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open access

A Comparative Study of the Environmental Influence Upon the Development of Fifty Fifth-Grade Pupils from the Reynolds School and Fifty Fifth-Grade Pupils from the Oliver School, Stamford, Texas

Description: The major purpose of this study is to reveal, by means of comparison, the extent to which environment has influenced the development of the fifth-grade pupils of the Reynolds and Oliver Schools of Stamford, Texas.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Martin, Audley Jones
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of the Equalization and the Foundation Program of Finance in the Schools of Jones County, Texas

Description: The problem of this study is to compare the effects of the Equalization Fund Program of 1948-1949 and the Foundation School Program of 1949-1950 upon the public schools in Jones County, Texas. The purpose of the investigation was to determine specifically the effects of the new financial plan as related to the three preceding phases of the educational program.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Martin, Samuel Dean
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Pupil Failures as they Exist in the Senior High School of Stamford, Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to determine the degree of pupil failure as it exists in the Senior High School, Stamford, Texas; (2) to consider the extent to which the "basic factors" of failure contribute to pupil failure in this school; and (3) to submit suggestions as to how pupil failure may be reduced to a minimum in the Stamford Senior High School.
Date: August 1947
Creator: Flemins, Mabel Bryan
Partner: UNT Libraries
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