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open access

A Beginning Program of Vocational Guidance through the Commercial Department of Sweetwater High School

Description: The purpose of this thesis is to present a beginning program of vocational guidance through the commercial department of the small high school. Guidance, whether in the field of personality, education, health, financial, or occupational guidance, must be developed over a period of months and years. This study will deal only with the personnel, activities, and materials needed to introduce such a vocational guidance program.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Sivells, Leila Mae
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Contributions to the Texas Health Education Program Made by North Texas State College and Co-Operating Public Schools

Description: The problem undertaken in this study was that of making an investigation of the nature of the contributions of the North Texas State College and the co-operating public schools under its supervision to the Texas Health Education Program during the three-year period from December, 1946, to December, 1949.
Date: January 1952
Creator: Griffin, Billy Joe
Partner: UNT Libraries
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