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Oral History Interview with Arthur B. Clark, September 29, 2000

Description: Interview with Arhtur B. Clark, a Texas National Guard WWII veteran and POW from Abilene, Texas, who was captured with the 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery. Clark discusses joining the National Guard, training and maneuvers, deployment to the Pacific, the fall of Java and surrender to the Japanese, experiences in internment at Tanjong Priok in Batavia, internment at Changi Camp in Singapore, labor on the Burma "Death" Railway, and liberation. The interview includes an appendix with a refereā€¦ more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: September 29, 2000
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Clark, Arthur B.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with M. T. Harrelson, May 9, 1985

Description: Interview with M. T. Harrelson, a Texas National Guard WWII veteran and POW from Wichita Falls, Texas, who was a member of the 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery (the "Lost Battalion"). Harrelson discusses National Guard training and operations before the war, deployment to the Pacific and diversion to Java, the Japanese invasion, surrender and initial confinement, internment at Tanjong Priok and Bicycle Camp in Batavia, transfer to Changi Camp in Singapore, and the end of the war.
Date: May 9, 1985
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Harrelson, M. T., 1919-
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with Granville T. Summerlin, June 9, 1981

Description: Interview with Granville T. Summerlin, a Texas National Guard WWII veteran and POW from Hughes Springs, Texas. Summerlin discusses his experiences as a captured member of 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery, or the "Lost Battalion" of the 36th Infantry Division, including: being drafted in 1940 and training; deployment to East Asia and diversion to Brisbane after December 7th; assignment to Sangosari Airfield, Malang, Java; the Japanese assault and American surrender; internment and labor at Tā€¦ more
Date: June 9, 1981
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Summerlin, Granville T.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with Thomas Spencer, February 5, 1979

Description: Interview with Thomas Spencer, a Texas National Guard WWII veteran and POW from Joplin, Texas. Spencer discusses his experiences with the 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery, the "Lost Battalion" captured on Java in March 1942, including: joining the service; training; deployment to East Asia; diversion to Brisbane and Malang; the Japanese attack on Java; the American surrender; experiences in internment and labor at Tanjong Priok and Bicycle Camp in Batavia, several camps on the Burma Railwayā€¦ more
Date: February 5, 1979
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Spencer, Thomas
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with George P. Lawley, November 3, 1973

Description: Interview with George P. Lawley, an Army WWII veteran and POW from Odessa, Texas. Lawley discusses his time with the so-called "Lost Battalion" on Java and his experiences as a Japanese prisoner-of-war, including: joining the National Guard in 1940 and training, deployment for East Asia with 2nd Battallion, 131st Field Artillery Regiment; diversion to Java at the start of the war; the Japanese attack and his unit's capture; and his experiences in internment and labor at Tanjong Priok in Bataviaā€¦ more
Date: November 3, 1973
Creator: Teague, William J. & Lawley, George P.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with B. D. Fillmore, October 9, 1973

Description: Interview with B. D. Fillmore, a Texas National Guard WWII veteran and POW from Jacksboro, Texas, who was captured with the 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery (the "Lost Battalion") by Japanese forces on Java. Fillmore discusses joining the Guard and mobilization, deployment to the Pacific, diversion to Java and operations at Malang, the Japanese invasion and American surrender, internment at Tanjung Priok and Bicycle Camp in Batavia, transfer to Changi Camp in Singapore, transfer to Thanbyuzā€¦ more
Date: October 9, 1973
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with Keith Naylor, April 2, 1971

Description: Interview with Keith Naylor, a Texas National Guard WWII veteran and POW from Vernon, Texas, who was captured with 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery (the "Lost Battalion") on Java by the Japanese. Naylor discusses joining the Guard, deployment to the Pacific and the war's start, operations at Malang on Java, the American surrender, experiences in internment at Tanjung Priok and Bicycle Camp in Batavia, transfer to Changi Camp in Singapore, work on the Burma Railway, internment at Chungkai anā€¦ more
Date: April 2, 1971
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with Lester C. Rasbury, June 1978

Description: Interview with Lester C. Rasbury, a Texas National Guard WWII veteran and POW from Decatur, Texas. Rasbury discusses his experiences as a captured member of 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery (the "Lost Battalion"), including: joining the service and training; the Louisiana Maneuvers; deployment to East Asia in 1941; diversion from the Philippines to Brisbane after December 7th; assignment to Malang, Java; the Japanese attack and American surrender; internment and labor at Tanjong Priok and Bā€¦ more
Date: {1978-06-10,1978-06-15}
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Rasbury, Lester C.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interviews with Pete Evans, 1984

Description: Interview with Pete Evans, a Texas National Guard veteran and POW from Hamby, Texas. Evans discusses his time as a member of 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery (the "Lost Battalion") which was captured by the Japanese in March, 1942, including: his upbringing; entering the Guard and training; mobilization, the Louisiana Maneuvers, and deployment to East Asia; diversion from the Philippines to Brisbane and then Java, after December 7th, 1941; assignment to Sangosari near Malang; the Japanese iā€¦ more
Date: {1984-02-15,1984-02-29,1984-03-07}
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Evans, Pete
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
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