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open access

The Physiology of the Tunnel

Description: Article describing several theories to account for the origin of tunnel hallucinations and tunnel experiences near death: (1) the idea of a "real" tunnel; (2) representations of transition; (3) reliving birth memories; (4) imagination; and (5) physiological origins. Three different physiological theories are considered that relate the tunnel form to the structure of the visual cortex.
Date: Autumn 1989
Creator: Blackmore, Susan J. & Troscianko, Tom S.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Heading for 100 % renewable urban transport: Policy recommendations

Description: The brochure promotes urban transportation policy to increase the use of renewable energy to 100%. Seen globally, transport is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Yet fossil fuels are becoming scarce, will become increasingly expensive and will eventually stop being viable as transport fuels. Before this happens, climate change will have begun to have a serious impact on human lives. The authors believe that it is crucial to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy as soon … more
Date: unknown
Creator: Gust, Iris & Meusel, Titus
Partner: UNT Libraries
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