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Archiving and Analysing Elections: How can Web Archiving, Digital Humanities and Political Science go together?

Description: Presentation for the 2019 International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference. This presentation discusses efforts by the Bavarian State Library to understand how web archiving is used as research source material, focusing on a case study on the Bavarian state election by the University of Passau.
Date: June 7, 2019
Creator: Beinert, Tobias; Eckl, Markus; Gassner, Sebastian & Reiter, Florence
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium

Oral History Interview with Eleonore Greenfield, November 2, 2009

Description: Interview with Eleonore Greenfield, Germany-born immigrant to Weatherford, Texas, as part of the DFW Metroplex Immigrants Oral History Project. The interview includes Greenfield's personal experiences of childhood and education in Germany, escaping to Berlin from the Soviet army, and again to Bavaria, and marriage to an America GI. Greenfield also discusses her family's experiences with occupying U.S. Army forces, the decision to settle in Weatherford, the struggle to pass on German language an… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: November 2, 2009
Creator: Liles, Debbie & Greenfield, Eleonore
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with William Smeltzer, August 3, 1996

Description: Interview with William Smeltzer, a Army WWII veteran and Navy contractor from Wrightsville, Pennsylvania. Smeltzer discusses quitting high school and moving to California in 1940, experiences working at Mare and Pearl Harbor Navy Yards as a civilian contractor before and after the start of the war, the raising of the sunken USS Oklahoma (BB-37), being drafted into the Army and infantry training, assignment to the 45th Infantry Division and participating in the drive into Germany, the end of the… more
Date: August 3, 1996
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Smeltzer, William
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with Hilda Rubinstein Green, January 2, 1990

Description: Interview with Hilda Rubinstein-Green, a Holocaust survivor from Memel, East Prussia (now Klaipėda, Lithuania). Green discusses growing up in Memel, the Jewish community, her family background, Hitler, fleeing to Krottingen, returning to Memel to destroy valuables so the Germans couldn't take them, moving to Kovno, having a sympathetic German officer as a tenant, moving to the ghetto, life there, executions, labor, suicides, internment at Stutthof, her mother's declining health, a forced march … more
Date: January 2, 1990
Creator: Rosen, Keith G. & Rubinstein-Green, Hilda
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

[News Script: Solider]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story. A 18-year old solider, Private Herrin James has been killed during an army field exercise when he was struck on the head with a 20mm gun on his reconnaissance vehicle when forced back by some tree branches.
Date: August 10, 1973, 10:00 p.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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