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A Highly Fault-Tolerant Distributed Database System with Replicated Data
Because of the high cost and impracticality of a high connectivity network, most recent research in transaction processing has focused on a distributed replicated database system. In such a system, multiple copies of a data item are created and stored at several sites in the network, so that the system is able to tolerate more crash and communication failures and attain higher data availability. However, the multiple copies also introduce a global inconsistency problem, especially in a partitioned network. In this dissertation a tree quorum algorithm is proposed to solve this problem, imposing a logical tree structure along with dynamic system reconfiguration on all the copies of each data item. The proposed algorithm can be viewed as a dynamic voting technique which, with the help of an appropriate concurrency control algorithm, exhibits the major advantages of quorum-based replica control algorithms and of the available copies algorithm, so that a single copy is read for a read operation and a quorum of copies is written for a write operation. In addition, read and write quorums are computed dynamically and independently. As a result expensive read operations, like those that require several copies of a data item to be read in most quorum schemes, are eliminated. Furthermore, the message costs of read and write operations are reduced by the use of smaller quorum sizes. Quorum sizes can be reduced to a constant in a lightly loaded system, and log n in a failure-free network, as well as [n +1/2] in a partitioned network in a heavily loaded system. On average, our algorithm requires fewer messages than the best known tree quorum algorithm, while still maintaining the same upper bound on quorum size. One-copy serializability is guaranteed with higher data availability and highest degree of fault tolerance (up to n - 1 site …
A Multi-Time Scale Learning Mechanism for Neuromimic Processing
Learning and representing and reasoning about temporal relations, particularly causal relations, is a deep problem in artificial intelligence (AI). Learning such representations in the real world is complicated by the fact that phenomena are subject to multiple time scale influences and may operate with a strange attractor dynamic. This dissertation proposes a new computational learning mechanism, the adaptrode, which, used in a neuromimic processing architecture may help to solve some of these problems. The adaptrode is shown to emulate the dynamics of real biological synapses and represents a significant departure from the classical weighted input scheme of conventional artificial neural networks. Indeed the adaptrode is shown, by analysis of the deep structure of real synapses, to have a strong structural correspondence with the latter in terms of multi-time scale biophysical processes. Simulations of an adaptrode-based neuron and a small network of neurons are shown to have the same learning capabilities as invertebrate animals in classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is considered a fundamental learning task in animals. Furthermore, it is subject to temporal ordering constraints that fulfill the criteria of causal relations in natural systems. It may offer clues to the learning of causal relations and mechanisms for causal reasoning. The adaptrode is shown to solve an advanced problem in classical conditioning that addresses the problem of real world dynamics. A network is able to learn multiple, contrary associations that separate in time domains, that is a long-term memory can co-exist with a short-term contrary memory without destroying the former. This solves the problem of how to deal with meaningful transients while maintaining long-term memories. Possible applications of adaptrode-based neural networks are explored and suggestions for future research are made.
Recognition of Face Images
The focus of this dissertation is a methodology that enables computer systems to classify different up-front images of human faces as belonging to one of the individuals to which the system has been exposed previously. The images can present variance in size, location of the face, orientation, facial expressions, and overall illumination. The approach to the problem taken in this dissertation can be classified as analytic as the shapes of individual features of human faces are examined separately, as opposed to holistic approaches to face recognition. The outline of the features is used to construct signature functions. These functions are then magnitude-, period-, and phase-normalized to form a translation-, size-, and rotation-invariant representation of the features. Vectors of a limited number of the Fourier decomposition coefficients of these functions are taken to form the feature vectors representing the features in the corresponding vector space. With this approach no computation is necessary to enforce the translational, size, and rotational invariance at the stage of recognition thus reducing the problem of recognition to the k-dimensional clustering problem. A recognizer is specified that can reliably classify the vectors of the feature space into object classes. The recognizer made use of the following principle: a trial vector is classified into a class with the greatest number of closest vectors (in the sense of the Euclidean distance) among all vectors representing the same feature in the database of known individuals. A system based on this methodology is implemented and tried on a set of 50 pictures of 10 individuals (5 pictures per individual). The recognition rate is comparable to that of most recent results in the area of face recognition. The methodology presented in this dissertation is also applicable to any problem of pattern recognition where patterns can be represented as a collection of black …
Study of Parallel Algorithms Related to Subsequence Problems on the Sequent Multiprocessor System
The primary purpose of this work is to study, implement and analyze the performance of parallel algorithms related to subsequence problems. The problems include string to string correction problem, to determine the longest common subsequence problem and solving the sum-range-product, 1 —D pattern matching, longest non-decreasing (non-increasing) (LNS) and maximum positive subsequence (MPS) problems. The work also includes studying the techniques and issues involved in developing parallel applications. These algorithms are implemented on the Sequent Multiprocessor System. The subsequence problems have been defined, along with performance metrics that are utilized. The sequential and parallel algorithms have been summarized. The implementation issues which arise in the process of developing parallel applications have been identified and studied.
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