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open access

The Beauty of Environment: A General Model for Environmental Aesthetics

Description: This book is a "systematic outlining of the field of environmental aesthetics beginning from the basis of analytical philosophy" (p. ix). The author discusses ecological and anthropological aesthetics, environmental ethics, the relation of art to nature, and environmental education and legislation. The index begins on page 188.
Date: 1993
Creator: Sepänmaa, Yrjö
Partner: UNT Center For Environmental Philosophy
open access

Foundations of Environmental Ethics

Description: This book examines the social and philosophical attitudes in Western culture that relate to the environment including aesthetics, wildlife, and land use. Both the historical significance and a framework for further discussions of environmental ethics are discussed in the book.
Date: 1989
Creator: Hargrove, Eugene C., 1944-
Partner: UNT Center For Environmental Philosophy
open access

Is It Too Late?: A Theology of Ecology

Description: This book was the first single-authored book that covered ecological ethics and theology. It discusses key philosophical, theological, and ecological issues for Christians and other concerned citizens.
Date: 1995
Creator: Cobb, John B., Jr.
Partner: UNT Center For Environmental Philosophy
open access

The Liberation of Life: From the Cell to the Community

Description: This book discusses the liberation of humans, animals and nature from both a biological and philosophical approach. The authors include information about biological and cultural evolution, as well as the implications of the organic or organismic ecological model. The index begins on page 345.
Date: 1990
Creator: Birch, Charles & Cobb, John B., Jr.
Partner: UNT Center For Environmental Philosophy
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