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open access

"But a Mournful Remedy": Divorce in Two Texas Counties, 1841-1880

Description: Little scholarship has been dedicated to nineteenth-century Texas family life and no published scholarship to date has addressed the more specific topic of divorce. This study attempts to fill that gap in the historiography through a quantitative analysis of 373 divorce actions filed in Washington and Harrison Counties. The findings show a high degree of equity between men and women in court decisions granting divorces, and in property division and custody rulings. Texas women enjoyed a relativ… more
Date: May 1999
Creator: Pruitt, Francelle LeNaee
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Community Leadership and Economic Growth

Description: This study is concerned with discovering relationships between community power structures and economic growth. The economic growth in selected Northeast Texas counties and their major cities is compared with the power structures in each of these communities during the 1944 through 1968 period.
Date: December 1970
Creator: Jones, Hubert Kelly
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Development of the Motion Picture Program in South Marshall School, Marshall, Texas, and an Evaluation of Motion Pictures in Coordination with Third- and Sixth-Grade Social Studies

Description: The purpose of this study is to show the development of the motion picture program as a teaching aid in South Marshall School, Marshall, Texas, to determine the value of the motion pictures in the social-studies program, with special emphasis upon learning and retention of facts and general information at the third- and sixth-grade levels, and to induce all teachers of the faculty to use the motion picture as a tool for a happier and more meaningful learning experience for boys and girls.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Melton, Grady
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Ecological Study of the Pine Vole, Microtus Pinetorum, in Northeast Texas

Description: This study dealt with the life history and population dynamics of the pine vole, Microtus pinetorum. In the past there has been a void of ecological material concerning this small mammal in the southwestern region of its range. From November, 1969, through February, 1970, a survey was conducted in Marion County and Harrison County, Texas, to determine the most suitable habitat for an ecological study of Microtus pinetorum. A study was then initiated in March, 1970, and continued through March, … more
Date: August 1971
Creator: Greer, Roy E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Plan for Modernization of a Small Manufacturing Firm

Description: The purpose of this study was to analyze the operational equipment in current use at the Marshall Pottery Company and make a comparison of this equipment and modern, up-to-date equipment available and in use by other manufacturers. An attempt was made to formulate a long-range plan for developing and modernizing basic production processes and facilities at the Marshall Pottery Company.
Date: January 1960
Creator: Ellis, Samuel Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries
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