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open access

The Role of Mobile Homes in Migration from Mexico to Central North Carolina

Description: A key consideration in the human migration process to a destination country is the need to secure suitable and affordable housing. As housing costs have increased in the United States in recent decades, mobile homes – also known as manufactured housing or "trailers" – have become a significant source of affordable housing for people living in the United States. In rural communities, mobile homes have become a substantial portion of the available housing stock. This research project explored mob… more
Date: May 2018
Creator: Kiesewetter, Kimberly Ann Cochran
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Coal Deposits in the Deep River Field, Chatham, Lee, and Moore Counties, N.C.

Description: From Introduction: "An investigation by diamond drilling was undertaken by the Bureau of Mines at the instance of officials of the State of North Carolina to determine the thickness and continuity of the coal beds, physical conditions in and surrounding the beds that would influence mining, and the petrographic and chemical characteristics of the coals."
Date: 1952
Creator: Toenges, Albert L.; Turnbull, Louis A.; Shields, Joseph J.; Haley, Wilbur A.; Parks, B. C.; Abernethy, Roy F. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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