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open access

The 1948 States' Rights Democratic Movement in Texas

Description: The purpose of this paper is to examine, from a local perspective, the reaction of the southern conservative wing of the Democratic party to the liberal changes which occurred in that organization as a result of the transitional decades of the 1930s and 1940s. In particular, the study focuses on the growing sense of alienation and the eventual withdrawal of a handful of Texas Democrats from affiliation with the national body and their subsequent realignment with other dissident Dixie Democrats … more
Date: August 1979
Creator: Griffin, James P.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

1972 Presidential Campaign Investigation Based on Attitude Measurements of Candidate Images

Description: The relationship of attitude measurement with the political campaign process provides the problem area that this study considers. The purpose of this political communication study is to explore in detail and describe various "attitude" profiles of voters and resulting candidate "images" of the 1972 presidential election. These "attitudes" and "images" are determined through the use of three primary research instruments: the semantic differential scale, the Method of Ordered Alternatives, and t… more
Date: December 1973
Creator: Ricks, Dana Carol
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Ability Grouping in College Beginning Media Writing Classes

Description: The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that students of unequal writing ability are frequently placed in the same beginning media writing classes in college journalism. It is difficult for a teacher to be effective when the ability of the students ranges from those who cannot write clear complete sentences to others whose work already appears in newspapers and magazines. The purpose of this study is to determine whether students who are ability grouped into slow—average and a… more
Date: December 1987
Creator: Haber, Marian Wynne
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Abraham Lincoln and the American Romantic Writers: Embodiment and Perpetuation of an Ideal

Description: The American Romantic writers laid a broad foundation for the historic and heroic Abraham Lincoln who has evolved as our national myth. The writers were attracted to Lincoln by his eloquent expression of the body of ideals and beliefs they shared with him, especially the ideal of individual liberty and the belief that achievement of the ideal would bring about an amelioration of the human condition. The time, place and conditions in which they lived enhanced the attraction, and Lincoln's able l… more
Date: December 1992
Creator: Hicks, Mary G. (Mary Geraldine)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Academic Achievement and the Ability of Post-Secondary Students to Read Assigned Materials

Description: This study provides a rationale for adopting course materials. It demonstrates the relationship between ability to read assigned materials and academic achievement, and that selection of materials creates two groups having different probabilities of success. The sample was selected from a population of all students enrolled in Principles of Economics courses at North Texas State University in the spring semester of 1986. The Nelson-Denny Reading Test was used to determine reading ability. Assig… more
Date: August 1987
Creator: Cohick, Mikel William
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Academic Achievement: Examining the Impact of Community Type at a Small Liberal Arts College in Texas

Description: Hierarchical regression was used to determine if high school community type is an effective predictor of academic success when controlling for demographics, prior academic achievement, socioeconomic status, and current commitment or work habits for students entering Austin College in 1992,1993, and 1994 . Findings revealed that there is a relationship between attending high school in community types of rural and independent town controlling for the effects of SAT scores, high school rank, sex, … more
Date: August 1995
Creator: Rutherford, Janis Pruitt
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Academic, Behavioral, and Social Competency Characteristics of Non-Handicapped, Learning Disabled, and Emotionally/Behaviorally Disordered Adjudicated Juveniles

Description: The juvenile justice system is society's response to juvenile misconduct. In spite of numerous federal, state, and local programs, the problem of juvenile delinquency persists. An increasing number of juveniles are being taken into custody and placed in institutional settings. Although juvenile delinquents share a number of common general characteristics (e.g., sex, minority, lower socioeconomic status, a history of school failure), they are not a homogeneous group. Effective educational inter… more
Date: August 1990
Creator: Campbell, Robert E. (Robert Eugene)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Academic Qualification and Employability of Teacher Education Graduates

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine whether College of Education graduates who sought and secured employment as teachers differed on the academic variables of grade point average, student teaching evaluation, and professional recommendations from those who were not successful at securing such employment. A comprehensive review of related literature was conducted, focusing on three aspects of the employment situation: (1) teacher supply and demand, (2) the selection process, and (3) the r… more
Date: May 1981
Creator: Perry, Nancy Cummings
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Academic Steroid: Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants at a North Texas University

Description: The goal of this study was to determine the extent, motivations, and justifications of nonmedical prescription stimulant use among the population at a large public university in the North Texas region. Participants consisted of 526 undergraduate students enrolled at the studied university during the spring and summer 2014 semesters. The findings of the study suggest that the nonmedical use by students was higher than the findings in much of the current literature, but was within the parameters … more
Date: December 2014
Creator: Pennington, Cody W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Accelerated Degree Program Faculty: Motivation to Teach

Description: Adult educators are a growing part of American higher education. Because of their increasing prominence in adult education, it is essential to understand what roles these educators play and what motivates them to remain in the profession despite poor work prospects and conditions. Research to date, however, focuses primarily on the adult learner and not the adult educator. The purpose of this qualitative, multiple-case study was to explore the role and motivation for teaching of adult educato… more
Date: May 2016
Creator: Grishkevich, Hanna H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Accelerated EMG Biofeedback Relaxation Training and Tension Headache: The Effects of Home Practice and Headache Presence During Training

Description: This study investigated the value of headache presence during elecromyographic (EMG) feedback relaxation training and the contribution made by home relaxation practice in the elimination of tension headache. Eighteen participants, mainly coeds in their twenties, recorded headache and medication data for two baseline weeks, and were assigned to one of three training groups. Group A received EMG feedback training with headache presence during the session and home relaxation practice. Group B rece… more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Christianson, James D. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Access to Health Care and Rates of Mortality and Utilization for the Elderly in Rural America

Description: The aging experience of men and women in rural America is different than that of their urban counterparts. In this study, I identified key disparities in access to health care, mortality, and utilization of health care that result from geographic location. Foundational theories are discussed to illustrate that disparities can originate from historical societal behaviors. Secondary data and literary reviews create a combined qualitative and quantitative approach to explore the rural/urban divide… more
Date: May 2018
Creator: Johnson, Barbara Ann
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Accounting Instruction in Public Junior (Community) Colleges in the United States

Description: The focus of this study was the status of accounting instruction in public junior (community) colleges in the United States. The purposes were: (1) to make a survey and comparison of the accounting instruction which was being offered by the four types of post-secondary public institutions as listed in the Directory of Junior Colleges, (2) to determine the extent to which specially prepared materials were being utilized, (3) to determine the methods of instruction which were being utilized, and … more
Date: December 1974
Creator: Young, Ralph LeRoy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Accounting Releases of the United States Securities and Exchange Commision

Description: The purpose of this study is to examine the technical accounting statements of the Securities and Exchange Commission to determine the extent of agreement between them and the opinions of the leading authorities in the field of accounting and the extent to which the advanced accounting students at North Texas State Teachers College have mastered the principles expressed in the statements.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Duke, Charles Marcus
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Acculturation and Locus Of Control: Their Relationship to the Use of Inhalants

Description: This study analyzed the effects of acculturation, locus of control, and incidence of inhalant use on Mexican Americans. Information was collected from 275 subjects at three middle schools and one treatment center. The instrument consisted of Levenson's Locus of Control Scale, the Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans, and an incidence of use and family relationship questionnaire developed for this study. Statistical analysis indicated a relationship between acculturation and inhalant… more
Date: July 1989
Creator: Davis, Lynn Matthew
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Acculturation in African American College Women and Correlates of Eating Disorders

Description: Although eating disorders have been the focus of much research, the inclusion of minority populations has been minimal. A recent review of the literature by Dolan (1991) has found that eating disorders were most likely to be present in non-White women who were exposed to Western societies and cultures. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine personality, physical, and cultural correlates of bulimic symptomatology in a sample of African American college women. The Bulimia Test Revised (BU… more
Date: August 1996
Creator: Lester, Regan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Accuracy of Teacher Rating of Pupil Personality and Achievement as Compared with Standardized Test Scores

Description: This study has the following purpose: (1) to find the relationship between teacher rating of pupil personality and standardized test results; (2) to find the relationship between teacher rating of pupil achievement and standardized test results; and (3) to determine where more emphasis should be placed in order to better evaluate the child and his work.
Date: August 1941
Creator: Cottrell, Lucille
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Achievement of Student Development Tasks by Male College Scholarship Athletes and Non-Athletes: A Comparison

Description: The problem with which this study is concerned is to determine whether or not differences exist in the achievement of student development tasks by college student athletes and non-athletes. The investigation also tested for differences in the achievement of developmental tasks between athletes and non-athletes based on the variables of race (black or white), classification, and interpersonal behavior orientation. The sample was composed of 276 male students (201 non-athletes and 75 athletes) wh… more
Date: May 1985
Creator: Mills, Donald B. (Donald Bjorn)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Actinoplanes Philippinensis: Effect of Carbon Sources on Zoospore Production

Description: Actinomycetes are able to utilize a great variety of carbohydrates, like sugar. The particular kind of sugar and its concentration has decisive effect on the growth of microorganisms. The proper nutritional media aids also in the production of spores. Based on this generalization, that the growth and sporulation of microorganisms are greatly influenced by the nature and the concentration of carbohydrates, an attempt has been made to study Actinoplanes philippinensis with respect to this influ… more
Date: May 1968
Creator: White, Olivia
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Action Research Study of Community Building with Elementary Students in a Title I School

Description: “In what ways does teaching with folk arts inspired visual arts-based instruction enhance community building among elementary students in a Title I school?” was the primary research question in this study. Agreeing with past and present day research that the construct of community is vital to social and cultural capital, this research attempts to determine how the notion of community benefits both students and teachers in the elementary art classroom. Folk art was utilized because this genre… more
Date: May 2014
Creator: Dew, SaraBeth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Activities of Disaster Relief Organizations During the Permanent Housing Phase of Recovery: a Case Study Analysis

Description: This study investigates the recovery efforts provided for low income and ethnic minority populations by organizations during the permanent housing phase of recovery in Watsonville, California, following the Loma Prieta earthquake of October 17, 1989. The case study format is used to discover what activities were performed and why each organization chose to perform them. Dynes and Quarantelli's (1968) typology of organization is used to explain how and why established, expanding, extending and e… more
Date: August 1992
Creator: Ephraim, Melinda M. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Acts of Survival: the Plight and Prospects of Dallas Theatre

Description: A comprehensive investigation examines the decline and changes that have affected Dallas regional theatre development from the dream of Margo Jones in the 1940s to the proliferation of emerging theatres in 1993. Changing economic conditions, lack of audience support, and shortages of performance space have contributed to an exodus of Dallas actors and artists. Reviewed are measures to reverse this trend, including funding changes, awareness campaigns, improved inter-theatre cooperation, and gui… more
Date: December 1993
Creator: Leeman, Patricia Diane
Partner: UNT Libraries
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