Belgium - Wallonia Region - Walloon Brabant Province - Arrondissement of Nivelles - Beauvechain Municipality - Beauvechain - 1 Matching Results

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Oral History Interview with James N. Hall, November 10, 1999

Description: Interview with James N. Hall, a Army Air Force WWII veteran from Burkburnett, Texas. Hall discusses joining the Air Force from college, basic training, classification, flight training, the P-47, fighter tactics, deplyoment to Le Culot Airfield in Belgium, his first mission, briefings and intelligence, Air Support Parties, close air support, flak, bomber escort, air-to-air encounters, casualties, logistics, German civilians, crash landings, V-E Day, and return to civilian life.
Date: November 10, 1999
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Hall, James N.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
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