United States - Hawaii - Honolulu County - Laysan Island - 11 Matching Results

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open access

The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1991

Description: This report presents the findings of an observational study on the Hawaiian monk seal on Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during March 31 to July 22 1991. The data collected focuses on haul-out, behavior, and reproductive patterns; population structure; and factors affecting survival.
Date: February 1995
Creator: Becker, Brenda L.; O'Brien, Kristen E.; Lombard, Karen B. & Laniawae, Leona P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1987 and 1989

Description: This report is based on the findings from an observational study on the Hawaiian monk seal on Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during April 8 to July 20 1987 and March 30 to July 16 1989. The data collected focuses on haul-out, behavior, and reproductive patterns; population structure; and factors affecting survival.
Date: October 1994
Creator: Becker, Brenda L.; Ching, Patrick A.; Hiruki, Lisa M. & Zur, Steven A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1990

Description: This report analyzes the observational studies of the Hawaiian monk seal on Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during April 10 to August 9 and October 14 to November 4 1990. The data collected focuses on haul-out, behavior, and reproductive patterns; population structure; and factors affecting survival.
Date: June 1994
Creator: Lombard, Karen B.; Becker, Brenda L.; Craig, Mitchell P.; Spencer, Gregory C. & Hague-Bechard, Keleigh
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1986

Description: This report is based on an observational study on the Hawaiian monk seal at Laysan Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, from May 4 to August 4 1986. Data includes population rates, reproductive rates, deaths, injuries, necropsies, and entanglements.
Date: December 1993
Creator: Alcorn, Doris J. & Westlake, Robin L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1988

Description: This report is based on the observational studies of the Hawaiian monk seal studied on Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands from 28 February to 20 June and from 24 October to 13 November 1988. The data collected covers haul-out patterns, population structure, reproductive patterns, and patterns affecting survival (primarily adult male aggression toward adult female and immature seals).
Date: September 1990
Creator: Johanos, Thea C.; Becker, Brenda L.; Brown, Mary A.; Choy, Barry K.; Hiruki, Lisa M.; Brainard, Russell E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Censuses and Interatoll Movements of the Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1985

Description: Abstract: Research on the Laysan Island population of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal, Monachus schauinslandi, was conducted from 2 march to 30 November 1985. census totals excluding pups ranged from 76 to 147, an average increase of nearly 20 animals from the 1984 census results. Overall monthly haul-out distribution for all seals showed highest use in the north ecological unit followed by the west unit. Relatively few animals hauled out in the eastern and southern portions of the island. In… more
Date: September 1989
Creator: Becker, Brenda L.; Morrow, Robert J. & Leialoha, Julia K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1983

Description: This report describes data collected during an observational study on the Hawaiian monk seal on Laysan Island during April 23 to July 21 1983. The data collected is on population size, reproduction, and factors affecting survival of the endangered species. There is also a description of a "mobbing" by adult males, resulting in death of a subadult female; the haul out of seals on the south ledge; and the transport of a juvenile male to Honolulu to initiate a captive research program.
Date: March 1989
Creator: Alcorn, Doris J. & Buelna, Elizabeth K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hawaiian Monk Seal Population Structure, Reproduction, and Survival on Laysan Island, 1985

Description: This is a report based on an observational study over the population of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal on Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. This examination took place between March 2 and November 30, 1985.
Date: 1985-03-02/1985-11-30
Creator: Johanos, Thea C. & Austin, Susan L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Observations of the Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island from 1977 through 1980

Description: This is a report based on the observational data collected from Laysan Island on the Hawaiian monk seal. The data collected comes from the observations between 1977 through 1980, reflecting the population and what influences its increase/decrease in number. This includes reproduction patterns and survival rates.
Date: October 1984
Creator: Johnson, Brian W. & Johnson, Patricia A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hawaiian Monk Seal on the Laysan Island: 1982

Description: This is a report on a 3.5 month observational study of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal that took place on the Laysan Island. The total recorded counts ranged from 66-119 and averaged to 90 seals, five of which died in the few months, nine injured.
Date: April 1984
Creator: Alcorn, Doris J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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