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Monthly Average Prices of Cattle at Fort Worth, 1951-1952, With Some Consideration of Factors Involved in the 1952 Price Drop
This report consists of a presentation of prices paid for the various classifications and grades of cattle sold in the Fort Worth Livestock Market during 1952; a comparison of 1951-1952 prices showing a sharp decline in the price of all grades and classifications which began in June of 1952; and an examination of some of the major factors contributing to the decline in cattle prices as reflected in the Livestock Market, Fort Worth, Texas. From a study of cattle prices that prevailed in the Fort Worth market during 1951 and 1952, and a consideration of some of the factors contributing thereto, the following conclusions are drawn: First, prices of all grades of cattle soared to unusually high levels during 1951, thereby accentuating the drop in price which occurred in the latter part of 1952. Second, the withholding of cattle from slaughter, during a cattle build-up process, rather than a scarcity of cattle in this country was primarily responsible for extremely high prices in 1951. Third, cattle production in this country has progressed in cycles of eight to ten years duration of each; the period under consideration was on the build-up side of the present cycle which began in 1949; and prices for 1951 and 1952 were definitely affected by cyclical influences.
A Study of Personnel Policies in North Texas State Teachers College as Compared With Those of Twenty-Five Other Institutions of Higher Learning
This study of personnel policies in college and universities includes such phrases as administrative control, classification and distribution of positions, selection and appointment, terms of employment, teaching loads, and appraisal and interpretation of personnel policies. This study is planned to provide data on the policies with regard to the non-teaching staff as well as those of the teaching staff. From this study the writer concludes that strong personnel policies are not being developed by the twenty-five colleges and universities studied. The administrative officers apparently are largely unaware of the vital needs of such policies, and the members of the staff are reported to have little representation in formulating the policies which are adopted. Furthermore, it is evident that colleges and universities are not taking the lead in the unification of personnel policies in institutions of higher learning, and the worth of each individual employed by the institutions is not being recognized.
A Multivariate Model for Testing the Information Content of Constant Dollar Disclosures Required by Statement of Financial Reporting and Changing Prices (FASB No. 33)
In September 1979, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued a statement entitled Financial Reporting and Changing Prices (FASB No. 33). FASB No. 33 requires publicly-held companies of a certain size to issue supplementary constant dollar and current cost disclosures along with their primary financial statements.To investigate the effect of the signals on security prices the study used a methodology known as "Iso-beta Portfolio Analysis" and employed different models in conjunction with the methodology, the market model (MM) and a new model called "the multi-index model" (MIM). Cluster analysis was used to develop the indexing used with the MIM.
The Cooperative Movement and its Influence in Denton County
Cooperation is a subject which has intrigued the writer for some time. A study of the philosophy, history and accomplishments of the cooperative movement was begun, due to the interest of the study. In Denton County, Texas, the cooperatives have, for the past few years, been making such rapid progress that a study of the inception, growth and success of these societies seemed indicated. In spite of the broad field of study this subjected presented, it seemed necessary to review the cooperative movement before the local cooperatives could be properly interpreted. This was Done. Numerous books and magazine articles pertaining to cooperation were read. In making this library study, the writer tried to delve into the underlying philosophy of the cooperative movement. Those countries in which cooperation has made greatest strides were given particular attention in order to try to find the secret of their success. After this library approach was completed, the various cooperative societies of Denton County were visited. The writer talked with the leaders of the societies, obtained copies of the by-laws of each organization, examined financial statements, and attempted to analyze the purposes, the accomplishments, and the possibilities of the future success of these organizations.
Development of the Punched Card Registration System at North Texas State College
This study presents a history of the development and implementation of a punched card registration system in North Texas State College. The study also covers planning stages of registration materials, and a description of the various stages and processes involved in a typical semester from pre-registration preparations through posting the student's grades to the permanent record. To help fill the need for ready reference to methods used in various institutions across the nation, this study will present a history of the development and implementation of a punched card registration system in North Texas State College, with emphasis placed upon those areas of probable major interest to other colleges faced with a similar problem. The study will cover planning stages of registration materials, and will then present a a description of the various stages and processes involved in a typical semester from pre-registration preparations through posting the student's grades to the permanent record.
Job Evaluation as Used by Selected Concerns in Dallas, Texas
This study intends to discover the extent and use of job evaluation in selected business concerns in Dallas, Texas, and through this discovery to derive conclusions which may indicate current trends in the use of job evaluation in this section of the country.
History, Organization, and Unit Costs of the North Texas State College Bookbindery
This study is a discussion and description of the history, organization, and unit costs of the North Texas State College bookbindery, together with a comparison of these unit costs with charges made by commercial bookbinders for similar services. These are the three outstanding purposes of this problem: 1. to record briefly a history of the North Texas State College Bookbindery, 2. to describe the organization of the N. T. S. C. Bookbindery, including the personnel policies and clerical routines now in effect in its operation, and 3. to determine the unit costs of various types of services rendered by the N. T. S. C. Bookbindery and compare these unit costs with price lists of commercial bookbinders for similar services. It is intended that this study may be used as a guide to those who may contemplate setting up small bookbinderies and as a reference tool to future managers of the N. T. S. C. Bookbindery.
Follow-up of Students Having Attended Draughon's Business College, Wichita Falls, Texas, During the Years 1946-1950
This study is made in that it may serve as a basis of guidance of the Draughon's Business College. This problem was selected in the hope that it might contribute something worthwhile to the administrators, teachers, placement directors, and students of Draughon's Business College, Wichita Falls, Texas.
A Study of the Minimum Salary Commission of the North Texas Conference of the Methodist Church
"This paper is limited to a study of a sample of churches receiving support from the Commission on Minimum Salary of the North Texas Conference of the Methodist Church. It is further limited to the phases of membership, budgets, World Service, and minimum salary. The period to be covered is the four years from June, 1949, to June, 1953, during which time the Commission operated under the same principles and officers."-- leaf 1.
Organization of the Controller's Division, Dallas Assembly Plant of the Ford Motor Company
The purpose of this study was to conduct a case study of the controller function of one of the assembly plants, which is typical in organization and functions of all the assembly plants within the Ford Division. The Controllership of the Dallas Assembly Plant of the Ford Motor Company was studied, and its functions and relationship to management were shown.
A Study of Denton's Shopping Goods Trade Losses to Dallas and Fort Worth
"The primary objective of this study was to determine the proportion of shopping goods trade Denton merchants are losing to other cities. A secondary objective was to find reasons for the loss of trade. Since Denton is within the trade orbit of Dallas and Fort Worth, special emphasis was placed on finding the percentage of trade going to these two cities...The major finding of this study is the indication that approximately 81 percent of Denton's retail shopping goods trade is actually done in Denton. "-- leaves 1,58.
A Survey of Programs for Developing Store Managers for Retail Shoe Chain Organizations
The purpose of the study was to determine the practices of a selected number of chain shoe store organizations in training management personnel for their retail shoe outlets. The data secured from these sources will also be compared with the opinions of several authorities in the field of management to determine the extent to which the practices in actual use agree with those recommended.
Some Basic Techniques of Successful Management in the Small Office
The problem undertaken is a study of certain basic techniques of office management as they apply to the efficient supervision of a small office. The study deals with such fundamental functions of management as the selection and guidance of office personnel, the handling of correspondence and transcription, the manipulation of office files, and the choice of equipment and supplies within the range of a limited budget. It is a survey of existing office practices.
The Growth and Development of Clifton Junior College, 1897-1947
"The purpose of this study to trace the growth and development of Clifton Junior College; to determine the extent to which the college is meeting the needs and requirements of its students, and to see what is the outlook for the future of this institution." -- leaf 1
The Factors Influencing Out-of-State Companies to Establish Manufacturing Facilities in Dallas County
"The purpose of this study was to collect and analyze locational data on all branch maufacturing plants established in Dallas County in 1954, 1955, and 1956; these data were acquired through personal interviews in 1957. For comparative purposes the same data on branch plants established in 1959 were obtained in 1960. The following elements of the locational process were determined and analyzed: 1. Origin and character of the new plants; specifically location of home office, types of products, size and location of the plant in Dallas. 2.locational process, including company personnel assigned the task of locating a suitable site and local agencies assisting in the locational process. 3. reasons for establishing the branch plant 4. factors that influenced management to locate the plant inDallas in preference to any other locations."-- leaf 4.
A Survey of Accounting Majors at North Texas State College from 1944 to 1950 to Evaluate Their Academic Training for the Vocational Positions Now Held
"This study attempts to review informatively the status of graduates from the School of Business Administration in that period in which students have first been graduates with a major in accounting."--1.
The Operation of Centralized Purchasing for the State-Supported Institutions of the State of Texas and Selected States
The investigator made a study of the history, philosophy, method, and operation of centralized purchasing as it now exists for the state-supported institutions in the State of Texas and other selected states (New Hampshire, Montana, Michigan, Nebraska, and Minnesota).
Union Attitudes Toward Job Evaluation
Because union attitude toward formal systems of job evaluation can make or break proposed or existing installations, the ferreting out of these attitudes is of utmost importance in achieving mutual understanding which is necessary for a successful program. The purpose of this study was to determine the consensus of unions toward job evaluation and to obtain some indication of just how wide the variation in attitude actually is.
Adjusting the Commercial Curriculum of Denton Senior High School, Denton, Texas, to the Needs of the Community
This study was made: first, to determine the vocational opportunities for commercial graduates of Denton Senior High School as a basis for more effective guidance; second, to determine whether the commercial training program in the local high school is providing adequate vocational preparation for the principal commercial positions in Denton, Texas, third, to discover the chief commercial weaknesses of the present employees in Denton, Texas; fourth, to secure information necessary for appropriate commercial curriculum for the local high school. It is the further aim of this investigation to determine the social as well as the personal business needs of the average individuals." --leaf 1
Executive Compensation Practices of Twenty-Five Texas Companies
The specific purpose of this study will be: (1) to find what factors determine the amount of pay that executives in twenty-five Texas companies receive, and how personal factors are ranked in setting their salaries; (2) to determine present and proposed utilization of formal job evaluation methods among the twenty-five Texas companies in setting executive salaries; (3) to find which methods of remuneration are used for executives of different levels in the twenty-five Texas companies; (4) to determine who has the final responsibility for the administration of executive salaries in the twenty-five Texas companies; and (5) to determine the means used in appraising executive merit or worth in determining salary adjustments while an individual remains in the same position.
An Evaluation of the Business Writing Course at North Texas State College
This study is an attempt to evaluate the Business Writing course at North Texas State College and to determine whether the course as it is now presented meets the needs and desires of the students.
The Development and Implementation of an Effective Loan Officer Training Program in a Commercial Bank
The research attempts to determine how an effective loan officer training program should be designed and implemented in Texas Commerce Bank. A comprehensive program would prepare newly hired college graduates for positions as commercial lending officers as quickly, thoroughly, and effectively as possible. In order to accomplish this objective, three steps are necessary in the research. The first step is to determine the generally accepted principles of training and development. Application of these principles in a program certainly increases the likelihood of successful training results. The second step is to survey a sample of the banking industry to determine what approaches to this problem are currently in use by other banks. If successful procedures, techniques, or ideas are now working for banks similar to Texas Commerce, perhaps they can be adapted to work in this bank. The final step in designing the program is to tailor the gathered information for the specific needs of Texas Commerce. The purpose of this step is to assure that the principles of step one and the successful approaches from step two are realistically and specifically matched with the training needs at Texas Commerce Bank.
A Survey of Twenty Selected Manufacturing Businesses in Dallas County, Texas to Determine How Their Salesmen are Selected
"The purpose of this study is to compare the existing selection plans for salesmen which are being used in Dallas with the selection plans which are suggested by certain of the accepted authorities in the field of sales management..Twenty-six manufacturing firms were included in the list of firms to be visited personally. Of these twenty-six firms, only six refused to give the specific data requested...Chapter I will introduce the study...Chapter II will deal with the discussion of the tools and techniques which are generally accepted as being more desirable by the authorities in the field. Chapter III discusses the procedure used and the results of the personal survey...Chapter IV will deal with the presentation and evaluation of the selection techniques now being used in Dallas. Chapter V will present the conclusions and recommendations to be made for the improvement and suggestions for eliminating the weaknesses in those selection techniques now being used in the area around Dallas, Texas "-- leaves 2,7
A Comparative Study of Odessa College, Odessa, Texas, with Business Colleges in the Odessa Area to Determine the Effectiveness of Training Received by Business Students
The potential college students of the Odessa area need to know which type of school best suits their personal needs. The area around Odessa offers the highest paid secretarial Jobs in the state, with some 500 oil and oil supply firms employing from one to fifty full-time secretaries, with salaries ranging from $200 to 4325 per month. The opportunities for accountants, bookkeepers and auditors in the Odessa area is unlimited, and they earn from 4350 to $450 per month. The Odessa area also employs approximately 30 business teachers. 1 The. high school graduate is often at a loss as to whether to take advantage of a business course in a private business college in Odessa or whether to study business administration for one or two years at the local junior college, either in preparation for a job or for additional education at another college or university. A great deal of time and money may be wasted if a potential student attends the school that does not fulfill his needs. In view of the above, the purpose of this study is to make comparisons between the two types of schools in an effort to determine the type of school most suited for each student, and to pave the way for improvements in business education in that area. These facts will be helpful in planning the future curriculum and expansion of Odessa College and the possible establishment of a business school in connection with Odessa College.
A Study of the Retail Trading Area of Denton, Texas
"The purpose of this study is to find what information is available from secondary sources on retail trade areas and to assemble and analyze it so that the information will be of value to those interested in the economy of the area...the following general conclusions are drawn: 1. The Denton retail trade area is primarily agricultual. Indicators of this fact are so many and so definite that there is little doubt but that agriculture and the rural population of the area will affect, to a considerable extent all business activity. 2. In 1947, the Denton retail trade area was not highly industrialized. The trading center is not centrally located within the state of Texas, but several markets are a few miles away. A good supply of labor is available within the area. With the present trend toward decentralization of industry, these facts point toward an expansion of manufacturing in the trade area. 3. In 1948, retailing in the trade center and in the area as a whole indicates a strong retail trade center. 4. The fact that the retail trade center would be a good sampling area for companies introducing new products is indicated by the youth of the population of the center. 5. A good market for fashion goods is revealed by the large population of females in the area. 6. In 1948, wholesaling in the area had doubled in number and tripled its sales in the past ten years, and with the trend toward decentralization of industry the wholesale trade of the area should continue to increase."-- leaves 1,63.
The Past, Present, and Future of Income Bonds
Why has the once fallen star of income bonds started to rise after spending over seventy years below the financial horizon? Is it because income bonds provide many of the advantages of debt financing with the non-fixed payments feature of equity financing? Could it be caused by the high yields they carry considering the risk involved? Is it the result of the large tax savings created in many cases? All of these questions are important. Eighteen years ago income bonds were one of the least respected and most disliked types of securities that a company could issue. Today they have a limited but growing use and an ever increasing acceptance. This study is an attempt to determine and give reasons for the development and use of income bonds in the past, present, and future. It traces the development of income bonds, explains the advantages and disadvantages associated with them, and prognosticates about their future.
The Effect of Personality Characteristics on Information Selection, Utilization and Decision-Making
The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that of determining the role of personality in information acquisition and utilization during the decision-making process, by replicating the Schkade-Scarborough box design and the Kernan-Mojena chip design, using an expanded battery of psychological tests. This investigation seeks to accomplish the following objectives: (1) review and summarize the present literature which relates personality and binary decision behavior; (2) review and summarize the present literature which relates personality with information transmission and utilization; (3) administer the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (NMPI), the Gordon Personal Inventory (GPI), the Gordon Personal Profile (GPP), EAS j, and LA1S0 to a group of subjects who will also participate in both the box and the chip experimental designs; (4) replicate both the box and the chip experimental designs with a different set of subjects to test for consistency of findings; (5) perform canonical analysis on the box design, endeavoring to extend and refine the analysis of the data; and (6) compare the findings from the box and chip experimental designs, and identify areas for further research. The purpose of this study is twofold. The first is to replicate and test the research findings of Schkade-Scarborough and Kernan-Mojena, which suggested that there is a statistically significant relationship between decision performance, as defined by a set of decision performance metrics, and personality, as defined by a set of psychological test scales. The second purpose is to test the hypothesis that the same psychological scales which are significantly related to decision performance, as defined by the box performance metrics, are also related to decision performance, as defined by the chip performance metric.
Mexican Americans: An Economically Significant Ethnic Market Segment
The area of ethnic market segmentation has received little attention from practitioners or academicians of marketing since most minority groups immigrating to the United States have gradually assimilated the cultural norms and values, and thus the market behavior, of the American society as a whole. Preliminary investigation, however, indicates that Mexican Americans are an exception. To discover whether Mexican Americans represent a true ethnic market segment of economic significance, this study examines and analyzes several aspects. First, to determine whether Mexican Americans represent a true ethnic segment, the following aspects of their cultural norms, perceptions, and values are investigated: their distinct and unique identity, the continuity and consistency of their adoption and use, and the degree of their influence. Second, to determine whether Mexican Americans constitute an ethnic market segment, grocery shopping behavioral patterns are examined. Third, to ascertain whether Mexican Americans represent a substantial ethnic market segment in terms of the number of consumers and the amount of money spent, relevant demographic and socioeconomic characteristics are presented and analyzed. Fourth, the impact of an economically significant ethnic market segment on marketers and marketing institutions is assessed. Due to the nature of this study, emphasis is placed on the collection of primary data, which has been obtained through personal interviews with 115 consumer respondents and eighteen grocery store owners and managers. Secondary data, gathered from reports of the Bureau of the Census, various periodicals, journals, and books, are used to establish cultural, demographic, and socioeconomic trends.
A Study of Open Code Dating in Grocery Retailing in Dallas County
This study deals with "open code dating," the movement by grocery manufacturers and distributors toward dating perishable food packages in such a manner that consumers can readily determine product freshness or length of time on store shelves. The study explores the desirability and feasibility of open code dating, placing greatest importance upon the response of the consumer to the concept. It was found that consumers were aware of open code dating and generally strongly desired its universal adoption. Shoppers were also confused by open dating and failed to understand freshness dates properly. The strongest desire for open dating was found in shoppers at the upper end of the socio-economic scale. Grocery retailers expressed satisfaction with open coding, believing it an aid in stock rotation and customer satisfaction. Possible disadvantages, such as increased throwaway costs and large conversion costs, were not perceived as being significant. The businessmen favored widespread adoption of open code dating. On the basis of data from interviews with shoppers, it is concluded that consumers desire adoption of open code dating and do use this service. It is also concluded that adoption of open code dating would be an economically sound decision which would constitute a desirable marketing strategy.
Application of Stochastic Decision Models to Solid Waste Management
This research applies stochastic decision tree analytical techniques to a decision of the type a small community may face when choosing a solid waste disposal system from among several alternatives. Specifically targeted are those situations in which a community finds itself (1) lying at or near the boundary of a central planning area, (2) in a position to exercise one of several disposal options, and (3) has access to the data base on solid waste which has been systematically developed by a central planning agency. The options available may or may not be optimal in terms of total cost, either to the community or to adjacent communities which participate in centrally coordinated or jointly organized activities. The study suggests that stochastic simulation models, drawing upon a data base developed by central planning agencies in cases where local data are inadequate or not available, can be useful in evaluating disposal alternatives at the community level. Further, the decision tree can be usefully employed to communicate results of the analysis. Some important areas of further research on the small community disposal system selection problem are noted.
Comparative Advertising as Corporate Strategy: An Investigation of Key United States Industries
This study is designed to examine comparative advertising as a viable advertising strategy in today's competitive business environment. Frequency and use of comparisons by the selected key industries and advertising agencies are investigated. Analysis is conducted to determine similarities and differences between firms who elect or avoid comparative advertising. Based on an analysis of the findings, certain conclusions are presented. The industry leader is not likely to use comparative advertising in most industries. Firms that are fourth or smaller in market share are most likely to use comparisons. However, the smallest firms, in terms of dollar sales volume, are least likely to use comparative advertising.
A Comprehensive Competitive Advantage Construct: Its Theory and Operationalization
Competitive advantage (CA) is an intuitively evident concept which has been widely used in theoretical research in strategy. But CA's diffuse image and its dynamic nature make it a difficult concept to apply. The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive (or macro) CA construct capable of being applied in an empirical manner across a broad spectrum of business situations. This objective required both an adequate grounding of the CA concept within its nomological- net of theories and a new operationalization approach.
Development of Consumer Product Manufacturer's Liability Through Passage of Federal and State Legislation and Case Interpretation
This research examined the development of consumer product manufacturer's liability between 1890 and 1981. h large percentage of the manufacturers were involved in monopolies, suppression of free trade, price conspiracies, and fraudulent advertisments. Negligence in design and manufacture frequently resulted in defective products. Responsible writers exposed: dangerous foods; chemicals; insecticides; unethical manufacturing methods; and numerous injuries or deaths from defective consumer products. Three periods of organized consumerism, 1890-1917, 19271941; and 1962-1981, created congressional pressure for consumer-oriented legislation. Five presidents used the power of their offices to pressure congress to protect the public. The states adopted the federal Workmen's Compensation Law of 1908 to provide assistance for individuals who suffered job-related injuries or death. Additional consumer-oriented laws enabled injured workers to sue for damages through the courts. Organized women's clubs worked through industrial representatives and congress to correct flagrant manufacturing abuses and establish standards.
The Applicability of Conjoint Measurement to the Selection Process of Professional Sales Personnel
The study examines the potential of conjoint analysis to provide and apply quantitative data to situations previously limited to non-quantitative analysis within the selection process. Chapter I presents a brief introduction to the sales force selection process. A discussion of the importance of effective selection to the organization as well as an explanation of the objectives, methodology, research questions, and limitations complete the chapter. Chapter II provides a detailed description of the contemporary sales force selection process. The chapter explains the objective and subjective activities and techniques utilized by management in selection decisions. Chapter III describes the steps involved in conjoint analysis and the specific conjoint measurement technique employed in the study. The questionnaire employed and the source of data are described in Chapter IV. An analysis of the results of the research completes the chapter. Chapter V presents the summary, conclusions, and recommendations of the study.
An Evaluation of the Impact of Citizen Participation on the Goals for Dallas Program as Developed and Implemented by the City of Dallas, Texas
This study is designed to evaluate the impact of citizen participation in the Goals for Dallas program on the establishment and accomplishment of the goals. Also evaluated are the impact of community leaders on the program, the extent and degree of citizen participation, factors which encouraged and discouraged participation, the impact of local media, and the impact on citizen participants of participating. Twenty-five specific findings are presented, based on the compilation and analysis of inputs received from the citizens and community leaders. Among the most important of these are as follows. 1) The extent of participation on the part of those citizens who did participate in the program was significant. 2) Related to the total adult population of the city, the extent of total citizen participation was small. 3) The program as designed and implemented did have a substantial impact in assisting to overcome citizen apathy in the city. 4) The key items which tended to encourage citizen participation were publicity, civic duty, neighborhood meetings, and personal rewards. 5) The general factors which discouraged citizen participation were general suspicion of the program, general apathy, lack of publicity, and a general suspicion of government. 6) Citizen participation had a significant impact on the establishment of goals, and citizen action did modify 60 percent of the originally proposed goals and created twelve new goals. 7) Citizen participation did have some. Impact on the accomplishment of goals, but this impact was relatively small. 8) The citizenry by a substantial majority believes that a misunderstanding exists between the citizens and the leadership concerning the role of citizen involvement in this program. 9) The citizen participants in this program believe that participation in this effort increased their competency as citizens. Based on the analysis and interpretation of data, comments, and opinions gathered during this study, …
An Empirical Exploratory Audit Study of the Effectiveness of the Retail Buyer of Fashion Wearing Apparel in Meeting Constituent Markets' Wants and Needs
This study is designed as an exploratory empirical attempt to audit the effectiveness with which retail buyers select fashion wearing apparel that meets needs and wants of their constituent target markets. This study presents the retail buyer of fashion wearing apparel as the "gatekeeper" who controls the flow of apparel products through various "checkpoints" as these products move from producer to consumer, thus controlling product availability. This study has a three-fold purpose. The first is to determine if significant differences exist between retail buyers' selections (ratings) and constituent market selections (ratings) when given like; alternatives on manufacturing levels. The second is to determine whether differences exist between the extents to which department store retail buyers and specialty store retail buyers meet the needs and wants of their constituent markets. The third purpose is to determine if significant differences exist between sales performances of like and unlike retail buyer/consumer choices.
An Empirical Investigation into the Role of the Fundamental Economical Variables in the Determination of the Foreign Exchange Rates of Nine Countries, 1973-1978
This dissertation examines the role of the fundamental economic variables (price levels, interest rates, and income levels) in the determination of foreign exchange rates during the period 1973-1978. Purchasing power parity, the International Fisher Effect, and the relationship of exchange rates with income levels through the marginal propensity to import were integrated, as suggested by the literature, and a fairly reasonable specification of a model for exchange rate determination was measured. The results of speculation tests indicate destabilizing results for some currencies and stabilizing results for the others; the coefficient of expectation tests, however, lend support to the destabilizing hypothesis. The conclusion of the research, therefore, is that the exchange rates of the major industrial countries which are of prime importance to the international financier and investor, and to the student of international finance and trade, are primarily determined, not by the fundamental economic variables, but by speculative forces which are believed to be of a destabilizing nature.
A Description and Analysis of the Channels of Distribution in the Cotton Textile Industry of India
The channels of distribution of the Indian Cotton Textile Industry present an interesting problem of economic development in a mixed economy where private and public corporations cooperate to achieve national objectives. This study was designed to describe and analyze the channels of distribution of cotton textiles in India, to specify the shortcomings that exist in the present distribution system, and to make recommendations to improve the efficiency of cotton textile distribution in India. There are always problems involved in collecting primary and even secondary data from a developing country like India. Therefore, mainly a comprehensive library research was conducted pertaining to the Indian Cotton Textile Industry and its distribution system. The secondary sources were published government reports, documents, monographs, books, articles, and trade associations reports.
The Retail Distribution of Antique Furniture in the Dallas, Texas, Metropolitan Area: An Exploratory Study
The general purpose of the study was to determine, analyze, and evaluate the basic nature of the distribution processes involved in the marketing of antique furniture in Dallas, Texas. The study utilizes the marketing mix components as a framework for understanding the nature of the industry. Various aspects of the channels of distribution and physical distribution, the products themselves, pricing mechanisms, and the promotion methods, as well as the market itself and distribution problems, were examined. The primary data were gathered from 29 retail antiques dealers in the Dallas metropolitan area.
Combined Leverage and the Volatility of Stock Prices
Much has been written during the past decade to explain the relationship between financial and operating leverage and stock-price volatility. However, the relationship between combined leverage and stock-price volatility has yet to be fully explored. Mandelker and Rhee's (MR) recent study uses both operating and financial leverage in a regression (equivalent to the traditional total leverage—DTL) and shows that both types of leverage are positively associated with common stock betas. Huffman recently demonstrated that there are interactions between operating leverage and financial leverage. Therefore, MR's model could be oversimplified. This study examines the relationship between firms' combined leverage and their stock-price volatility. The study also examines industry and industry growth to see if the relationship is influenced by these factors. The question is whether DOCL is a better risk measure than DTL and whether there is an interaction between operating and financial leverage. The inferences that can be drawn from the study's results are as follows: (a) Stock risk is a function of combined leverage; (b) Industry significantly influences the relationship between stock risk and DOCL; (c) High growth increases the relationship between stock risk and DOCL; (d) Combined leverage (DOCL) is a better risk measure than total leverage (DTL). Further, the problem with the traditional total leverage measure is the omission of the interaction between DOL and DFL. This is consistent with Huffman's theory and suggests Mandelker and Rhee's model is oversimplified.
A Description and Analysis of the Channels of Distribution for Food Products in the State of Kuwait
This study is intended, first, to describe and analyze the channels of distribution for food products in the State of Kuwait, second, to pinpoint the problems that exist in the food-distribution system, and, third, to make specific recommendations for the alleviation of the problems. Consistent with the objectives of the study and based on the description and analysis of the food-distribution system in the country, it is concluded in the study that Kuwait depends on imports for virtually all of its food; the government plays a major role in the food-distribution system; and the majority of food wholesaling and retailing establishments are small, inefficient, and lack modern marketing and physical distribution techniques. Product shortages and rising food prices plague the food-distribution system in the country. Also, the findings indicate that consumers in Kuwait are generally ignorant and uninformed in the areas of food nutrition and food shopping, and the lack of standardization and grading of food products makes the shopping task of the consumer more difficult.
A Study of the Relationship Between Budget-Related Planning and Control Policies and Procedures and Firm Performance and Selected Firm Characteristics
The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to determine whether there is a significant degree of association between the extent of use or specific application of budget-related planning and control policies and procedures and firm performance, and (2) to determine whether there is a significant degree of association between the extent of use or specific application of budget-related planning and control policies and procedures and selected firm characteristics. This report concludes that manufacturing firms, when classified by performance, size, degree of capital intensiveness or degree of decentralization of decision-making, do differ with respect to budget practices. The relationship between firm performance or degree of capital intensiveness and budget practices, though, is not as extensive as the relationship between a firm's size or degree of decentralization and its budget practices. It was recommended that field studies be conducted to determine (1) why high performance firms were not more frequent users of budget procedures considered to be valuable and (2) why certain budget procedures considered valuable were not more frequently used by all firms.
An Analysis of the Utilization of the Materials Management Concept by Selected Public Utilities in Texas
Materials management is an integrative approach to control the flow of production materials. It has been successfully practiced by numerous manufacturing firms to decrease materials cost and improve the employment of scarce resources. The need for better utilization of resources is also prevalent in service sector industries. This dissertation focused on the public utilities industry and its practices in the materials management area. Major emphasis of this research was to (1) define the state-of-the-art of materials management within the gas and electric utilities in Texas, (2) determine its impact on the corporate structure, and (3) identify opportunities for materials management in the future of the Texas utilities industry.
Situational Self-Image: A Symbolic Interactionism Approach to Brand-Image/Self-Image Congruency
The situational self-image, which recognizes the affect of situational influences, particularly social roles, was the specific topic of investigation of this study. It has generally been hypothesized in marketing literature that consumers will purchase the brand with the image most congruent with the consumers' self-image. Symbolic Interactionism, a field of study in sociology, provides the theoretical foundations for the construct situational self-image. Realization of the relationship between the situational self-consciousness and involvement was also investigated.
An Analysis of Administrative Information-Handling Technologies and Strategies for Developing Integrated Office Systems in Texas-Based Public Corporations
Office operations are on the verge of a major technological transition. The current approach of continually adding newer and faster stand-alone office support devices has not solved long term administrative productivity problems. The transition will focus attention on a total integration of office technologies. This dissertation focused upon the key office technologies currently available in the marketplace and then concentrated on Texas-based public corporations1 use and desire for these tools. The major thrust of this research was to examine the relationship of a company's annual sales, industry type and geographic operation type with its present level of technological sophistication, strategies toward office systems and the optimum office configuration.
The Banker's Acceptance: An Examination and Analysis of the Instrument and Market
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine and analyze the banker's acceptance and the bankers' acceptance market. A banker's acceptance is a money market instrument used to finance the export, import, movement, and storage of goods; it begins as a trade draft, and it is termed accepted when a commercial bank guarantees payment. The banker's acceptance represents an historical evolution of the medieval bill of exchange. The banker's acceptance as we know it today first appeared in England in the 1820s. The birth of the banker's acceptance in the United States occurred with passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. A survey was made of the twenty largest U.S. commercial banks in order to determine certain perceived characteristics of the banker's acceptance and the bankers' acceptance market. As a result of the survey, a new money market instrument is suggested. The new money market instrument is to be called a Banker's Acceptance Participation Certificate.
Impact of Labor Union Representation Elections on Wages and Selected Employer-Employee Relations in Nonprofit Hospitals in Texas
This study concerns the general question, "What has been the impact of collective bargaining representation elections on nonprofit hospitals in Texas?" The means of answering this question involved a study of wages and attitudes of nonprofessional employees in both hospitals where such elections occurred and hospitals where no such elections had occurred in the State of Texas. An overview of the development of hospitals and the union movement in hospitals are presented as background information for this study. Further, a brief discourse on attitude development and attitude measurement is provided as theoretical foundational material. A researcher-constructed questionnaire was devised, tested, and administered to employees of the subject hospitals. There were 176 useable returns from employees where no union representation election occurred and 176 useable returns from employees where union representation elections occurred.
An Index of Interpersonal Communicative Competence and Its Relationship to Selected Supervisory Demographics, Self-Actualization and Leader Behavior in Organizations
The purpose of this study was basically twofold: 1) to develop an evaluative instrument to measure interpersonal communicative competence, and 2) to determine its relationship to three other supervisory variables—demographic characteristics, self-actualization, and leader behavior. Hypotheses testing, via the Pearson correlation coefficient, indicated the following relationships between interpersonal communicative competence (as measured by the IICC) and supervisory demographics, self-actualization (as measured by the POI), and leader behavior (as measured by the SBDQ): 1) The age of the supervisor was negatively related to the IICC at the .001 level of statistical significance. 2) Years of formal education was positively related to the IICC at the .001 level. 3) The sex of the supervisor (females scoring higher) was related to the IICC at the .01 level. 4) No significant relationship existed between years of supervisory experience and the IICC. 5) Six scales of the POI (I, Ex, Fr, S, A, C) were related to the IICC at the .001 level of statistical significance, one scale (Sy) at the .01 level and two scales (Tc, Sa) at the .05 level. Three scales (SAV, Sr, Nc) were not significantly related to the IICC. 6) No significant relationship existed between the IICC and the two dimensions of leader behavior—structure and consideration.
Retail Management Mix Strategies of Retail Grocery Establishments Belonging to a Retailer-Cooperative in the State of Texas
The purpose of this study was basically fivefold: 1) to examine the historical development and significance of the retail mix as a retail management concept; 2) to identify the nature and structure of the independent variables which make up a retail management mix; 3) to distinguish the nature and significance of each variable within the structure of the retail management mix; 4) to propose and develop an interrelated set of propositions in the form of a retail management mix for retail grocery establishments belonging to a retailer-cooperative in the state of Texas; and 5) to relate the retail management mix theory to dependent variables gross profit margin, net profit margin, gross profit return on inventory, and net profit return on inventory. The major thrust of this study was to propose and research a retail management mix theory for retail grocery establishments belonging to a retailer-cooperative in the state of Texas.
An Evaluation of an Integrated Didactic and Experimental Training Approach for the Interpersonal Skills of Sheltered Workshop Supervisors
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a three-day session using an integrated didactic and experiential approach for training in interpersonal skills for sheltered workshop supervisors.
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