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open access

An Analysis of Relationships between Experiences in Correlated Courses in Art, Music, and Modern Dance, and Certain Behavioral Changes Related to Aesthetic Experience

Description: The present study was an attempt to discover what relationship exists between an arrangement of coordinated laboratory experiences in art, music, and modern dance at the college freshman level and the development of four factors related to aesthetic experience. These factors were: (1) aesthetic perception as measured by A Test Aesthetic Perception; (2) aesthetic attitude as measured by A Test of Aesthetic Attitude; (3) physiological responsiveness to perceptual stimuli as measured by the Galvan… more
Date: August 1962
Creator: Miles, James Baker, 1929-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Content Analysis of Superbowl XVI

Description: The purpose of this research was to describe the content of information surrounding a significant sporting event presented by sportswriters through the printed medium. The event chosen for analysis was Superbowl XVI. Three metropolitan newspapers were selected as the sample representatives of the urban style of sports reporting. Two of these newspapers were chosen because of their geographical representation of a participating team. The third selection was taken because of its large circulation… more
Date: August 1982
Creator: Kuykendall, Francis Marion
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Depression and Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

Description: Depression is an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Altered autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity, a common feature of depression, is also a risk factor for cardiac events in patients with CAD. Heart rate variability (HRV) reflects ANS activity, and reduced HRV predicts morbidity in cardiac populations. The purpose of this study was to determine whether differences in HRV exist between depressed and nondepressed patients with CA… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Saunders, Roger D. (Roger Dean)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Determination of the Vocational Opportunities for Commercial Graduates of the Smaller and Medium-Sized High Schools, Together with Suggestions for Changes in the Curricula of the High Schools for Lafayette County, Missouri

Description: The aim of this study was to suggest adjustments for the commercial curricula of Lafayette County and to determine the vocational opportunities for commercial graduates of the smaller and medium-sized high schools in a small section of central Missouri.
Date: August 1941
Creator: Donohew, Leo E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effect of Memory Requirement on Schema Learning

Description: A number of previous investigations have suggested that schema learning would be more readily facilitated by a recognition task than a reproduction task due to the increased memory requirement of the reproduction task. Differential memory requirements of 0, 4, 8, 16 and 32 seconds were imposed on 50 Ss in a recognition task to determine if increased memory requirements improved schema learning in the same mode as the reproduction task. The results indicated no significant improvement in schema … more
Date: May 1973
Creator: Buckner, Rose Laminack
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

In the Midst of Tears and Loud Voices, and Other Short Stories

Description: In the Midst of Tears and Loud Voices, and Other Short Stories consists of five short stories. The first story, in the Midst of Tears and Loud Voices, is set in the Missouri Ozarks and told by Becky Bricker about an odd aunt. The second story relates an aged man's transition experience in Belgrave Leaves New York. The third story, Dorcas and Deborah, is told by Deborah about her unusual relationship with Dorcas Weatherby. The next, story is a Southern "local color" piece about a single day, The… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Dean, Nancy D. (Nancy Diane)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Investigation of the Needs for Music-Related Content in the Bible College Pastoral Curriculum as Perceived by a Selected Group of Pastors

Description: The purpose of the study was to investigate the needs for music-related content in the Bible college pastoral curriculum as perceived by a selected group of pastors. The research problems were (1) to assess the extent of musical preparation of recent pastoral graduates from selected accredited Bible colleges in the United States, (2) to assess the music-related duties of those graduates in paid pastoral positions, (3) to assess the pastors' perceived needs for instructional preparation for the … more
Date: December 1987
Creator: Hui, Andrew
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Predictive Validity of the Retail Employment Inventory for the Selection of Over-the-Road Truck Drivers

Description: An independent pilot study suggested that the Retail Employment Inventory (REI) might be predictive of subjectively and objectively measured Over the Road (OTR) truck driver performance. The present validation study consisted of three parts. First, an examination of the relationship between REI scores and 11 objective, performance criteria revealed weak and non-significant correlations. Second, a comparison of subjective ratings and REI scores failed to replicate the findings of the pilot study… more
Date: May 1988
Creator: Nygren, Richard Edwin, 1964-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains

Description: Collections of stoneflies (Plecoptera) were made at 603 stream sites from Nov. 1983 - May 1988 in the Ozark-Ouachita Mountain region, in relation to physiographic and vegetational characteristics. Examination of approximately 9000 vials from these collections, supplemented with material from major museums and other collectors, revealed 88 stonefly species in 8 families and 24 genera. Pearson's measure of association (R) showed there was a significant association between species present and eac… more
Date: December 1989
Creator: Poulton, Barry C. (Barry Charles)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Toward Sustainable Community: Assessing Progress at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Description: Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, an intentional community of roughly 70 members in Northeastern Missouri, is working to create societal change through radical sustainable living practices and creation of a culture of eco-friendly and feminist norms. Members agree to abide by a set of ecological covenants and sustainability guidelines, committing to practices such as using only sustainably generated electricity, and no use or storage of personally owned vehicles on community property. Situated within … more
Date: August 2014
Creator: Jones, Kayla Brooke
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Validity of the Weighted Application Blank as a Predictor of Tenure in the Nursing Home Industry; A Test of Two Models

Description: The first purpose was to develop and validate a quantitative selection tool, the weighted application blank, tailored to the nursing home industry. The second purpose of this study was to determine whether data scaling and increased statistical rigor can reduce the frequency of type I and type II errors in the weighted application.
Date: May 1993
Creator: Kettlitz, Gary Russell
Partner: UNT Libraries
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