspiration and anxiety. Level of aspiration is a term used for goal setting behavior. In other words, if a person sets his goals high it is said that he has a high level of aspiration. Anxiety, for the purpose of the present study is assumed to possess drive properties. Theoretically, at least, a highly anxious person has a high drive level. This assumption may be warranted in terms of physiological unrest--causing an effort toward equilibrium or homeostasis; or it can be defended psychologically as the need to achieve or the need to prove one's abilities to himself. However, the present paper was not concerned directly with the current controversy of anxiety as a drive mechanism. Rather it was the general purpose of the study to determine whether or not highly anxious college students set their goals higher, in response to previous experimental success or failure experiences than low anxious students. To be more specific the purpose was to determine whether or not highly anxious subjects differ significantly from low anxious subjects with respect to responses on a level of aspiration task. The particular response measures or scores investigated on the level of aspiration task were those shown between performance on one trial and the stated hoped-for- score, expected score, and the minimal-acceptable-score on the succeeding trial.
The Effects of Verbal Praise and Reproof on the Level of Aspiration of Institutionalized Mental Defectives
The study to be reported was designed to investigate the effects of verbal praise and reproof, from persons in authority, on the LOA and subsequent performance of institutionalized defectives.
Intra-test Scatter on the Shipley-Hartford Abstraction Scale and Its Relationship to Schizophrenia
The present study will be concerned with the reliability of the Shipley-Hartford Abstraction Scale as an instrument for diagnosis of schizophrenia and personality disorders.
Levels of Psychological Health Related to the Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Test
The purpose of the present study is to develop an operationally defined standard of psychological health which will be proposed as: 1) one of the goals of psychotherapy; 2) a device for aiding in the evaluation of psychotherapy, and 3) a tool for screening those individuals in the general population who are in need of counseling in order to maintain their mental health.
Motivational Differences between High and Low Normal Groups
The need for a concise definition of the normal, healthy personality prompted a study of high normal and low normal students enrolled at North Texas State University. Such a definition would facilitate the activities of several areas of applied psychology--psychotherapy, quantification of objective means of rating the general health of an individual's personality, the development of criteria against which to measure the success of mental health clinic programs.
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