United States - South Dakota - Pennington County - 2 Matching Results

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open access

Uranium-Bearing Sandstone in the White River Badlands, Pennington County, South Dakota

Description: From abstract: The uranium mineral uranocircite, a barium uranyl phosphate, occurs in a sandstone channel in the Chadron formation of Oligocene age in the White River Badlands, Pennington County, S. Dak. A vertical section of the basal 1-foot of the channel contains 0. 25 percent uranium. There are also small amounts of metatyuyamunite (?) in the upper part of a freshwater lime stone bed in the Chadron formation and carnotite in chalcedony veins in the overlying Brule formation, also of Oligoce… more
Date: April 1954
Creator: Moore, George W. & Levish, Murray
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Thunderbirds at Mount Rushmore]

Description: Photograph of six identical fighter planes flying in formation past Mount Rushmore. The jets have "United States Air Force" written across the main part of the body and they have livery on the tails that includes scalloped red around the front edge and an eagle logo surrounded by stars.
Date: September 18, 1947
Creator: United States. Air Force.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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