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open access

An Analysis of the School News Appearing in Seven Navarro County Newspapers in so far as the News Pertains to Twelve School Districts

Description: The problem in this study is to determine and evaluate the practices of twelve small town schools in Navarro County in giving information about the schools to the people of the communities through the newspapers of the county.
Date: August 1940
Creator: Ross, Clyde H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Economic History of the Development of the Oil Industry in Southeast Texas

Description: The main body of this thesis is composed of four chapters: Chapter II is concerned with the development of the oil industry in Texas prior to the discovery of Spindletop; Chapter III deals with Spindletop; Chapter IV sets forth the later developments of the oil industry in Southeast Texas or Railroad Commission District No. 3; Chapter V is the concluding chapter, complete with summary, evaluation present status and future possibilities of the oil industry in Southeast Texas.
Date: January 1952
Creator: Kennedy, Emery L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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